Anyone else on a three year cut with zero results?

>Anyone else on a three year cut with zero results?

there are some stupid people here, but nobody stupid enough to do this

then you're not on a three year cut

>110 lbs in 6 months
granted, I almost died, still worth it

>b-but i'm hungry
never gonna make it

ive been trying to cut for years

i just hover around 15-20%

never getting under 15%

never maintaining 15%

just hovering around 15-20% give or take depending on the time of the year

i never stick to a cut or a bulk. i just end up getting sick of the diet part of lifting and end up just focusing on getting protein in and not looking at total calories.

Are you doing cardio as well or just diet

Lowest I went was 62 kg and my gut stayed

I've been lifting for 4 years now, not a single break in my lifting at all. 100% consistency. Daily cardio because I walk to the gym and back and I do other stuff like up-hill sprints.

I just eat too god damn much calories, exercise alone isn't enough to cut. You need to be extremely strict with total caloric intake. I have a really fucking huge appetite so I end up eating too much calories unless I am autistically tracking everything I consume.

>been trying to lose weight for years with bs methods
>find fit
>learn how to stop the bs and cut properly
>2014 hit lowest weight of adult life after dropping 120lbs
>2016 gained 100lbs even though I never stopped "cutting" but binging every week or two for a couple days

When I'm in depression I actively mentally block out anything to do with productivity and just comfort eat inhumane amounts of food. It's destroying my life but I don't want to start therapy/counselling/medication.

i dont do cardio, just weight lift 3 times a week

guess what, i am losing weight because i eat 1000 cals everyday.


I know the feel. Slowly regaining the weight I lost.

I know the things I should eat, I know how much I should. Yet I fail to execute.

>tfw gain weight on a "cut"

3 years? That would be retarded. I personally have been on a pretty bad plateau for the last 3 months, but i've found a way to get it back o track and am back to losing about 1 pound a week.

205 down from 255.

Well you must not be "cutting" properly. I go all out and eat/drink whatever the hell I want pretty much every other weekend and I do not gain weight. I will gain like 10 pounds of water weight from the salty ass foods but after a few days I am back to normal weight.

>1000 cals a day

good way to lose all your fucking muscle you retard

How do you even?

I've been on a one year cut and lost 140 lbs. Working on year two now.

op here

>i dont even lift anymore
>best dl attempt 585lb. couldnt get past the shins, quit lifting

Hardest part is keeping the weight off m8.

You eat a lot less food than you think you do over the course of a week.

Fat people

Skinny peolpe

Greatest fear in my life. I've worked so hard to lose 65 lbs, another 10-15 lbs and ill be really happy but the idea of gaining it back terrifies me. I think that alone should be enough motivation, at least i hope.

No, I know exactly how much food I eat over the course of a week. I am not really fat or skinny and I do not try to lose or gain weight. Either way if you really only binge a few days every week or 2 there is no way you would gain 100 pounds unless you are also still eating a lot when you are not on a binge.

>zero results

It happens fast bro.

I lost 14kg once and got a 6 pack. 90kg down to 76kg.

I was looking fucking aesthetic as fuck.

Then within like 10 months of going off that cut I ended up gaining back about 12kg. I was trying to maintain by just "eyeballing" my food intake...boy that didn't work well.

It's amazing how fucking easily the weight creep back on me though, it was stealthy as fuck. I honestly didn't really notice it untll I had regained 10kg back, because the weight I gained back didn't go exactly in the same place it came off, shit is fucking weird.

The fat version would fuck up the right version of him.
[spoiler]aesthetics over everything

You weren't "eyeballing" the food intake you fat fuck

You can keep a healthy weight by not going overboard autistic with it; regular people do this all the time and they still live unhealthy

You were gorging down food and are now blaming not counting calories, you stupid housewife

I'm definitely not cutting properly, I cut well, eating clean, for up to 4 weeks at a time, usually only 1 or 2 though, then I'll spend 3-4 days eating over 10,000kcal (I logged a binge once and it was 12,000kcal and I only stopped because I was shocked at the total) and easily undo the recent progress and more. But when I'm in these moods, I do know what I'm doing and how bad it is, but I push it to the back of my mind. Then when I come out of it, I am furious with myself for doing it, and I make all kinds of plans, convincing myself this time is different and this time I will do it, 2 weeks later, I've gained more weight.

