Transformation general

Post your transformation guys.

This is my transformation, 94lb between the left pic and the right one.


From party loving fun and trustable girl to stupid blonde slut.

>on Veeky Forums

Made me post

>Elliot Rodger: The post

Good job, how's the loose skin if there is any?
Fat girls by far are the biggest whores. But you'd know that being a playa n that

Hahaha the insecurity on this board is unreal

It's ironic because you were insecure enough to reply to a troll

Hi thank you so much!

i dont have any lose skin but a few strechmarks on my inner thigh.. i use some cremes and they allready got lighter so they arent realy noticeable anymore, i think i was lucky.

Uhm, mean?
My personality hasnt changed, only my body.. my friends are the same, my activities are the same... only difference is that i dont eat shit anymore and visit the gym often.

Anymore transformation post guys? I am curious

>Hi thank you so much!
Well done and good luck on the future ect.

How much have your tits sagged if at all? Its hard to tell if you were bustier in that original pic, if so did you find anything helped perk them back up like any specific exercise?


Not realy, maybe because I worked out while losing fat it prevented them from sagging, I did bench press and dB butterfly for me chest mostly, 15-20 reps for 3 sets if that matters

This is awesome, great results, keep it up, you look hot!

Nice work!

Holy shit. Inner thigh stretch marks reporting in.
How do I fix them/make them less noticeable? I'm really self conscious about them. Girls don't comment on them but I know they notice
>btw I'm a dude

>Uhm, mean?
My personality hasnt changed, only my body.. my friends are the same, my activities are the same... only difference is that i dont eat shit anymore and visit the gym often.

Uh no. I can clearly tell you're self entitled, superfluous, narcissistic and a bitch.
All you want to do is fuck Chad so you sit on your ass all day starving yourself like a pathetic dumb bitch.
Real men work their asses off in the gym trying to look good and all you woymn have to do is starve yourself and inject your ass and tits with synthol.

You're a stupid bitch who ditched her friends and being nice and kind to just suck chads dick like an animal.

I'm a femanon and i'm hotter than you.

Just to let you know, you fat, rancid swine.




Noticed any passive aggression from other people? (people who either stayed fat or who you're suddenly more attractive then)

300+ to 200ish guy here, it made me realise who were friends and who liked having me around so they aren't the one who stands out most (in a bad way)

Also noticed that now that my source of insecurity is gone all I see now is other peoples insecurities

>more attractive then

I would bust all kinds of nuts in dat ass.

Relax Eliot the autism is flaring up


How long did it take to you to loose all that weight?

Well, you look like you went from someone I'd ignore, to someone who'd ignore me. You made it, well done, now get the fuck out and enjoy your life and stop hanging out with us miscreants.

topless pic with timestamp right now

Great progress. What do you look like without makeup? Any loose skin problems? How long on Hrt? im down 35kg and should hit 10%bf this month although I dont want to post progress until im done

I'd wager this is one of those fags that complains about not having a gf and complains about how "nice guys" don't get a gf.

Kill yourself.


I was the most ugly girl in my social circle i would say... all my girlfriends were eating good and doing sports allready, so they even pushed me to train harder and not to give up.

I only got positive feedback so far apart from like 5% of mean people who think i suddenly changed my whole existence only because i lost fat...

Im still realy insecure and dont know how to react if some guy approaches me.. i allways was the kind of girl no guy talked to.. i have to learn to addapt to this.

uhm thanks i guess

it took me 2 years, i went to the gym 4 days a week for 1 hour and was swimming a lot for cardio.. i ate at a 200-500 calorie deficit while doing that.

I would not ignore anyone based on how he looks, i mean i know how it was being unattractive.. i dont judge by how someone looks, if he can make me smile i wont ignore him :)

Another picture for reference


>Mfw when people actually believes thats OP.

This has already been posted on every single fucking social network in the world.

Jesus christ, user. You need to leave for a bit and calm down. OP made some cool progress and became qt. Chill.

Nice OP. You look great. I'm still working on mine, but my transformation photos are gonna have to wait until I kill my man-tits.

I dont social media :(

haha the Supreme Gentleman.

So do you really think you are hotter now that you lost 100 lbs and became a pencil? As a male with normal hormone levels who never cared for what society think is beautiful, NO!

Just let me tell you, there will be a time where a girl that has never cared for what she ate or how much calorie she took the other day is walking down the street near you, and you check for the male group over the corner and whooaaa?? They are looking at the fat girl's ass.

More fat=more estrogen baby, simple biology and evolution.

Can you be honest about the interest of males on you? It has decreased, hasn't it?

50 lbs of loss would be great to be honest but it is too late.

And please don't give me that "I don't do it for men." bullshit. You do it for men because you think this is the sexy now because of trends. If trends said girls with only one hand are sexier, you would still do it stupid cunt.

this is amazing, marry me

>it took me 2 years, i went to the gym 4 days a week for 1 hour and was swimming a lot for cardio.. i ate at a 200-500 calorie deficit while doing that.

something don't add up there...

but in any case i would smash your backdoor in with my raging noodle.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Girls like you are a blessing we're not worthy of.
Congrats on making it.

Uhm, i dont did it to become hot in the first place.
My doctor told me my bloods were realy bad, i had bad colesterol and my mom had a heart issue allready so he said if i dont change, i wont make it past 50 like that.

