
don't hit on roasties and highschool suts

problem solved

How ironic

Or don't hit on taller girls unless you're prepared to be rejected

>Or don't hit on taller girls unless you're prepared to be rejected

Just remove the word taller.

What growing exercises do you recommend?
I've been doing grow grow grow (GGG) for three months and I think I'm ready for something more intense.

You have my M/28-30.

>itt insecure manlets and virgins who pick on them

Elliot Rodger was a fucking modern day hero.
>t.165cm indian living in the Netherlands

It's all bants no need to take it so seriously pajeet

i got nines,every color,shape and design

Leg extensions

I'm 6'4 and ever since high school short girls would look at their feet when passing me. I don't know what it is, I don't think I look like a rapist or anything.


And what's your point you frog posting autist?

My sister said that she (and most women) don't mind short men inherently, its just weird when they're shorter than you. She said in reality most girls don't mind shorter men, as long as they are their own height or at least an inch taller.

Being Indian is your problem not the height
Now poo in that loo pajeet

>Everything over 5'9" will get hit by a bullet

i posted no frogs dude,its a Nas song!


>mfw i'm 5'9''

Tbh most women dont care that much about height. Im a manlet and have been with taller women. My current long term girlfriend is about an inch or two taller than me. And she wears heels all the time which makes her look taller.

The people that asked her about my height were mostly guys. The girls that made fun of my height to her were girls i turned down.

Not to say there arent girls that make fun of short guys there are but they can be easily be put in their place with a comment about something they feel insecure about.

Hahahaha ha dude ur not just a manlet, you're a turbo manlet! And top of that, pic related!



You should fuck off back to your genetically inferior country then ;)


Fucking 10/10 kek

Are you sure you can reach up to the trigger?

my last bf was about the same height as me at 5'7, maybe an inch taller. I really didn't even notice until he pointed it out and started spewing insecurities about how "short" he was, THEN it became obvious to me. Short guys tend to have a lot of insecurities and it oozes through their pores- and the shorter they are the worse it gets. the ex from above had a half brother who was like 5'4-5'5 and nearly pushing 40- that mofo had insecurities to high heaven dear lord.
basically guys notice height more than girls and let their insecurities get the best of them. Mind you not all short guys are like this, but a lot are

How do you think we feel about you shitting up our countries? At least you don't have to look at yourself as you walk down the street.

>171 cm Viet living in Norway
I still see a lot of women shorter then me, but the competition is hard, yeah

Noticed that too. Do i wish i was taller? Sure for many reasons
>better genetics for my kids
>taller people on average are more successful
>taller people are picked first for things
>they can reach the top shelf

But I'm not so whatever. But when I joke about it my gf thinks its that im pointing out my insecurities when im not. Im just owning my situation. But that's actually the thing she dislikes about me the most. So i carry myself that it isnt a big deal and with a greater confidence.

Chicks dig the confidence.

you should gtfo yurop tbqfh m8s

>Chicks dig the confidence.
I honestly think this is bullshit
Doesnt matter how confident you are if you have nothing to offer her or nothing better than what she is currently getting
If you cant then youre not getting the girl

See this:
Get the fuck our, shitskins.

It's true though if you're in a relationship there is nothing which turns a women off more than insecurities

Well duh.
But statistically most guys are average genetics, and average with a fit body, good fashion, good skin (all things that can be achieved by browsing Veeky Forums ) and then the confidence to go with it is better than most other guys on the market.


It isnt bullshit.

If you carry yourself with confidence you can get almost any available girl. The question your bringing up is if you can keep her if you have no value.

>didn't even notice until he pointed it out
>started spewing insecurities

Protip. This is normal in a relationship. When you get really close to someone and they earn your trust, learn about THEIR insecurities etc etc.. Then you share with them. You feel like you finally have someone to share your insecurities with. You feel you can let your guard down, finally...

Unless of course you are a guy. You soon learn after a 'serious' relationship or too that only women can share their insecurities... If a man ever does then it's game over. Because by telling a woman the negative thing you think about yourself... you make her think the same things. Just by telling her what you feel about yourself.

Yes. Manlet here who is insecure about his height... GF of 3 years (5'1) told me how she feels bad about being so short etc etc etc. Tried to make her feel better by saying that I get similar feelings too sometimes when around taller friends (I'm 5'7). She seemed absolutely disgusted in me... Literally 2 days later she broke up with me. Told me she needs a strong, confident man who can help her feel good about herself. (I.E.. help her with her insecurities)


Gonna kill myself now.

>But statistically most guys are average genetics, and average with a fit body, good fashion, good skin (all things that can be achieved by browsing Veeky Forums ) and then the confidence to go with it is better than most other guys on the market.
Ill take your word for it
I havent noticed any change in my chances on the dating market after becoming all that

My point was only that you will most likely come off as a cocky asshole if youre not hot and act like you are or that girls want you
This is more of a turnoff than the opposite, although neither are good in any way

Theres a huge difference between confidence and being cocky

>If you carry yourself with confidence you can get almost any available girl
The most confident guy i know is a skinny dude who acts exactly like out of the redpill alpha guides and he is 100% certain every girl wants him
He hasnt gotten laid in forever, most girls just think he is creepy and weird
He isnt bad looking but rather average but his confidence is through the roof

Confidence =\= cocky.

Confidence is good posture, maintaing eye contact, holding a convo with no spilt spaghetti.

None of these can be seen as cocky.


That's delusion and cockiness.


Lel so proud of my fellow eurofags rising up to the shitskin invasion of our beautiful countries. You heard it fucking pajeet, just gtfo back to India.

Doubt it. And you must be swimming in a pool of betas.

He's probably a cocky asshole

>but they can be easily be put in their place with a comment about something they feel insecure about.