Only thing I can say is never stop limiting your calories. When I was cutting the first time, it was so smooth, I would log my weight in a graph on excel, and other than at xmas, it was so perfectly smooth and declining. Then over time I allowed myself to cheat more and more often because I could lose the weight so easily if I wanted to, and it was "only a one off", 100lbs gained later I still convince myself I can easily lose it and this time is the last time I binge. hardgainers probably won't be able to understand this, but even if you ever decide to slowly bulk while lifting, limit yourself strictly.

There was a study published the other week about how people who lost a lot of weight were really hungry for a long time even when maintaining but they had all set a new normal after around a year, so that they could begin to naturally maintain their weight without controlling themselves so much. This gives me hope, but getting through that year of maintenance will probably be more difficult for me than cutting is.

The fuck do you know fag?
Fat people get used to eating what they do, the same way skinny people get used to eating very little. It takes a long time to adjust psychologically to maintaining a normal bodyweight. Your body urges you to eat more (or less) and "manning up" does fuck all.

hello 16 year old

what are you doing up so late, don't you know schools tomorrow?

oh well just make sure you type quietly or she'll wake up.

Why do you skele fags find it impossible that people can just gain fat easily by just eating with appetite?

I can understand that YOU as a SKELE can maintain a low bodyfat because you've spent your life adapting to that lifestyle and your appetite is in-line with that. So why can't you understand that someone who cuts down that stops tracking slowly gains weight back upto to their previous pre-cut weight?

I mean, how fucking narrow minded must you be.

I know big and lean guys at my gym who have trouble eating enough and they literally DROP weight in muscle and fat because they just can't keep up with the calories/protein they need. I don't blame them for not being able to keep eating. There's more to life than lifting/dieting you autistic faggot, hence why most people wont ever maintain what they actually want, the ones who do are either LUCKY in the fact their appetite and lifestyle matches up with their goal physique, or they autistically spend their entire life that revolves around maintaining their physique.

Today the 4th month of my cut is starting. I'm at around 10-11% BF, abs are showing, but are not defined yet.

I'm ready to kill myself if i didn't have only a few weeks left

his e.g. is literally 350 calories extra a day.

son if you eat 50 calories extra a day you'll gain 5 pounds by the end of the year.

100 extra a day is 10 pounds

150 is 15 pounds



it's very easy to gain weight.

I believe it, its honestly how I got so fat to begin with. I have always carried a little extra weight but my job kept me on my feet all day and I was at a weight I was happy with, not aesthetic but not bad either. Then I switched jobs, sitting a lot more and less time on my feet and then getting ready for a vacation I was like...holy shit, who is this fat fuck im looking at.

Thanks for the tips. Yeah, it might seem a little obsessive to some people but I plan on continued to weight myself at least twice a week (usually Sunday/Wed) so that I can monitor if my weight spikes or not, just to always keep myself aware of the direction i'm heading. It just was one of those things that seriously crept up on me.

you arent in a deficit then

You literally wrote a post explaining what I stated while not agreeing with me, dense moron

I don't think it's autistic to manage your calorie intake. It's just a simple sum and looking at the back of packages when you buy something you haven't eaten before. It takes like 30 minutes to one hour out of your week to manage your calories properly if you're experienced, and I'm including weighing yourself.

Considering how important diet is to physique, it's not really autistic to do.

> It's destroying my life but I don't want to start therapy/counselling/medication.
Never gonna make it. Just do it. Worst case scenario is things stay the same. People care, and people can help. You're just playing yourself if you have access to resources that can help you and you choose not to use them.

