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Health #370
Would i be able to see a change after 3 months of lifting?
What would you do?
I just bought this 6lb bag of shit
Never seen before edition
Domino's pizza Diet
Routine Rate
/fraud/ general
Blaha is losing it again
So user, why don't you have a fit boyfriend yet?
What kind of body/mode would one need to get with pic related?
Name my crew
Quick tip that will change your life (mindbody secret)
This guy is totally natty, right?
How many of u are actually roiding? Is this just a meme? And how to get save stuff in germany...
Whats up with this dark chocolate? whats so good about dark chocolate?
Food thread
Is stronglifts 5x5 a good routine if I'm a really skinny guy who wants to get bigger? Pic related it's me
Come on user, you've lost most your weight. Have some pizza
Hey Veeky Forums how is WORKING OUT going
Long shot and I know this isn't "health and fitness" anymore but I don't know where else to ask
Will lifting get me a beurette gf?
How bad is getting drunk everyday for gains...
Be unfit as fuck
/fraud/: Steroids Generally
Fuck the Veeky Forums lifestyle, I can't interact with people like I used anymore
Veeky Forums humor thread
Good Feels Thread
Day 1 of power cleans
General thoughts on Jason Genova and/or the Del Rey Misfits?
Do you have a Veeky Forums girlfriend?
What's stopping you from going vegan?
I know I'm a huge faggot for starting this thread...
Insecure things we do
I'm weak as shit. what can I do?
Has anyone else been watching Trump to learn how to be alpha?
What bodyfat percentage would you consider fat?
Did you see any stupid shit at the gym today Veeky Forums?
What are signs a person is suffering from a mental illness? Female to be specific
Don't forget to work your glutes
Gym story
Chunky protein shake
How have you improve yourself so far this year, Veeky Forums? What goals do you have for the summer?
Does lifting make up for being Indian?
KYS - Why am I alive still? (I should be dead)
My women is 95 kg. In last months she lost 10 kg...
Is it bad to eat sweet potato every day?
Are those traps and delts achievable natty?
Where do I get a girlfriend Veeky Forums? i know this question is beta as fuck...
Bench 225 for 5 reps
Recipe thread
How did getting fit change your life?
/plg/ powerlifting general
How to cure gayness
Hay Veeky Forums, I'm horribly obese (5'9, 300 pounds)...
Are there any fellow gypsies around here? Eastern Europe represent
High school senior here...
Accidentally slipped into a cheat day
Is there a bigger workout motivation than this?
Does this bullshit actually work? Anybody have any success with it?
Is PPL a meme routine...
/fph/ Fat People Hate
Do you shower at the gym Veeky Forums?
Female arms routine
Check out my home gym boys, am i missing anything important?
So my best friend went behind my back and told my gf about this girl I fucked with ONCE...
Born very attractive
Motivation Pics Thread
Mfw I don't know how to make gains
High test mexicans
Veeky Forums I weight 120 lbs, 5'7" and 22 years. How many calories should I go for bulking?
Intermittent Fasting?
Veeky Forums and Cardio
I just broke up with my escort GF
What are the biggest turnoffs for Veeky Forumsizens?
There are people on fit RIGHT NOW who pay hookers for sex
How do I get a gf like this
How long for ottermode from skelly if I workout 3 days a week
How much soda does the average Veeky Forumsizen consume?
Hotties on instagram/snapchat
Mfw women wear make up to the gym
Gym Bag Thread
Veeky Forums cologne
Is purging really that bad for a girl trying to get Veeky Forums or is it all just propaganda memes like with the...
Anyone else cringe when they think of all the ugos they fucked on their way to becoming fit?
Fat Hate Thread
Face it Veeky Forums. Only the face matters
Is anyone else into feminine body worship ?
Struggling to find motivation
I hate that my shoulders aren't wide
What are some filling cutting foods?
What's his routine?
Hey Veeky Forums, I've kind of come to the realization that I'm an incredibly boring person...
My mother told me today that she is starting to workout in home
Whats does Veeky Forums think of the buffdudes?
How tall were you when you were 17?
