So what's Veeky Forums view on honey?

So what's Veeky Forums view on honey?

High in calories

Not vegan

Pretty much pure sugar senpai
I still put it in greek yoghurt to make it taste less shit

meme gulping idiots will say it contains some """nutrients"""
it's just sugar. maybe it can be good if you're sick or something but normally it's just for taste and nothing else

>implying that raw, untreated, untreated honey doesn't have nutrients

It's a good source of natural sugar, just watch your calories

Good to sweeten tea
But keep in mind it's pretty much pure sugar so don't go full retard on it

literal shit has a better micronutrient profile

It's the "Natural Ambrosia".

The only food that you can eat and have everything you need to live. Plus it has healing properties in conjuction with being nature's anti-bacterial. Basically if i had to eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be honey

Delicious. Pure sugar. Also, eat local honey if you have allergies.

Oh and if you have bad acne, raw honey will cure it

can't find that line in my book of memes

we need to stop harvesting so much honey from bees

>if i had to eat one thing for the rest of my life it would be honey
>mfw imagining this scenario
Actually, fuck it, not gonna frogpost; here's a nicer picture.

Think I'd just shoot myself from the get-go.

Hi mom.

Pretty sure the "local honey" thing is broscience but I'm not 100%.

>tfw while YOU'RE working your ASS OFF at the GYM, Bear is eating HONEY
it's all about the NAILS, FUR and HIBERNATION

I put a big spoon of honey in my breakfast oatmeal every single day for the past eight months now. Picture related is my body.
So my view on honey is that in combination with fruits, cottage cheese, milk, flaxseeds and oats it delivers a magnificently tasting breakfast for me while giving me a very good start into the day

Hi son. I hope youre getting me honey for mothers day :3

is BEARMODE your goal?
4 scoops of honey c'mon

>tfw really want to try eating as a bear
it might be GOAT tier
Honey, fish, meat, berries and nuts
Might throw in some vegetables as well

So does a multivitamin, but we're talking about food here.

She looks like a sixty year old hooker desperately trying to look like she's thirty.

Gave me a hearty chuckle.

I would fuck that in a heartbeat tbqh.

>the reason we don't eat shit is because it has a lacklustre micronutrient profile

honey is more useful as an ointment than a source of nutrition I'd say - it's anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and a humectant.

I use it to treat the symptoms of my seborrheic dermatitis and it works well - ancient egypt I think it was used it to treat infections.

Its sugar.... dont care for the argument that its better for you because its "natural". You shouldn't treat it any differently to the sugar you put in your coffee

tastiest sweetener.

natty as fuck

I like it. Nothing like a cheeky spoon full when in the kitchen while getting other less sweet foods.

what rub honey on the skin or eat it?

top kek

you just described every woman over thirty


im curious too

I make my own and its dank; usually have a teaspoon a day for the health benefits but rarely use it otherwise. My girl uses it as a face mask sometimes for her skin.

I eat it. Still a skelly

Top k.e.k


Apply to skin from my understanding, and if you're doing it I guess it's supposed to be raw and unprocessed. Cannot speak to the validity of the claims as I myself have not tried it, but there's plenty of shit to sift through on Google if you want to investigate.

Fucking kek'd

Better eat as much honey as you can before all the bees die out

I eat a spoonful on an english muffin everyday because i think it helps my allergy gains.

Heartiest of keks

If you're going to drink tea a spoon full is all you should ever use.
It has like 64 calories in a serving.
It's alright to bake with.
It has pretty much zero nutritional value.
It does have some immune properties for your sinuses, but even those are very limited.

Raw local honey is #1.
Just google all of the benefits it has.
Read all the studies that have been done about it.