Daily Reminder you don't really need to train abs directly

>build some muscle doing squats/deadlifts
>maybe do some hanging leg raises
>cut until visible

That's it mane

Of course the shape and symmetry of your abs is 100% genetic, so hopefully you don't get fucked over like me.

You poor bastard..

this is a troll post

at least do kai greene's bodyweight ab circuit every other day or so, don't listen to fridgeman and not do abs at all, compounds work the strength of your abdominal wall, not the size of your actual abs

You should absolutely do ab training if you have any athletic ambitions though.

And bro, those are pretty damn good abs, if only your back wasn't so small you would look powerful as shit.

i do vacuums but other than that i don't give a fuck

big 3 by stuart mcgill

Not sure why a lot of people in here are disagreeing. I've been lifting for years and have great abs from only hanging leg raises and planks. I do them basically every time I'm in the gym at the very end of a workout. Of course, my core gets hit indirectly from other lifts like deadlift/squaft. You can get visible abs without flexing by doing the lifts I mentioned and being less than 12% bf. Ez pz

I know

Isometric contractions sure as hell build muscle. Or are you implying deadlifts don't build your traps and lats either?

I've never seen a reason to and I've squatted 460/pulled 555? beltless...

I mean, I did use to do 3x12-15 HLR or TTB 3x a week, but that was it. These people training obliques and doing thousands of reps are insane.

Its genetics you dumb dyel faggot

Agreed, if you're working out even simply just for health, you should still work your abs directly. You should be ashamed if you're doing it for strength or especially looks and you still don't do it, no exercise should be prefaced with "do I HAVE to do this," you have the mentality of a shitter and a loser crybaby if you avoid certain work outs because you don't like them or you don't understand them. If you do abs multiple ways with correct form and it actually for some reason poses a health risk that's fine, but bitching out and not spending 10 minutes or so at the end of a work out every now and then to workout one of the most admirable and sought after muscles on the human body then your priorities need adjustment.

pics or you're full of shit

I'm doing 3x12 cable crunches, 3x60s planks, and 3xF leg raises and I want to believe

Keep doing that for 18 months. They're smaller muscles that take thousands of reps over months of time. I don't like doing ab exercises that bend the spine every rep though. only planks/leg raises. also ab slider wheels


literally: get lean and you have them unless mother nature fucked you over. Really admirable.

why would you not train abs? like if you're so dedicated to MUHFITNESS why the fuck would you not take time to train abs?

like in the time it took you to make this post and argue with other people about whether or not to train abs, you could've trained abs.

Daily reminder you look like shit

Not that other user but He and OP are right. Might be genetics or something, but I maintain a pretty nice core with squats and diddlies exclusively. And this pic is actually before my cut.

For summer, i'll throw in ab wheel and leg raises for definition, but there's really no need for hours of isolation if you eat right.

vascubrah pls go

>that lean BEFORE a cut

How the fuck? I don't even get anywhere near that lean at the END of a cut.

I gain bodyfat so easily and its so hard to lose it.

Yea it must suck tho, doing endless hours of a specific exercise to achieve an arbitrary goal and then seeing someone totally circumvent those exercises and achieve that goal without even trying.

Keep doing those cable crunches, im sure those abs are close user!!

he is vascubrah,well known troll on Veeky Forums and he always claims his photos are before cut and 100% natty.
truth is he's skinny as fuck and he only maintains the same body all year round.
pic related is proof.
fuck off you bitter fag

>How the fuck?

Only eat eggs, vegetables, meat and fruit for the meals I can control. I only drink water, coffee and milk.

The meals I can't control (bbq with friends, parties, restaurant with clients, etc... ) I eat and drink wtf I want to prevent looking like a faggot.

Keep protein and fibre high, avoid carbs except before and after gym, lift heavy AF and don't neglect cardio.

Life on ez mode desu senpai

Don't u get sick of eating the same food though?

I tend to get really tired of eating eggs, meat n veggies all the time. I end up getting shit because I get sick of those foods so fast.

>Saving pictures of a random dude on the internet

That pic was... Last september-ish I believe? That was fall, starting to eat more carb for winter and str gains. I tend not to post pics october-march because you guys would get all up in arms about

>muh no abs

Not that I really care... But at the time of that pic I was around 162 and I'm clocking in at 175 now. I hit 185 in january, my PR. Cso I'm actually pretty happy with my winter progress.

My body doesn't change incredibly over the years because I'm not on steroids, and you guys have your perceptions warped by all the fake natties on the internet.

But back on topic - abs are a result of lifestyle and regimen. You CAN isolte if you feel like it, but it isn't necessary if you lift heavy enough routinely

>implying you lift heavy
all your big lifts are shit.how's that 1.5pl8 bench fuccboi?

Luckily - i really don't. I fucking love eggs. I really look forward to eating my chicken and spinach.

For snacks i eat raw carrots which I adore. Idk man i just really enjoy those foods, so to me I really don't feel like I am 'dieting'.