Why aren't you showing off in a mall, Veeky Forums?
/PLG/ + /OWG/
Who here /exam/ followed by lifting tomorrow?
ITT we pretend were Chad
Who else /darkchoco/ here? Two squares of 90% lindt has been my PWO snack for weeks now and i've been killing it...
Which of you fags are bad enough to do the Trump workout?
Cut and Build Muscle?
Sup Veeky Forums
If you are under 6 feet tall, you're fucked. You can never compete with the 6'3'' ottermode chads
Veeky Forums Music
Hey Veeky Forums! First time posting here
So, is there a specific feeling when you are burning fat?
That's it Veeky Forums, I'm giving up
Can you redpill me on Keto? I've been on it for about two weeks and I've lost some weight, but I feel a little groggy
Is he natty?
Fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness
Anyone here trying not to get too big because then your small dick will look smaller ?
Fat fucks
How to cure Acne?
LONGHAIR FAGS, how do you deal with squatting every session and having to tie your hair...
Grill here
Sverige fitness
Come to Veeky Forums a sad frog autist
PLG- Powerlifting General
Are you going to the gym today or are you going to church to capture spiritual gains?
How tall was Veeky Forums at 15?
What is with the HEIGHT, FACE, FRAME meme that's been pervading Veeky Forums?
What do you guys think of this guy?
What would you choose?
/routine general/
Is it worth it to even bother lifting with a hangover? I got a good 10 hour sleep but I'm still really hungover
What happens when you come off steroids
Lifting can't fix everything but it's a comfort
ITT: What we lift for
Injury thread
Sweets Thread
Veeky Forums humor
Meanwhile on Bizarro Veeky Forums
Anybody measure their daily calorie intake? Or do you just eat until you think you've had enough...
Bitchy female trainer
So, if I undertstood the sticky correctly, no matter what type of shit I eat...
Shilling on Veeky Forums
Mental Fitness
Do my arms look big to you Veeky Forums? Big, average, lean?
Estrogen in dairy products
Bodyfat estimation thread! ITT we try to help other anons to guess their bodyfat
What is your shame?
Be 100% honest with me Veeky Forums
Myprotein Impact Whey Flavor recommendation general
I'm not Veeky Forums, but I want to be
So for the past 4-5 months i've been training almost every day at the gym for at least an hour...
Tinder thread deleted
Homebrew Testosterone
Normalising Rogaine
3x8 or 5x5 for weight loss?
What's the worst Veeky Forums related injury you've ever had?
My girlfriend has been starving herself and working constantly ever since she found my porn
/britbong/ general
Made tinder profile under Chad
Anyone here experienced racism in gym Veeky Forums?
What exercises should I focus on to be able to have sex with my girl while carrying her in my arms...
High test is NOT for liberal pussies, it's for real men
Tfw bulking
Can someone skillful enough convert this picture...
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
GOAT lifting songs, les go
Be honest, would you give up all of your gains to look like them?
Fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness fitness
How bad is weed for gainz?
If you don't think this is the perfect female body, you have been brainwashed by obese SJWs
Is this natty?
Hey Veeky Forums.. I have a story to share ... it breaks my heart to think about it...
Tfw I'm still with humanity
Hey Veeky Forums. So, from lurking, it seems the very first step to losing weight is to drop soda...
Aright brehs
The great barbell conspiracy
Post your progress
5x5 vs 3x8 on accessories
Why would a Chad with superior HEIGHT FACE and FRAME choose dicks over chicks?
Canned salmon
Is there a worse feeling than being caught multiple times mirin qt3.14s on the squat rack?
Did getting Veeky Forums finally make your dad proud of you?
Tfw no bf
Will anti-depressants affect my gains? Specifically 20mg citalopram a day. I fap a lot less
How much time do you spend in the gym? How long is your workout usually?
Are most Veeky Forumsizens Bernie bros?
Continue cutting or bulk?
You hit the gym the hard and maintain a strict diet
Who wins?
Still eating meat
Two years later
Trap DOMS from heavy fucking farmers walks
First time at gym, can't do anything, can only bench about 60. Incredinly self conscious about manboobs...
