When have you "made it?"

Other urls found in this thread:

when you leave Veeky Forums and don't ever come back.

When I got these dubs

you mean these


I think you mean these





Fuck you I was just about to swoop in and get those dubs but my Veeky Forums crashed


This is now a get thread


i dont think so

with just a bit more of ass.... would be amazing


I have left dubs behind along with humanity, I have crossed over into the realm of


You'll never make it. Or rather, you shouldn't. If you tell yourself you've 'made it', you stop improving. You stop aiming higher. You stop reaching for what you WANT and settle with what you HAVE.

People on here say 'You'll never make it'. Good. I don't want to make it. 'Making it' implies I've achieved my goal and stopped trying. Fuck that noise. My goal is to be the best I can be. I hit a goal, I set a new one.


"Making it" is hitting your goals
Though make new ones you'll be complacent faggot.



jesus christ you fucking faggot tumors are the actual worst

maybe i can convince you... i have 7gb ...


>dubsman outdubsed by CIA
Was getting rekt part of your plan?


so close to another set of trips

this thread is now non-carcinogenic


dubs derailment distracting from the only correct answer that could ever have been given

ayy lmao

check em

Get mad, you failed abortion

very noice

more more more more more

breddy good



oh, don't misunderstand me.. I'd pound the shit out of her

brehs check out this one


You never really make it. The day you start lifting is the day you're forever small. The day you start making real money is the day you are forever hustlin'. The day you start seriously studying a subject is the day you stop knowing all the answers.

It's not so bad though. Even though you never quite make it, you do reach a point where you can look back and be proud of the past X number of years instead of disappointed.

Supposedly you reach a point where you can also look back at the bad years and laugh without embarrassment or retroactive shame but I'm sure as fuck not there yet.


Lemme show you how it's done.

You're trips are ok I suppose

ok, I take it back

If I get them, then everyone in this thread will lose all their gains over night

Get thread?

hold these

Kaizen. You've got the right idea user :D.

If Dubs, none of you will ever make it. In fact, you will loose all of your gains when you go to sleep.

This whole thread is an embarrassment, I'll show you dubs

Check em


When people start asking if you're natty or not.


frank yang is king of Veeky Forums

Are these dubs I see?

Sauce/more of girl in pic please


Give me dubs and no one gets hurt

I only have this 7

when you can do all of this:

sub 6 minute mile
sub 12 second 100m dash
full side and front splits
20 pull ups
500 lbs deadlift
315 lb bench
200 lb OP
405 lb squat
straddle L-sit to handstand

after this, there isn't a commercial gym in the world you can go to and not be in the upper 5% of strength and athleticism of the regulars there.

There, are you happy?

with three pairs? sure am

these TRIPS though...


>tfw I can do 4 of those
>tfw still in the top 5% at most gyms

Have I made it user?

step aside bois
