Fat hate thread

Fat hate thread





some OC on /cgl/
>someone actually believes this


well I dun goofed
hurr durr my friend has thyroid condishun and doesn't eat anything but can't lose weight!


Holy kek

..so she admits she does only 10 minutes of exercise a month?

Fat privilege is having four tits.



Yup. 4x40 = 10

not even a nigger would rape that

I'm about 50lbs overweight and I can run a 3 minute mile so it's not too unbelievable.

Gr8 b8 m8

did you write about it on tumblr yet?


I'm not overweight and I can run a 2 minute mile so that's not too unbelievable.

prefontane ran a mile in 4.00 seconds flat

>Be at Pittsburgh Marathon today (completed, see pic related--it's my finisher medal)
>Start at Corral C
>Finally get to take off 15 minutes after Corral A takes off
>Along mile 2: fatties walking along
>Find out: lots of fatties claimed higher paces so they could start sooner by being in Corral A and B
Do fatties have to literally lie about everything? If they were going to walk: fine. That's actually admirable to walk 13.1 or 26.2 miles. But don't fucking lie so you can start sooner.

Also, Maria Kang was there. She ran it in slightly over 5 hours. She BTFO fatties again.

It was on a 5% incline. He could have probably done it in 3.6 seconds of if it was flat

>4 minute mile
Yeah sure

I hope that's a joke. I don't even fucking know anymore

I'm 50 pounds underweight and I can run a 1 minute mile so it's not too unvelievable

Holy fucking shit I never realized women were that slow. I ran in highschool with a guy that could have beaten the fastest woman in the world?

Call guiness world records guys!

I'm about 50 pounds soaking wet and I can run a 3 minute mile so it's not too unbelievable.

>I run at 60 mph, guys! I get stopped by cops all the time for breaking the speed limit when I go run!

can someone post the OG 3 min mile landwhale post


close but not the one i was talking about.

The one i had in mind, someone did the math of a 300 lb person running a 3 minute mile

Fat guy here, why is it that people wont accept that it isnt healthy ?

You made a decision to be fat and thats fine if you lie with the consequences, but why the fuck are you trying to make everyone accept or worse, be attracted to something that isnt attractive or healthy ?

This is a great question. I want to think its from denial and child-hood traumatization. I can guarantee all of these fat-denialists were unfortunately raised on terrible diets with terrible eating habits. But that is entirely speculation.

Grow up fat, kids bully you. The bullying is traumatic. SJW's tell you they're just being bullied and bullying is not ok. This is misconstrued as 'its not me that has the problem its the bullies that have the problem.'

I remeber the one but dont have it
If its any help, its one where a guy calculated that her steps caused a force greater than the force of a bullet leaving a rifle

>This is a great question. I want to think its from denial and child-hood traumatization. I can guarantee all of these fat-denialists were unfortunately raised on terrible diets with terrible eating habits. But that is entirely speculation.

Cant agree, I am fat because I over ate while my parents tried to stop me if I am being honest.

I dont get what you are saying in the second paragraph though, bullying is bad regardless of someone being fat, as long as they mind their business I see no reason to bully them, and no I have never been bullied because of my weight.


I was thinking they're getting bullied because they're fat right? But then more idiots like the fat-denialists say its not because you're fat, its because they're bullies. And this is a complete removal of any responsibility. Now they are the victim. It isn't that they're fat, its that bullies are monsters.

Or something like that. Its just a theory.

Probably yes, but it doesn't make it ok to bully someone regardless of reasons, ASSUMING the person being bullied minds their own business, but the fault is on both ends ill say that.

appreciated and kek'd

Because being fat is a gross habit that's very physically easy to see. Mindless gluttony. It's gross to look at someone and know that they're stuffing themselves with terrible foods to the point where their body has to convert it all into excess fat. It's disgusting seeing someone not practicing such basic hygiene as to eat healthfully or for necessity. It's past food being a luxury, it's food being a way to distract yourself from boredom or because "you feel like it".

Yeah of course. I'm not defending the bullies. Just saying that it could be a possible way the fat-denial starts.

Its easy to look away, no ?

If they smell bad thats different, that has nothing to do with being fat but its because they have bad hygiene, I take baths everyday and I never smell, so..

being this fucking weak
either shes mentally weak as fuck to let others put her down like that
or she is actually ashamed of her fat rolls and just trying to pretend to be tough
on the upside that denial is fucking strong

Looking away doesn't do anything. Being arrogant doesn't solve problems. We're not hurting anyone here. This is better than harassing a landwhale on the street. Besides, there are plenty of fatties on these threads with the same exact mindset who are looking for inspiration.


Lol you can do whatever you want here and I dont and wont try and stop you, Im saying if someone is minding their own business irl, dont bully them, or do, I cant really stop you can I ?

And kudos for the people who are trying to lose weight, I know lost the juice quick.


I'm ~100lbs underweight and I can run a 1sec mile so that seems about right

Veeky Forums needs its own captchas.

all these waffles, ice cream and candy shit.
>select all the preoteins.


Bullying is rare. Most of it happens online, if any. I have never seen or experienced irl bullying of someone just because they're fat. Why are you on Veeky Forums anyways?

I have seen some but not much.

I like reading fat stories and fat hate threads, just to gage how bad I am.

This chick posted this "progression" pic on FB. I really wish I could have screencapped the comments.