/fraud/ general
Starting Strength
What do you put in your oatmeal? I'm cutting and only used vanilla pear protein powder so far
Just deadlifted my body weight
Whats Veeky Forumss preferred running shoe? I'm rocking these bad boys and they fucking suck
How to get my gf strong enough to do push-ups?
No Troll, The More Ripped I Get, The More I like Chubby Girls
Do you ever get protested for trying to be healthy?
/fht/ Fat Hate Thread: Fat Feminists Banning Sexy Ads Edition
Who here /ectomorph/ ?
Veeky Forums fap challenge
Why do all of the fat Middle Ages women coat themselves is perfume at the gym
/routine general/
How is this build for 7'2"? What would you do?
Calories in = calories out science bruh
Why are these two fucking meatheads only posting videos of themselves eating garbage junkfood these days...
Tfw your gym nemesis walks in
Klinefelters syndrome
Scooby is lurking this thread
Rich Piana
How do I go from left to right?
How to become high test?
Im a bit mad cos i wasted 3 months doing a 5x5 routine...
Zyzz Thread
User, help. I want to fuck grill in my gym, she is so hot, but i dont know how to talk with her. She seems pretty fit...
Hi, user, I can see you're getting Veeky Forums, haha :)
Okay Veeky Forums, can someone explain to me where the whole high carb/low fat diet came from...
Need some advice
Tfw only eat 800 calories and still can't lose weight
enter gym by using my PERFECT 20/20 VISION to perfectly grip the doorknob with my monster HANDS...
/plg/ - powerlifting general
Jeff Seid
What is the ideal body for combat sports (martial arts, boxing, kickboxing, etc) and what's the best way to achieve it?
ITT: Post routine
Is this a good workout to do as a neet girl?
Sleek vs Yoked, Waist, and Deadlifts
For whom do you lift, Veeky Forums??
Is it Ok to fap after workout?
That guy who wears tanktops at the gym
How will you claim revenge on those who underestimated you or made your life hell?
Why are my lower pecs not popping? I use the pec deck fly workouts and only my upper pecs show...
Jason bloho:
Is vaping bad for you?
People after size and aesthetics unironically take lifting advice from this guy
Is this achievable natty?
DIY genital treatment
Tinder tips - go
Meant to be shoulder day
Is Dolph Lundgren the most aesthetically perfect man to ever exist?
I'm thinking on using Jockstraps, never used one before...
Goal body thread
There are people on this board who unironically cant pause a 315 highbar squat
What's the most degenerate thing that you've had happen to you in the gym lockerroom or that you've seen in the gym...
How did you stop eating as a habit?
Autism stories
Losing muscle and protein
How the fuck do you do cardio when your legs are constantly blasted from deadlifts, squats and cleans?
That guy who does 5/3/1 even though he's a beginner
"Hi user, this is my dad"
Enter Gym
Why aren't you eating 100% dark chocolate Veeky Forums?
So how's your cardio going, Veeky Forums?
My shoulder width is 18.1 Inches. I am a 6 feet tall, 20 years old male
>tfw I turn 19 on May 19 and Im a virgin
Cbt thread
Tfw your jawline looks like this
I need this fetish to end now. I just want a sweet, lean, petite qt girlfriend...
Are there any cheap ways to get a lot of calories?
Be skelly
Find 50% protein pasta
Alright which one of you autists in Sydney is making this fake profile in tinder?
Joe jonas will never fuck you in your boi pucci while singing camp rock songs
Start going to the gym
Am I fat Veeky Forums ?
Who /quitcoffee/ here?
Tfw you can't fix this shit no matter how hard you try
Veeky Forums am I summer ready yet?
OK Im bored...
Has Veeky Forums always been "/r9k/ that lifts"?
Post things chads do
I dont plan to get married and have kids
Jaw thread general
Ight Veeky Forums I'm trying to join the Army with an OP40 contract, meaning I go to Ranger school...
What's the consensus on purging after an extremely bad binge?
What does Veeky Forums think of buffdudes?