I'm a stoic though. I am content with just being alive, everything else is just a bonus. Content yourself with less and you will never be wanting

Im currently -

395 sq (attempting 4pl next week)
465 dl
270 bn

I'll probably have 3/4/5 within a few months, at that point I'll film the lifts and have a webm for you fags.

All that at ~170 bw of course

Bro u look good I wouldn't care if u only had 0.75,1,2,3

there are gay4pay vids of this guy floating around.

ill still do my 10x10 situps takes me 5 min and it helps

yah and theyll look shit compared to someone whose trained them

>Literally: get lean and you have them unless mother nature fucked you over. Really admirable.
Bullshit. If you don't train abs you'll have shitty weak abs period. Along with shit upper body/back support. And god help you if ever have to take a punch to the gut. and are spot on.
>doing endless hours of a specific exercise to achieve an arbitrary goal and then seeing someone totally circumvent those exercises and achieve that goal without even trying.
You mean
>doing endless hours of a specific exercise to achieve an arbitrary goal and then seeing someone totally circumvent those exercises and took shortcuts just to have a shittier, weaker version of what you've already properly achieved

Look in the mother and fuck up anyway? Is that meant to be edgy, you autist?

>be incredibly skinnyfat
>fell for SS meme
>get a lot stronger but upper body is terrible
>switch off SS onto a upper lower split after 4 months, still don't train abs directly
>solid stats for how long I lifted but look like a mediocre violin
>start training abs twice a week
>three weeks of abs twice a week improved my aesthetics more than five months of lifting

if you are skinny fat or skeleton TRAIN ABS at least once a week if you want to look aesthetic at all

I train abs directly and external muscles are pretty defined when I flex, but as soon as I relax I've got my huge sack of shit sticking out like a belly of a pregnant woman. Am I missing something and train wrong muscles which suppose to hold my organs in relaxed state? I've heard that vacuums are meme

squats are actually like top 3 ab exercises, at least in EMG studies

but honestly, I added ab roller and hanging leg raise and within a month I saw my abs for the first time

I need to figure out a good oblique exercise too

russian twists, try using smaller plates so you have a larger rom on the rotation so you can really squeeze dem obliques

Look in the mirror and find an army you illiterate autist

No, you just have a ton of fat in your abdominal area, and just trained your muscles really well to look good flexed.

Cut the junk food, and you'll look good even in a relaxed state

Static holds for thirty seconds. Use a smitch . great for grip and traps too

I dunno senpai, doesn't look like fat, at least from outside. And I weight ~155 at 6'0

can you post a picture that before shows what you're talking about?

You're the dude who used to post here who did wide grip pull ups all the time and had a really over developed teres major

Did you ever start working your lats? Good progress by the way

I only have a pic from the last year. Didn't make new ones since then, but my body looks almost the same

I am also wondering the same thing brah.

Is the natural state supposed to be flexed or relaxed? I'm like 75kg @ 5'11 and got a bit of chub but I look like a pregnant woman. FUCK

better*If that picture is you, i dont really see the issue you're speaking of.

But if you're trying to get your abs looking flexed when you're relaxed, that's honestly related to getting an overall BIGGER body size, not just working your abs over and over, as much as it sucks to hear it's not an easy fix, it's more of a clean bulk, then cut, then clean bulk again, then cut again process

The bodies natural tendency is to be relaxed to not expend extra calories/use metabolism for no reason.

Could be posture

Do you have apt?

kek, that's even more autistic

>i dont really see the issue you're speaking of
I flexed my abs for that photo. As soon as I relax them my gut will bloat to the size of a basketball

I checked that several times and do stretches preventing apt just in case. My posture is fine and I don't have apt

Ok, then yeah, it's your fat thats on your actual intestines thats the problem not the fat under your skin surface. Thats a tough one, i don't want to assume you have some health issue because it looks like your perfectly healthy, but it could be something off?

im stumped

>Stand-upright during the day
>Good posture elsewhere
>Run if seasonally appropriate
>Peripheral muscle usage of abs during other exercises.

Masculine side-abs at any given part of my bulk cycles.

Yeah, I know it's a weird one. I even scheduled an appointment with gastroenterologist just to eliminate any possible health issues first. But I'll keep doing direct abs exercises and as many DL and squats as possible meanwhile. Maybe it will help to strengthen that internal muscle belt to hold my organs in relaxed state

Sounds like a good plan, good luck :D

I never understood this picture.
Why are they so fat? What advantages does being fat give you in beach volleyball?
Also, what's up with the socks?
Is this maybe just some promotional event and they're whores rented to look good, not actual athletes?

Rent-a -whores is my guess

You never understood that its not a legit volleyball match, and that its some sort of expo? You know what, after what I've read here the past few months, I believe you.

>will never have an even halfway-decent midsection

I think about killing myself every day.

You need to work traps and delts more dude...

Literally one of the worst tattoos I've ever seen on this board