/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General

Weightlifting General
A thread for the discussion of the sport of weightlifting and all things related. Keep the insults and shitposting to a minimum.

>mighty mouse edition

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
chinfl.blogspot co.uk/2013/07/how-into-weightlifting.html

>helpful blog on some technique quirks:

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

>Commisar's notes on the dank, zesty Meme Method (DZMM)

old thread:

Other urls found in this thread:


Damn this motherfucker is jacked.

he's 5 foot tall

i'll ask one more time

can I trust this faggot website or not ? powercleanbible.com/


fruity ass motherfucker in that video

why would you trust a fucking fag to teach you how to lift lmao idiot


Actually this looks pretty okay. I don't feel like reading all that text, but the attitude seems right. Why you would need an entire website dedicated to one movement is beyond me, but whatever.

because it's more likely to come up on google when you search "how to increase power clean"

I guess, yeah. It doesn't look like he's selling ad space, so maybe he just really, really wants to get the information out there.

regarding I was referring mostly to natural lifters, their training much more relatable to "average" lifters who arent on anything.

Think most americans, british etc. Even the national team athletes hardly deadlift and if they do it's very carefully programmed in (think Jared Fleming and all those sets of 5 snatch and clean deads he did a few months back)

Back to the original point that weightlifters can squat more often than powerlifters because they don't fatigue themselves anywhere near as hard with deadlifts

Therefore, in my opinion, it's better for an (especially anyone not already at a high level ie every on here) athlete to be squatting more than twice a week

When two consenting adults want to put dicks in their mouths, it is their choice to do so. It doesn't effect you directly or indirectly. So tell me, oh wise edgelord, how does aomething that doesn't effect you in any way have any bearing on his ability to be a powerlifter, magician, race car driver or any other god damn thing in this world?

Oh that's right it doesn't. You're just being an edgy little homophobic cunt.

tldr; kill yourself pls

Shut up trappy

this is for comm but if you gays are interested this is clarence's progress chart im making


Leg has been kill for past 2 weeks, but appears to be getting better.

Did 100/130 Sunday and (102.5/3)2 push press which was a PR.

Today first time squatting in those 2 weeks.
Front Squat - (105/6)4, 112/3, 120/2
Back Squat - (120/5)3
Hamstring Curls - 5x10

Baby session with baby weights but feelsgoodman to squat with no pain.

What happened to leg? I have recurring problems with my legs and hips, and curious how others treat their own.

Major Stretching, mobility work, compression, ice, heat, massage. Attempt to Diagnose the problem and whats causing it also, then work to fix it.

super natty progress senpai

I just started Takano's CII today, found on some dude's blog from here. Volume today killed me (I shifted the schedule one day, so Monday for me is Tuesday). I think more volume is for sure what I need.

BW 84kg
Snatch 91kg
CNJ 104kg
FSQ 94kg
BSQ 124kg

you clean and jerk more than your baby weight front squat>?

lmao yeah right, at least make the numbers believable

2 consecutive exams in 7 hours that i haven't started studying for
i'm already sleep deprived too

in lifting related news i'm ready to start my classics volume cycle with a 175 bs, 185 c pull, and 165 sn pull (lbs)
here i cum commi ur reign as hottest /owg/ meme is in jeopardy


Why doesn't klokov take the bar to the "power position", before exploding? It looks like he's starting the second pull after he gets past the knees.

94kg is the highest I've attempted. I make use of the bounce. But, uhm, okay.

Also, wanted to ask you guys: what do you guys do for shoulder health?

I was thinking incline/decline bench pressing might help prevent imbalances.

This will prove hes natty

cause its 60kg

Could you clarify a bit senpai thx

it's a really light weight for him

so light he cannot utilize effective form

Then how am i as a beginner supposed to learn the correct positions with just a bar

>he fell for the broomstick meme

Trash tier lifting practices
>Nomie fitness trends
>geared power lifting
>bar stars
>cross fit
>meme lifters

Mid Tier Lifting practices
>Power lifting
>cross fit boxes that know what they're doing
>Some Aesthetics Crew members

High Tier Lifting practices
>Olympic weightlifting
>Gymnastics strength training
>Strong Man


Are there any asian americans on the american team? Or any asian national athletes?

alex lee

IPF powerlifting has the potenitial to be higher, but all other feds should be lower tier

He actually does, he's just not pausing there.

>I was thinking incline/decline bench pressing might help prevent imbalances.

Probably not.