/plg/ Powerlifting General
Tfw family friends son is a millionaire with his own businesses
He doesn't do Keto
Veeky Forums.. i fucked up
This year is powerlifting, last year was bodybuilder, next year is bodybuilding, this year is powerlifting...
If you could travel back in time, what advice would you give your 10 year old self?
I need to increase my monthly income by $60 to afford my gym membership. Kind of a weird amount...
/cutting/ general
Has lifting ever helped you attract men?
Favorite Oat Toppings?
Friday Night Feels
Check my diet Veeky Forums
When did you realize 95% of women are hoes?
Finally force myself to go to the gym despite extreme anxiety
What do you do on your rest days?
Do you tell people that you lift?
I miss you bro
You on the right
Eating "Clean" vs. Caloric Deficit
So user, do you have any hobbies?
How much do you weight?
TFW women are just like us
Forearms thread faggots
Can you build "grit" by building muscle? No phony tough guy shit. I'm talking true grit
Unsymmetric Strength thread
What is the worst race for bodybuilding?
"Oh you're doing low bar squats with 405lbs or as us weightlifters call it, Good Mornings with 180kg...
10000 Swings Challenge
How's coffee and whey together?
Veeky Forums diet at a gas station
Why is everyone on no fap/no porn
Your Genetics are Your Life
Hello Veeky Forums, future trap here
Just a little snack, doesn't count
My gym has banned the use of chalk. The bars have all lost texture...
Goal body thread
How do I start enjoying working out?
My only local gym is banning all free weights and now we can only use machines
/plg/ + /OWG/
The Chad Arguement
Who /BadTeeth/ here?
/real food/ general
Why strong women doing porn ?
So I've been on Reddit for about 7 years now. I'm a moderator on several popular boards, including /r/Veeky Forums...
Incline Bench
Militart Gains
Hello Veeky Forums
/Fag/ - Facial Aesthetics General
Veeky Forums Movies
How do I become MC Ride mode?
/owg/ happy lu edition
How can a girl boost her sex drive?
Veeky Forums and Jocks
Should i eat fruit while on a cut?
YOU read tonnes of books in the hopes that your erudition will impress girls...
Am I genetically fucked ?
DYEL cringe thread, Gamespot forums discusses bench press vs. pushups edition
Be honest, has lifting helped you get girls?
Getting fit in 6 weeks
Is pic-related bad for you...
/Fraud/ General
No goal body thread? It's like we don't even want to make it
Is my gf hot?
Do you think this girl lifts? Do you think this girl counts calories...
This is the face
What do you wear while working out, Veeky Forums?
Why is it so difficult to admit that you lift because reasons similar to pic related?
Post what you're having for lunch/dinner, whether you're bulking/cutting and macros
I was mirin hard during this scene
Subway grill smiled at me
I'm done being fat
500 calories deficit for 10 days dont lose any weight
Be dyel
Daily reminder to feel your balls for any abnormal lumps or bumps
Spartans killed all babies who would be 5'11 and under, alongside the retarded and deformed babies
Walk into gym
Gluten intolerance
Lifting existential crisis
Fat people hate thread
Dieting - muffin top
Hydration question
How do I survive this? What can I do to keep in shape?
Perfect body for me, big thick build
CBT Genetics edition. Height, Frame, Face
Dubs has to recreate this pic
"How to be a Hot girl"
My arm is generally growing but the area close to my hand is still small as shit
What's an Ideal weight for a 5'10 Male ? Tell me how long I have to stay cutting m8s
How would you modify the Texas Method for powerlifting?
False god
Tell Veeky Forums how you fucked up today
What steroids cycle would you use if you were an MMA fighter?
Questions not worth their own thread
I'm a fat Manlet who can barely squat 80kg for 8 reps after nearly 4 straight years lifting...
Tfw shes out partying tonight for cinco de gayo
An all egg diet. I'm a poorfag but have an affordable source for a fuck ton of eggs...
EDM to lift to
Is cycling a better alternative to running? what are the pros/cons of cycling over running?
How do i go Glenn Danzig mode?