Get the help you need. Or don't. Whatever. I'm not your mother.

He is right though, whether you were used to eating a lot from being fat or not you still see and know that you are getting a shit load of food when you get it so you were not just off because you were "eyeballing" it. I was a fat ass for 30 years and I used to always make excuses and until you stop with the excuses you will not maintain a good weight.

I know man, I don't understand exactly why I don't get help. I have read that people who start medication get worse before they get better, and with the way I feel now, if I had no family that would be distraught with me killing myself, I probably already would have, so getting worse than this is very worrying to me. Plus it's the whole coming out thing, I've never admitted to anyone whilst not user that I have issues, it's how I imagine being a closet homo is except you're really not proud of it. I quit my job in Sept because I kept breaking down and have been living off savings, but they're going to dry up eventually, so I'll have to get help sooner or later.

Well I am far from skele, but anyway it is not hard to not over eat even if you still want to because you have a voracious appetite. Oh and it is also a lot easier to not buy and eat extra food to be fat compared to trying to buy and eat all the clean food needed to maintain a lot of muscle without eating shit. I was fat as fuck and I wish I would have stopped eating so much sooner just because of all the damn money I was wasting eating out.

My mum had depression and she hid it for six months. She saw someone, started taking meds, and is feeling, in her words, 200% better.

I broke up with my gf because her depression and self-hatred had gotten to the point where we never had sex because she was disgusted with herself and her body, and nothing I did or said could fix that. Breaking up with her was her fucking wake-up call. She's seen a psychologist, she's seeing a naturopath (that's the sort of girl she is - that being said, it's a naturopath that has a fucking three month waiting list for a $180, one and a half hour session, so she's doing SOMETHING right), and she's already doing a fucking million times better. I've been seeing her again recently - since I didn't break up with her because I disliked her, but because I couldn't deal with how much she hated herself and refused to get help - and it's like she's a different girl.

Each person is different, and what works for someone might not work for someone else. Maybe you will need meds. Maybe you won't. Maybe a naturopath will help. Maybe it's just mumbo-jumbo. I genuinely want you to get help, dude. I've seen too many people with depression fall into a wicked spiral of 'nobody cares, so I shouldn't get help, and I shouldn't get help because nobody cares'. Don't be that guy.

I don't know you, and you don't know me. Doesn't matter. Know that I'm backing you, dude. 100% for reals. You can do it.

Thanks for the kind words man, it means a lot. I'll get an appointment with my GP on Tuesday, bank holiday this weekend.

The first step, while usually the smallest, is also the hardest. It's funny how momentum works, even if it's something like this.

I believe in you, dude. I can't think of anything worse than not being able to feel happy about things like improving your lifts, dropping some weight, or even simpler things like chilling with mates or hitting snooze three times in a row before work.

I've never had depression, so I'm speaking from a woefully inadequate viewpoint. That being said, if you can find even one person who will take your mental health as seriously as a doctor takes your physical health, you're halfway home.

You'll make it. I fucking know you will. Because if you don't, you're a quitter. And quitters don't post here.

Who are you quoting?

Ex fatty here. It's really not. The hardest part is losing it and once you've gotten to the normal weight you know what being a fatso is like, so you don't fall back into it quickly. Before you reach that bodyweight tho, it's fosho dangerous.

As an ex fatty who donned the fedora of SS, I'll say it's hard once you get to around 20% bf and try to lose the last bit while maintaining strength. Nothing makes me hungrier than a big set of deadlifts. And, knowing that your body is turning at least some of it into muscle makes it easier to cheat.

I've had some success recently with high frequency, low volume strength training. I recover more easily and don't have those insane spikes in appetite, and that makes it easier to stay vigilant on calories.

okay fatass.

strange that i didnt lose any strength yet lost muscle.

just eat enough protein your fucktard and you can go as low as you want as long as you keep lifting heavy.