You have ten seconds to explain why you don't sprint at least twice a week

You have ten seconds to explain why you don't sprint at least twice a week.

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Why would I? I already have the HEIGHT all the women like. My FACE is literally 10/10, and my FRAME is perfect.

Plus I don't care for running

because it makes my lungs feel bad

Because it's cold and wet as fuck right now. It's may first and my town got three inches of fucking snow. In May! I actually love sprinting in a masochistic fashion, but not so much that I'm going to risk frostbite or slipping on ice.

>implying distance runners have any muscle mass whatsoever


I lift instead

Not a sprinter. Wouldn't be able to recover. Squat twice a week. Heavy DL once a week, RDL once a week.

Five-star post.

I do sprint, but on a bike because I'm not poor

obey the traffic laws you fuck

Cause I don't use roids.

>Not a sprinter. Wouldn't be able to recover. Squat twice a week. Heavy DL once a week, RDL once a week.

You'd recover fine, you're just lazy. Do sprints after squats.

I actually do sprint, it's great. I also do 30 minute stair runs though. Gotta accumulate every type of fitness.


I do sprint.
Honestly works more muscles than you'd expect.

Well I'm in a wheelchair so yeah.............

I do sprints but on the treadmill, I cant fucking pace properly outside.

Cause it fucking sucks.
Cardio is for fags.

Hahaha nice excuse you lazy fuck

Op sprinting is boring and awful

but i do tho. twice a week after my squat day and my deadlift day. I use it to repace my assistance work.

I do sprints on an elliptical in a vain effort to save my joints.
HIIT is king.

>tfw this fucking faggot autist actually turned his pasta into a meme.

This is going to end up just like the manlet meme. It will be just a meme in the beginning until people actually start getting serious and HeightFaceFrameLets will start crying.

Because you lose muscle when you sprint, despite what your cherry picked image says

beta detected

>eating enough calories to accommodate higher level of activity
>somehow losing muscle

lel, idiots

So the difference between runners and sprinters is steroid use? Is that what you're trying to tell us?

>anyone who looks more ripped than my pathetic jogging ass is on steroids
Kill yourself

because even with all this muscle I'm still a fatty

Because guy on the left looks better, is preferred by more women, will live a longer and fuller life, and can probably do what the other guy is doing reasonably well while the guy on the right comes to Veeky Forums to ask a bunch of permabulking neckbeards whether 30 minutes is a good time for a 5k because he needs validation from strangers on the internet to soothe his nonexistent ego.

How do you sprint on a treadmill? Most around here only go up to like 5:00 miles, maybe 4:00 for the really good ones. That's 15 second 100m at best.

But I do. Uphill.

Does it actually make that much of a difference?

Genuine curiosity about how much sprinting will affect my gains vs some jogging (assuming I'm eating enough either or)

Calories burned come from energy expenditure. Your energy expenditure will vary by total distance obviously. It will also vary by intensity, but up to a point. Walking and very slow running both keep your HR low enough that energy expenditure is quite low. Once you're going at a pace where your body cannot clear lactic acid faster than it is produced (roughly half marathon race pace for most folks) your energy expenditure increases. When you get to an intensity where you're using maximum oxygen consumption (aka VO2max pace, which is somewhere between 5k and 10k pace for most) you use even more energy. And when you're going so fast that your energy expenditure is anaerobic, you use even more energy still. Let me know if any of that is unclear, I'm happy to clarify my terminology.

Wow, just re-read your post and realized I missed a big part of your question. You asked about gains, and obviously calories matter for that. Otherwise, sprinting increases test if I'm not mistaken, which will improve gains. Longer slower running doesn't affect test (or gains really unless you're failing to replace calories) unless you're depleting your glycogen stores which generates catabolism, but that won't happen unless you're doing long runs of an hour and a half or so or longer.

>Professional athletes/Olympians
>not on junk
their achievements are still incredible, but unironically saying that they dont use steroids or, at best an assload of dark grey area supps and drugs is just silly.

Read this

Basically: aerobic cardio is the devil. Anaerobic is the jesus

>that guy who read the sticky and thinks he is a fitness expert

Fuck off dyel

I run at tues and sprint on thu. Im getting too fatigued by sprints but it feels good anyway

What is cortisol?
What is nutrient partitioning?
What is you are talking out of your ass and don't know shit?

I've never actually read the sticky desu. And you're right, I don't even lift. I do run though, and I've had the opportunity to listen to lectures by a number of great running coaches and exercise physiologists (including Jack Daniels, who if you don't know the name, look up the book Daniels Running Formula).

If you disagree with anything I said, I'm happy to concede if you know something I don't and argue with you if we disagree. But is anything that I said objectively wrong?


Cortisol isn't produced from the type of running that guy is talking about. Don't be obtuse.
Nutritional partitioning has little to nothing to do with slower running vs. sprinting; I think you're just using a word you read on t-nation or something like that and hoping people who don't know what it means also don't know how to use the internet.

bru 95% of people here are hostile or trolls, dont know why you picked Veeky Forums out of all the places out there

You just like every other uneducated Veeky Forums shill don't understand what your body burns for energy first. It does not contrary to what you believe burn muscle first or else humans would naturally all be limp wristed faggots like yourself . The first thing your body looks for is sugars to burn for energy and if there is not enough sugars for your body to sustain the energy requirement your putting your body through then it will proceed to burn fats.
>TL;DR Unless you're ~10% body fat you have no reason not to run.

jokes on you i do it 3 times a week.

Muh genetics.

I see people ask questions about running, and a lot have bad/harmful information. Lots of foot pain related questions, and I used to work at a very successful running store before I got into grad school, so I like to share what I know.

>muh gfs name
babe get back to work you aren't off for 45 mins

I am a sprinter type :P

anyways the best way to get better at sprinting is racing your friends.

social anxiety.

What is this?

A genetic test thingo
You chop a finger or something off and send it to some company and they tell you the percentage chance you're ancestors had aids.
Or results to that effect.

you have only to repeat it until people believe it

Spoken like someone who has a 1rm of 315 on squats

No one squatting 500+ lbs naturally is doing sprints lol

sprinting is fun but in my experience its the most depressing exercise to lose performance in if you haven't kept up with your training.

I've recently started sprinting as an interval training program to improve my 5k times (looking to hit sub-18:00 one day). Is it just me or does anyone else get really pumped and fucking enraged when sprinting? Lifting, boxing a heavy bag, even wrestling doesn't get me as angry and ready to kill someone like sprinting does. It's glorious. I finally found my release valve