Are chiropractors legit?
You will never lift with your dad
Scooby Trump
Itt autistic Veeky Forums things you do
Wow user you are so fit, can you do my boyfriend a favor and teach Chad and I how to lift...
If he's buff, he must be stupid
Compression Shorts/Tights
Bros...Started a 1200 cal diet couple weeks ago and last time I pooped was last Sunday. It's been 4 days...
Fitness Truths You Don't Want To Hear
He finally came clean about his past
How many fort mac refugees currently browsing fit?
Is There A Guide To Improve Overall Aesthetics?
There it is
If I weigh 200 lbs and I can do pushups with 100 lbs on my back, how much can I bench?
What are some good alternatives to water that don't have too much sugar or empty carbs?
How to act on tinder dates? While I look good on the outside I still act like an autistic child. What to do?
It's Cinco de Mayo, Veeky Forums. Why are you sitting in your room alone? You should be out at the bars...
That guy who wears a shirt with a motivational quote on it
Gym shoes
Feeling pretty down about being a manlet no matter how fit I am guys
I'm 6'0 and weigh 230 pounds. I'm trying to lose weight over the summer
Tfw at bar alone waiting for a girl to approach me
Arnold and Son Working Out
Do women care if your hair is curly
Do you have a hobby that "conflicts" with your Veeky Forumsness...
Cardio Preferences
Progress thread? Progress thread
Trap Mode Query
The look the receptionist gives you when you turn up to the gym at 6am on a saturday morning
How do I get the EternalEnvy build?
/Fraud/ General
/routine general/
This guy slaps your ass in the gym lockerroom
Is it beta to gossip as a male?
I've never had sex. Are these spots on my sack a disease?
Have you ever thought about getting plastic surgery and acquiring ultimate facial aesthetics?
Mirin stories thread
Thinking of getting fit over the summer, what can I do if I don't have equipment and can't go to the gym...
Veeky Forums Advice: What To Work
What's your take on these delicious little motherfuckers, Veeky Forums?
What exercises do I need to do if I want a skinny body like pic related?
Send qt3.14 "hey let's watch some movie tomorrow"
Plg powerlifting and OWG weightlifting
Who /ready for summer/ here?
/oats recipes/
How do I put on mass in these areas? It's all bony and shit...
How does one actually get a bf?
What does getting touched by another human feel like?
Veeky Forums thinks this is fat and unattractive
600 pound deadlift
Tow Truck Driver Leaves Woman With """"""""""""Disabilities"""""""""""""" On Side Of Highway Because She Supports...
Who /finals/ here?
Tfw drinking 12-15 beer everyday
Should i just end it already?
So what's Veeky Forums view on honey?
Is doing 4x9 the same as doing 3x12? Wouldnt it be the same amount of work, just less intense sets...
Okay, I realised its time to stop looking shitty. I am pretty much skinnyfat, and I also got wide pelvis...
Gym is closed for polls
Help Me Plz
Ask Scooby Anything
Serious question, Boxing or MMA, Veeky Forums?
/good feels general/
Good lower body for girls
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
/fraud/ general
How do I cure leaning forward/hips rising too fast on squat? As soon as I get up near 80kg it gets bad...
I am so confused
Why are young niggas always looking so lean??
Why are you not doing light cycles, Veeky Forums?
What are some Veeky Forums approved drinks?
Tfw gf is on her period and moody as fuck
Are they right?
My little 15yo brother just started going to the gym and has no idea what to do
Why lift when it's all about the muzzle velocity?
Fit girls thread
How to become like this?
Tfw too big to do a good karkat cosplay
New fat story/hate thread
How many pullups/chinups can you guys perform?
Do girls exist who don't care about penis size?
Why do girls at the gym always fucking do this retarded exercise???
/plg/ powerlifting general
Are women with angular jaws considered masculine?
Why lift when it's all about the torso?
Tfw deadlifted 95kg for 3 reps yesterday, looking at 2 plates soon
How would Aragorn train? He's always said to be strong, athletic, and an exceptional warrior
"Protein shakes?! Nah bro, I want to get big naturally"
That guy who drinks water between every set
Will Losing Weight Make You Happy ?