Handstands, push ups, rows, pull-ups, band pull-aparts, lateral raises (done correctly with very light weight), YTIs, etc.

how do I stop getting quickly exhausted on cleans?

my first 3 sets are generally okay and then my power output just kinda dies

Do cardio

Squat high volume

if i take the time to translate a 3 day beginner program by an actual russian professor and coach would you guys be interested?

btw the 30 represents the minutes. according to them the number of sets dont really matter, they said to listen to body.

btw adding 50kg to total is p normal. its just that most of us sucks.

adding 50kg in a year*

I would, I'm currently training 3 days a week and would be interested to see how they do their thing

please do it

It's 3 days per week but in week 1 Thursday is off and in week 3 Saturday is off? What gives?

Do cardio you permafat fucktard.

how come your pic doesn't mention rest days or anything at all

Best % to start 3x5 VD and 1x5 ID on a cut?

according to them training 3 days is enough to put you to class 1 which is like 230kg total.

its a random date, you can change it if you want. its also a 3 stages program so total of 9 weeks

i dont remember where i got this from. im still looking for it now so i dont know much about it

its gonna take some time

>Chinese people have weak legs

I know someone who has lifted with and competed against Clarence and apparently it's always been fairly well known he isn't natty, and his bloated face yet shredded body was always a point of bants

Get strong lad if you're that efficient, your technique/speed/mobility must be pretty good

The second pull does start above the knees senpai

Please do pent, my coach learnt under Russians in the 80s and I'd like to see how close his methods are. He's always citing them and their research

whats the heaviest uve back squatted lol

change tiers to normie, edgy and autism and it works :^)

im kinda unsure about these progress rate you keep claiming pent
these are all from a variety of sources and disagree with what you say (the yearly progresssion rates are apparently averages of russian mcics throughout their careers)

Can I squat before the classics as a beginner or not? Should I focus on increasing my snatch?

40kg snatch
125kg backsquat
Snatches really tire me out. I am doing higher rep squats at the moment. 3x8, 3x6 and 3x4 on 3 days.

>tfw need to add 2.5 to total to hit the year 1 CL.III standard

I have until about September... Can it be done ;^)

If snatches are tiring doig squats first ain't gonna help is it

You can get alot more out your snatch. But depends what you care most about I guess

lol i just noticed im apparently basically an elite powerlifter. i think it took meabout 6 months to reach cIII wl, another 6 months to ci, then stall 4ever :^)
the exrx and pl standards are probs a bit low, russian expected time to each class may be a bit low too, but even the highest ones (ussr years to each class, averaged over msic's past progression) is significantly below what pent is saying is normal

Yeah j think I should focus on my snatch more, as my snatch increases, is it possible that my squat will increase slightly too?

Also would is the rep scheme mentioned be good or would TM with 5x3VD and 3x2 ID be better?

I searched the links posted for form info on the pwoer clean, but I couldn't find any.
SS has me doing power cleans and I'm looking for some extra form guides. Do you guys know any good ones? (I already read SS)

Okay so im getting confused information here

After first pull, when you have passed the knees, do you

1) Think about setting up to the power position, and then explode

2) Start to explode after the knees

I have watched some athletes do heavy clean / snatch pulls, and when the weights are light it looks like they just explode after knees and you can't really separate the power position. But when the weight gets heavy, it looks like they place themselves in the power position first

My coach is telling me to start extending hips, knees and lift back (and last comes the toes and "shrug"). Then again few books say to slowly learn to get to the power position from knees (but when i have to speed it up it just feels weird).

Im sorry, i may be stupid but im just really confused with all the information

hit the right positions at the fastest speed you can, aiming to have no jerky accelerations

And the right positions are after knees and power position?

you need to do the whole movement right but choose the bit you're worst at to focus on

>Mid Tier Lifting practices
>Some Aesthetics Crew members

>Trash tier lifting practices
>Nomie fitness trends

pick what you want senpai

Probably. Keep squatting of course. Since starting weightlifting in about 7months I went from a really ugly grindy to parallel 155kg squat w belt and double ply sleeves to a solid 160kg high bar w/ belt, 150kg beltless, and a 145kg paused beltless. I didn't focus on squat at any point and only went to max maybe three times, mainly worked between 70-85%

Just watched the 2004 Olympic clean and jerk superheavy weight division. Holy fuck those guys are strong. I'm just getting into the oly lifts and how crazy it was to see those guys throw 250kgs above their head.

Why aren't the oly lifts more accepted around the reddit/fit community? Seems like they do a good job at combining pure strength with athleticism and aestetics. I don't understand the draw to powerlifting/strong man when we have Olympic style lifts.

Because they're more technical and Most chain gyms don't have bumper plates.

Very interested

Sure they're more technical but they're also better excersises are they not?

I understand the bumper plate issue, but you can definitely do these things with metal plates, right? You just have to master the "let down" portion of the lift.