Matchups where the woman is taller are repulsive to me on a visceral level, but you clearly know how to play the game. Keep on keeping on, you disgusting subhuman manlet scum.

And these alone wont land you the girl, right?
I mean fuck, this has always been bugging me so i guess ill just ask
How does a conversation end up in her becoming your date/gf?
I mean i talk to girls all the time but i have never noticed this working in my favor
Anecdotal evidence sure but still

what girls feel insecure about so i can put in their place with a witty joke?

i have done it before but those jokes come from a really instinctual level so i would like to know some suggestions so i don't have to improvise everytime and using valuable brain power on those shit

I agree but i try to summarize the difference between confidence and cocky into these this:

Cocky is always acting or saying youre better than others

Confidence is only caring that youre better than your previous self.

"Hey, can I have your number?"

That's it you damn autist, lmao.

I disagree with this definition. Confidence is just having trust in yourself, but has nothing to do with your 'former self'. The border between cocky and confidence is thin and will with similar behaviour be interpreted differently in different situations or by different people. Cocky is when confidence becomes overconfidence or when appropriate confidence is more explicitly and often stated and it just becomes annoying.

Basically true. Women are not good people tbqh. I get sick of them after dating one for too long, they really are universally self centered. I don't know if it's genetic or from the fact that society only uses kid gloves on them so they never grow out of childhood.

You're assuming that if you're short you have absolutely nothing else to offer, which makes you retarded by default.

I can only speak from my experience.

The conversations need to lead to something. There is nothing wrong with stating your intentions. If you're interested in a girl let them know. If they like you right away youre fine. If they dont theyll say some bullshit about wanting to be friends. Answer to that? "I have enough friends. Im not interested in being friends." There is absolutely nothing wrong with saying this. Being clear with your intentions is necessary because women are never clear with theirs.

Depends on the girl. But there is always something on their body that they absolutely hate.

Could be belly, nose, smile, eyes, voice

Many things. My go to for non fit girls is saying something along the lines that how could anyone want someone who doesnt take care of themselves.

Pro-tip: find what they hate, and say you love it. Easy secks.

Real talk.

Fair enough. I believe its different for others and in the end its how you carry yourself regardless of what gets you there. Thats the simplest i can make it for people. If you're only concerned about being better than your former self then outside forces cant make you want to be in the rat race of who is better.

I look at it like working out. There will always be someone stronger. That's just the case. So instead of worrying about how many reps that fitbro is doing with that weight. Just focus on how many reps you can do vs what you can do previously. You will immediately carry yourself better.

>i love your hook nose
>"omg user fuck me!"

but those are the only girls hanging out at bars and on dating sites

am i supposed to do voluntary work or some shit to meet girls that arent sluts?

I didnt say that, i didnt bring height into question at all
I said you need something to offer the girl that she wants, whatever that is depends on the girl but its not confidence alone

You do speak truth and its a great way to be in general, always open and direct.
I have a simple rule, if i detect even the slightest bit of interest in a girl ill ask her out and so far my rule has gotten me two dates with one girl
its just so rare to find interest from a girl


Individuals under 5'11 BTFO

Vertrek terug naar indie dan kkr currynigger

"Ugh I hate my nose"

"Really? I love it, it's my favourite thing about you. It's so damn cute"

It's how you say it, user.

>mfw 181

6'3 is new manlet cutoff. BTFO yourself.

The more you do it the more girls will find interest in you. Also it is funny how women lose interest quickly so always ask them out when you notice that.

Not saying youre wrong. Its funny how women are this insecure though


feck off1

I know three 6'0 girls that dated guys 5'8-5'10. If you're shorter than most girls you're not a manlet, you're a midget familia

That's a hot tree

>184cm (6'03'')

>Lost my virginity to a mare

Yeah you're right for the most part but you can be confident and still be 'worse' than you used to be right ? Like a retired athlete as an extreme example.

We will see, i have sworn to break my one year dry spell within a year by improving overall
I have no hope that it will work but if youre still here you might see my story of epic fail

Why the fuck are you tripping you fucking faggot.

>All these little guys who will always feel like they've never experienced complete sexual satisfaction.

Kek same here... I was a horny fucking kid

It's too late now, motherfuckers. Deal with it and learn to live in peace with other races.

I wouldnt call that worse though. Of all that retired athlete accomplished he can now sit back and bask in it.

>sister is 5'8
>she had said to me in my preteens that she wouldn't recognise me as her little brother if I'm shorter than her
>don't want to disappoint her
>tfw grew to 6'1 by sheer will power

It isn't COMPLETE bullshit. The second part is true, but confidence can make her think you do have more to offer her

Girls are experts in sniffing out weakness and their walls of uninterest arent really easy to break through
The longer it takes you to break through her walls the more likely is it she will find a weakness and drop you

What.. if you were her 'big' brother that would have made sense but now I don't get it.
Also it would be really unlikely for healthy siblings to be shorter than their sister.

Age between the growths?

>women are experts
They are literally not this.

Tell us more about this sister.

Fuck off back to your country

What the fuck are you doing up there, N'Guyen?

5 years.

How are they not?
They might not be in many fields but when it comes to rejecting guys they could write the book

picking up a girl taller than you is one of the greatest feelings. Just have game bros

Gay guys reject men better.

Another thing men can do better than women

Can you specify the ages?

I think 13-18. Haven't grown much past 18.

guys guys guys

we all know about FACE, HEIGHT, FRAME, but nobody ever mentions game. You fags aren't even out trying. Fuck you all.

Fags know how to reject guys without hurting them, women are just physcotic sub-beings

Oh I'm definitely her "big" brother.
>look older than her
>taller than her by a head
>certified Big Guy (TM)
>wear glasses
>calmer mannerisms
People are always surprised when they learn that I'm younger.