Tfw fell for the cutting meme
Learning to cut and become non-fatass
Tfw the treadmills at my gym have a one hour limit
This guy is unreal
Say my name
This natty ?
Of all the superheroes, Antman has the FACE FRAME HEIGHT
I did a single pullup today for the first time
Fedora Thread
This is the body women want
What piece of advice would you have given yourself when you first started out lifting?
Implying this isn't the best smoke on the market
How to remove stretch marks?
Just a friendly reminder to re-rack your weights
Fit problems
no matter how much i lift i will always be black
"sensible cycle" = mens physique
Veeky Forums humor
CHAD is LITERALLY eating PIZZA right now while YOU hit the GYM HARD
Be honest, Veeky Forums, do you use the pussy pad? I let my gf use it, but I don't
How hygienic are you?
Fat hate
I got a delivery today
Why do normies act like this shit is even that difficult...
Ugly guy or ugly girl
Mfw only 5'10
/military/ here. Looking to switch into Spec Ops. Any recommended pro hormones?
Gym stories thread?
Motivational picture thread. Dump em if you got em
At 5'10, what should your stats be before you start to look really good?
Is having a small penis even a bad thing...
So this guy is a vegan and he's bigger than you, Veeky Forums
Hey fit/ I just started using anti depressants today. Like 5 mg of etizolam (lexapro). Been sitting on them for weeks...
The ants came back
Post Your Height, Weight, and Caloric Intake
Push-up Thread
Tfw it's leg day
"Hey, kids, let's get a nice photo together"
Hey Veeky Forums
What are you eating tonight Veeky Forums?
Is this the natty limit?
How /fit do I need to be to get a gf like this?
Perfect bodies
Holy shit, guess who i saw today outside my local Costco? hes a pretty big guy and still looks young as shit in person
Post your current stats 1/2/3/4
Does it matter what protein supplement I get
Veeky Forums what kind of jock do you wear?
Veeky Forums pls help me understand this logic
Bench Press 1RM / Bench Press General
Pretty much every fat person I've ever encountered has been a liberal...
Who here /nofap/?
MAKING IT general
This is the body women want
Have ever tried biting of your callus but your teeth wont reach mine is starting to get itchy
Are you man enough to decide right now to take cold showers for the rest of your life...
>he doesn't use ASMR
This is basically my end goal and what I want to end up looking like...
How to Mel gibson?
Does anybody else here like to smoke before a lift? I love it, not only am I stronger, my form is better...
Family height
Skyr (Icelandic pronunciation: [ˈscJːr̥]) (pronounced "skeer") is an Icelandic cultured dairy product...
What do you think is more immoral? killing two 100 lb people or killing 1 big fat 300 lb person?
Is it possible to make gains without working out legs and deadlift ?
What can we do?
What's the best beginner workout for strength/aesthetics? I have read the sticky...
Who /summerbulk/ here?
Anyone else tired of see guys wearing these stupid "tank tops"
This is my goal Veeky Forums, r8, h8 and b8
Would you date a chubbo?
Tfw CHAD eats PIZZA whilst you spend HOURS at the GYM
Rich covering his ass
Anyone else think fit girls are really gross
Do you live up to your father?
Who /longhair/ here?
Why do my shitty coworkers want me to eat pizza with them at work every thursday...
Workout Songs
How often do you drink sodas, Veeky Forums? Diet, regular, etc
How do Chads know when I'm at the gym so they can start eating pizza?
Compulsive eating in women
I need to do 20 chin ups. Got 2 months. Im on 6 now. What routine do you suggest?
Abs general
Lower back injury
Is it a meme? What's your experience with it?
Tfw pretty sure she wants me to get her pregnant
Why aren't you eating more beans Veeky Forums?
/wallpaper general/: Veeky Forums edition
The face you make when someone in way worse shape than you give you fitness advice
My girlfriend smokes weed everyday, usually in the night when she unwinds...