Sure my body changed, but the biggest difference is that i feel much better, i can breathe like never before, jump, run, do everything i want without thinking about it, its like a new life.

I cant marry my first bf, can i? :)

What do you mean?

Her actual instagram is @Molsinspire.
Stop feeding this obvious faker.

Seriously lads stop losing your shit just cause a "girl" posts something.

Post nudes m'lady

Yeah thats my IG so what? I did not post this here to get people following me i just wanted to create a transformation thread.

> (You)
>What do you mean?

that you didn't look like you had 250k calories to lose.

and that i would penetrate your bottom ring with mein gunterstumph.

awesome transformation. i would say that it looks like ur skinnier than u should be tho like ur body would look perfect if u started eating more and used those gym sessions to put on some weight instead of lose it. ud be a 10 in my book if u were a hardbodied thicc cutie

Thank you.
I am starting to eat more allready, im not on a deficit anymore, i just want to do it slowly because i am scared of falling into bad habbits.

I will definitly put on 5-10lb till the end of the year :)

I'd drag my balls through a mile of broken glass just to hear you fart through a walkietalkie bby

post something thats not a direct save > upload from instagram then you sperg

Hey um... Do you wanna be gf?


best transformation i ever seen on this board

did you fix posture tho?

Delusional high test faggot.

5-10 lbs of muscles pls, dont fall for the high test meme.

>tfw this is actually a dude and he is fooling all of us here while stroking his dick to all the attention he gets pretending to be a girl


>There's people who genuinely think that the girl in the picture is the same person posting pictures in this thread
The amount of autism on this board always amazes me

Praying this is pasta and that you dont actually think it

You're welcome m'lady.

*tips fedora

You got hot.


Do you get bitter about all the new attention.

When I got "hot" all these girls that ignored me all of a sudden were all over me all the time.

Made me feel a little sick and depressed that people are so superficial.

I don't understand other former fatties who feel this way.
We're pretty gross and it shows we don't have restraint and care for ourselves or are too dumb to figure out how to lose weight.

posture is 100x better but still nto the greatest. Only because I am still sitting down most of the time and slouch.

would you fuck me? I'd fuck me.

>dB butterfly

lol. I'm a PT, i'm renaming all the exercises to be cutesy wootsies. I think from a marketing standpoint women will love it.

Yeah I feel that, same for me, whenever I tried flirting you'd either get let down hard or soft, but always let down, then you lose weight and everyone wants a piece

It gets better the more you're exposed to it so whatever you do don't run away from the attention else you'll never learn how to deal with it, that was my mistake atleast

That and being bitter about the sudden change in attention I was getting but I got over that pretty quickly


Doing good.

But a question. What's with the hairless circles around your nipples? My nipples are where my chest hair is most lush...

I don't know. I've never been asked that.

Goddammit. This mystery will keep me awake tonight.

Admit it. You chain a tic around your nipple and let it graze on your chest hair.



Uh, isn't that PewDiePie's girlfriends on the right.

I can't wait to finish losing weight so I can post in these threads.
140 lbs down and...60 or something to go. I'm almost there.

For now, good going all of you! It's always great seeing these huge transformations.

>Admit it. You chain a tic around your nipple and let it graze on your chest hair.
Kek heartily.

This is so obviously a troll and everyone fell for it.

went from being a skinny twink to being marginally less of a skinny twink

lol, no i would know if that guy would be my bf, i am single and never had a bf.

Awesome work! keep it up, you allready look realy strong, you will look awesome the longer you keep doing it.

Thats what i try to do, it feels realy weird but it gets better. Somehow i feel like everyone just gets more superficial as soon as you start fitting into society's image of a attractive woman

Why the fuck would you know what his girlfriend looks like?!?!

Get the fuck out.

It think it's obviously a fat chick.

Why would a fat chick be here who isn't currently losing weight herself? It's probably a robot faglord that forgot to leave.


>he never visited /r9k/

just spend 2 minutes there and you either believe they are all trolling 24/7 which is unlikely or they are what it seems: beta fuccbois mad at woman because they are shit at getting laid

The same reason they do anything. Jelly.

Your arms are saggy :(
How tall are you

>never had a bf

well that's alright, cause I've never had a gf

u want to get funky girl?? btw i'm a chad

You can't be a Chad if you never had a gf

why do r9k folk even come here

>Girls don't comment on them but I know they notice

We don't
No one does
Jesus Christ Veeky Forums stop being so insecure no one is staring at your stretch marks
Real life isn't instagram, you don't have to look flawless, just be a real human bean

Not that user but nowadays I just cone here because I like being hostile towards you people

>they hate chads because chads get pussy and pussy is one of the things they will never achieve without paying for it
>Veeky Forums is the exit board, meaning most chads and future chads browse here thats why they come to to spread theire beta mindset and bring people down

Pls be in Florida

well, at least you're honest, I guess

There's no reason to be jelly when they're working towards looking good too.

Sexy feet post more pls

Honesty is a valuable trait for us robots

>There's no reason to be jelly IF they're working towards looking good too.

nice trip

TFW didn't take before pics. Now I'm looking better than I used to and no proof besides for myself, but that's all that counts anons.

Just because they're working towards it doesn't mean they ever will
It's all about the face and frame you know.

It's the gosh darn worst.
Girls have it so much worse than men when it comes to losing weight.
Our arms almost never recover and we can't put on muscle to bulk it out enough.
She still looks extremely cute, though, so it's no biggie.