>so light he cannot utilize effective form

says someone who dont know what he talmbout

>You just have to master the "let down" portion of the lift.

you think people never miss especially beginners?

and setting down heavy cleans and snatches tore my labrum lmao, you can get good at setting them down but it wears out your body unnecessarily

Hmmm, never really thought about failure yet but you're absolutely right. Is it that bad to drop iron plates? Other than the noise or w/e it can't be much different than bumpers besides the bounce.

They're not really exercises m8, like long jump or shot put isn't an exercise

People don't do them because of equipment (iron plates are really not okay for serious training) and because they're hard to learn for most people. The mobility demands alone disqualify a lot of people from doing them, and so people won't put the time in to get loose just so they can fail at snatching 40kg for months when they could just bench or whatever and feel like they're doing something

I disagree, cleans, snatch, ect are just as compound as a deadlift. But I can see your point about them also being a performance, like a long jump.

So I just started trying to learn some of this shit last week. Why are irons bad? Ive been doing real light weight cleans and power cleans, but I've been lowering the weight instead of dropping it. Do they bounce bad or drop poorly or something? What did people do before bumpers?

I want to improve my mobility in the rack position and overhead jerk position. What are some self-mobilizations and stretches I can do? Please nothing that requires a partner because I have no friends.

Also, I have some impingement in my right ankle that's hindering my catch position depth. Does anyone have experience with this?

They're really not that comparable to strength movements. And iron plates force you to lower them controlled or they break. You're very new to the lifts but when you are at the point where you're testing your limits you simply cannot safely lower iron weights.

They aren't just as compound tho mate. Sure they use alot of muscles but if you wanted to get 'big and strong' they are not the best way

They are the best way to express power and strength but not the most effective to build it

Also, no u can't really drop iron plates, would rek the bar very quickly. You'd also get thrown out of the gym. And most commercial gym bars are 30-32mm thick not 28

You can do a similar stretch to the partner stretch that pendlay advocates alone (the one where you hold a bar in rack and have dude push ur elbows up on shoulders)

Hold bar behind head but with elbows in a close pos to rack position u can get

Then lean elbows onto a bar in a rack. Let the pressure of pushing up and holding onto the empty bar behind head stretch u

It will be sore

This one instantly fixed my wrist mobility, and that of many in my gym youtube.com/watch?v=Ig8eZXfJiaY

As for triceps, shoulder, and scapular mobility, there are some good stretches here as well youtube.com/user/JDCav24/search?query=stretch

i think the standards has risen since the ussr days and i also think those are average competition results so it can differ from the training maxes.

also in clarences case he gained 8kg (73 - 81)


>I have watched some athletes do heavy clean / snatch pulls, and when the weights are light it looks like they just explode after knees and you can't really separate the power position. But when the weight gets heavy, it looks like they place themselves in the power position first
>the weight gets heavy, it looks like they place themselves in the power position first

This is what they're doing every time, even at light weights, unless they're just rushing their warm-up. It's just that at lighter weights they can move from the knee through the power position to extension so quickly it looks like a single fluid motion--which it is, but with differences in the rate of force production at different points. They are still waiting to get to the power position to 'explode'.

standards havent risen that much
and the progression by year (the highest rate there) has the listed weight class as that the lifter is in when they're msic, so it will take account for weight gain

I appreciate the replies guys, I've learned a couple things here, you've definitely saved my bar and plates from being destroyed. Looks like I'm going to need to invest in a set of bumpers if I want to see some serious progress.

Woah they did the 30 min thing back in china too

145 before cycle

Positional speed doesn't matter, what matters is rhythm and when you exert power
That's why a lot of chinese have slow pulls and people are like y dey do dat

>standards havent risen that much
yea ur right

but what i said still stands you can add +45kg to your total while gaining weight but its something that i dont see a lot of people doing on their own because of human factors, coaching, and etc.

another example of impressive gains would be from yarkin where he did 88/106/194 in 2012 youth worlds in the 50kg cat at 14 years old then 91/108/199 in euro champ in 50 cat at 15 years old then did 115/140/255 at 63kg bw while still being 15 years old.

the example i used here

are both progress of a great athletes who reach elite within 4 years like jang miran and jeong. normally it would take 5-6 years which agrees with what you posted

what roids did u do ya weeb

I drank some pwo once

im taking away ur natty card and ripping up our friendship card since ur a big butt cheater.
i hop ur proud of urself

So according to that chart Scott hisaka of calstrength is talented

He hit, 160/191 in 4 years

He also tren'd pretty hard during that time and still is judging by chan's positive test

Hey why u ask for permission?


How do i get an azn gf?

right here bby ;^)

Is that actually your squat in lbs or are you just memeing?

better catch up before mein deload is over

i'm p weak
not qualified to coach