Lifting day today
Tfw gave up friendship because I'm became to alpha
Hey guys I'm still in love with my ex who left me because she said I was "too woman like"
Veeky Forums says that video game players are weak
AMA- Anabolic Steroids
Could I get any examples of balding guys actually LOOKING BETTER by shaving/trimming their hair? I mean regular men...
Sup Veeky Forums, fat guy here, 5'10 300 lbs...
How can people bring themselves to eat junk food?
Let's say a manlet can bench his own weight. If an actual human benches the same amount, are they both equally strong...
Daily reminder to do your ki/chakra training Veeky Forums
I come to you from Japan the first stop on the train to snapcity
Is it true that the pendulum swings in favour of men when they reach their late 20s/30s...
/testosteron-health/ general
You can do it Veeky Forums
First day lifting on keto
Fat Hate 4eva!!!
Logging programs
Tfw want to lift
Convince me to start eating cottage cheese, Veeky Forums
That one dude at the gym with the ironic beard and undercut
ITT: Kryptonite
Becoming a man
In this thread we post pictures of things that normies think is fit and healthy
Literally meth is easier to buy in Australia than Ephedrine. It's a fucked up place...
Blood donation
Hey fit, i need some advice
BF% thread
Do I have gyno?
Poor beginner here. the biggest problem i have is $ for food...
Why do you lift bros? Feels warning
Okay, what the fuck is with olympic lifting? People look like absolute idiots doing it...
Quit smoking
How often do you think about her?
You wake up to find this guy making breakfast after a night with your dad, what do you do?
Did lifting make you stop wanting to kill yourself?
Reminder that if you do this, you deserve to be kicked out of the gym
CBT: cardio errday edition
So she went from high test to what ? Is this literraly mental ilness ? i think she was looking hot and healthy in left
Steroids and gay4pay
Does lifting weights make you stronger?
Daily Reminder you don't really need to train abs directly
Lost fat and kept eating clean and some lifting but my bod is still in the shitters...
Tfw i ignored all of the "SS is a troll" posts
Scoobs in Sweden
Lifting Songs
Just ordered these for my squat and dead lift game
How is this fat fuck still alive?
Our kids are being poisoned. Don't take drugs. Okay?
BREH-friendly bodies
People think poverty causes obesity
What's a good power rack for home gym?
Be honest Veeky Forums, how well would you do?
Drawn into the backdrop here you can fade, you can fade away
I eat 4 to 5 bananas a day , I just fucking love bananas , Is this bad ? What is Veeky Forums's thoughts about bananas
Jason Genova is better than you and heres why
How do you defeat this guy?
Why lift when it's all about the face?
Little to no muscle
Can someone just give it to me straight-- does NOFAP have any worth?
Why does everyone hate freelee and the durianrider?
/cutting/ general
Tfw found out my wife has slept with 10 guys before me
6 months progress doing 5x5. Started cardio 2 weeks ago. what do you think? post female progress please
Tonight I was browsing facebook, and looked at albums after albums of young people enjoying their youth. Partying, sex...
Body fat estimate?
How do I get a body like this? it seems to be what women REALLY want
I just had my first gay experience
Where were you when Rich Piana apologized to Jason Genova?
Is it gay to wear makeup to the gym?
Tfw socially retarded, no friends
Why do people like Michelle Obama's arms so much?
Be fat
It made national news
/plg/- Powerlifting general
/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General
Whats the fitest way to get drunk?
Bad breath
Any love for old-school bodybuilding?
Veeky Forums cringe
Just bought my new power cage, how does it look?
Fitted T shirts
Is there anybody in the South of England who is healthy with no history of antibiotics willing to donate their poo to...
What is Veeky Forums eating
Are you a high test man Veeky Forums?
Veeky Forums I've been doing some research on Zyzz and what I found wasn't pretty...
Things you can say about lifting weights, but not about your sex life
Who else /hungry skeleton/ here?
Cringe thread
What is Veeky Forumss thought on progressive ideas that fatness has "little to nothing" to do with health?