>you don't need to lose any more weight
>most these girls would kill to be in the shape you're in

The way she worded too was perfect. It was so devoid of empathy towards fat girls. She was hitting all the right notes, "I can't believe I was this out of shape etc etc". Maybe I can find it actually.

>those ugly as tattoos

she should just kill herself and save people time and trouble

grats on the shiny medal you insecure faggot

Jesus man that girl on the right isnt even that fat yet looks horrible because 0 tits and ass, she basically looks like a kinda chubby dude

You should consider getting Veeky Forums, or at least dieting. This is your one try at life, it's useless spending it being a glutton. How much do you weigh/what's your height?

Tried it but couldnt find a reason to keep going so I stopped.

184 cm 135 kg.

>that girl on the right isnt even that fat

except she is fat

careful with that edge

Motivation is key. I used to be a fatty. Nothing crazy like a landwhale, but I was on a fast track to it getting out of hand. You just need to find motivation and you can really turn your life around.


this is fat hate, what u expect?
bet you's snacking reading this.

I am not a three year old so this "pep" talk does nothing to me, but thanks for reminding me of WoW, maybe ill pick it back up again.

There isnt a reason for me to lose weight + Im lazy, its just not worth it for me, thanks for your concern.

Do whatever you want over here, Im talking about irl bullying, if I dont want to see this I could look away, no ?

sadly, you are mistaken, but I am hungry so brb 1 mn ill get some shit to eat.

these girls are not fat. chubby if anything. and the girl on the right just doesn't have much titty so it makes her look chubbier than she actually is


the worst thing about people like these is knowing they're having family and people who care about them. what truly horrible feeling it must be to know your mother is a walking stroke, diabetes 2, a future alzheimer's patient or another just another cancer patient. why do they not care?

Yeah like i said shes kinda fat but not obese or anything, shed be good if she lost 10-20 pounds.

Its more the fact that shes build like a molten brick and dresses like that which triggers me.

a 4:12 mile for anyone is fucking ridiculous, let alone a high schooler. And what the fuck do you expect? Women are naturally physically inferior to Men

This is the saddest thing I've ever read in my entire life.

Girl on the right looks like she is sucking in her gut

>Fifth Elephant.jpg

I'm dead.

dude, you've been living to long with wales. shit warped your perception. 20 years ago those gals would have been harassed by people cracking elephant jokes all day. (seriously, it seems like the meaning of fat has shifted from obese people to super obese people, while normal is now the upper end of overweight.)

Fit is the only board on fourchan designed for people in motion and for those who want to better their lives. Staying a fates and stagnating liked a bitch is what's killing human resolve in the modern era. Get off your ass and change yourself.

I have a mental disorder where if I don't eat fuckloads of food I go insane, I work around it. You have no excuse.

Just set up a macro and maybe at least 10 minutes of exercise.
You gotta understand you have to earn your body.
The only thing you will earn is pic related


i gagged

Glad Im best at something I guess.

... I have an "excuse", I just dont want to, I dont expect anyone to accommodate it, but its my right.

first of all dubs checked

second of all, I dont mind dying early, my life consists of playing video games, studying, and going out with friends once or twice a week, not really the most exciting life and while I do enjoy it, ive milked most of it, if I die at 50 or 25 its basically the same.

I swear to god I am not baiting.

Pic related is me when I was at 115 KG, my best was 110 KG.

>20 years

Kek, are you 12? Societal standards dont change that easily. Yes there are more fat people but that has not altered the perception that much.

that is the fat chick equivalent of stepping on your tip toes as a manlet

>my best was 110 KG

your poor mom's vagina.

You don't even look ugly. You could have a shot at getting a girlfriend if you lost weight, old pic or not.

Do you have a profession or skill? I got a job after high school and I met my first boyfriend and second girlfriend there as well as generally increased motivation, this was when I started losing weight

You know you can still have a social life and eat your shitty foods in moderation.
Honestly you are worse than my 400lb cousin that is doing the chia seed diet. At least she is fucking trying.
We are trying to help you senpai. Tell ya what try to just fix your diet alone and when you want a faster and better progress lift.

>first boyfriend second girlfriend

fuck this gay earth

You won't amount to anything because you are lazy and fat.

That pic though.

Im muslim, girls are off bounds, Ive already said there is no reason for me to lose weight, Ive thought about a ton of reasons and none seem to hold water to me.

I finish highschool in 2 months and my current gpa is 3.8, Im planning on studying some form of physics, probably astro or aerospace engineering.

I get it, help someone who wants to be helped though.

Probably true, wont live enough for it to matter though so theres that.

I ran a one minute mile my first day at the gym. That's not too impressive desu senpai

>running top speed at all times

That's a bad field for people but good money and good reason to lift if you get a hands on position, you'd lose weight then.

I'm gonna go into military or keep doing what I'm doing, depends on coin toss.

I'm a lonely boy, I'm a lonely boy...
Still a virgin though. Fuck me, right?

There's tons of highschool guys that can run sub 4 minute miles

You are literally the worst. You are a failed mutation. I am disgusted.

>That's a bad field for people
Could you elaborate ?
What is it that you are currently doing ?

Why are you replying then ?

I've wanted to ride those things ever since I stopped fitting in the shopping cart. Can't fault her for that.

It'll make you happier.

I do dumb shit when I am happy, so Ill skip.

stop playing into his childish attention whoring.