Mfw i lost 30 pounds by eating nothing but pizza and macaroni
Fake or Real
Oh dog. I bought a bunch of ice cream sandwiches this afternoon. A pack of six. I've eaten them all now. What done?
ITT: Healthcare workers/students! and those that want advice!
Jason Blaha just shut downed Exposed TV and is going after Miscfit (legally) HAHAHAHA I hope u losers enjoy ur tyme in...
Femanon here, how do I achieve this mode? It doesn't look too hard...
Is the Overhead Press the biggest meme in gym history?
Am I doing good boys?
How do muscles develop if you work for a shitload of reps instead of weight?
What do?
Stop smelling bad general
That guy who wears basketball shorts to the gym
Can squats fix TayTay s ass?
Who do you lift for Veeky Forums?
/routine general/
How many grams of broccoli do you eat a day?
What will make me stronger - powerlifting, strongman, crossfit, bodybuilding? I want to be strong af and do insane shit...
Workout Music
Are there any actual benefits to eating icecream or is it just le ebin Veeky Forums meme?
How the fuck do you get your head out of the way of the bar so the bar path is 100% vertical on this shitty lift...
ITT We pretend we're /r/fitness
I've got 8$ until next Wednesday, whats the cheapest food I can buy that has nutrition bros?
What did she mean by this???
Will I ever be satisfied if I stay natty?
Worth almost a billion dollars
Tfw father has prostate cancer
How has being Veeky Forums changed your life? Has it even?
Anyone else geting /fit for kebab slaying?
Gonna get laid, any advice?
How do I find a quality girl Veeky Forums ?
Coconut Oil appreciation thread
Rate me
Skelly Progress Thread
/Fraud/ General
Sweet Release of Death
This is Deontay Wilder. IBF Heavyweight champion
How bad or good is homemade pizza for gains?
Whats your weakness Veeky Forums?
Keto tips?
What happened to Elliott hulse? why he is dyel now?
He's got a Slave army on his side
Dont fall in love Veeky Forums
Last night
Cutting frustration thread
Why doesn't we count pl8 in 55ibs?
Before/after motivation stories or pictures pls
FIT headphones
No amount of lifting will ever change the fact that you missed out on PTP (Prime Teen Pussy)
weigh 225
Is there a DNP equivalent drug that suppresses appetite really well? Inb4 amphetamines, meth, coke or ritalin
I know this is not /relationships/ but you guys are more likely to hit a butt once in a while than any of the other...
Guys am I close to ottermode? I'm starting to lose faith. 6 months in from being a skelly, 185cm, 35kg ohp x 5...
Is there atleast ONE motherfucker out here who has fixed their lumbar lordosis??
Cringe general
"C'mon user, have some pizza!"
How do I make these tits go away?
That guy who wears oversized clothing at the gym
What does Veeky Forums think about Calum Von Moger? Arnold 2.0?
Tfw you will never get fit with taytay
Hair Gains
How do you increase punching power?
Morning lifting
Tell me why I shouldn't eat 1-3 bacon strips erryday
How does my diet look?
How is this even possible?
Zyzz was a twink bitch who deserved what he got
Whats your opinion on this guy?
I had a dream about her again
Excuse me little man, I was using that rack
Last threads
/xivg/ - Final Fantasy XIV: Stormblood General
Video Games
/dng/ Dueling Network General
Video Games
/vrg/ - Virtual Reality General #139
Video Games
Today is the greatest day of my life. I have finally accumulated 1M LINK
/STG/ Suicide Threshold General
Food and Cooking
Anyone else feel like they're learning a shitload about markets from all this?
Did anyone else lift because of him
[Daily Bike Thread] - /dbt/
When will the most coin miners stop mining, because it isn't anymore profitable?
>boogie will never undo the damage he did to himse-
OmiseGO And Vitalik Buterin Donate $1 Million In Crypto To Charity For Ugandan Refugees
Warcraft Lore and RPG discussion
When your girlfriend tells you that you aren't big enough and you aren't a real man
/wfg/ - Warframe General
Video Games
Last time it worked
Don't panic
Hey Veeky Forums...
/agdg/ - Amateur Game Development General
Video Games