Is there any reason not to do 5x5 on accessories as well?
5x5 vs 3x8 on accessories
some accessories respond better to higher volume
A lot of isolations don't respond well to low reps. Also 5x5 is overall more stressful than 3x8 so you're more likely to run into recovery issues.
I've always done 3x10 or 3x15 depending on what I'm doing. But 5x5 is fine I just that because I'm a gymnast and have different goals most.
Based on Christian Thibaudeau's recommendations
>inb4 TNation
Him and Dan John are the only 2 fuckers worth a shit on that site
wow what little progress
thank god im a guy
She was cutting i believe. Which is a bitch with estrogen
Depends on the accessory
5x5 on close grip bench - more specific to heavy bench pressing
3x10 on push down - more volume Hypertrophy focus
This picture have any sources? No way do forearms benefit from only 8-10 reps even with ultra high weight. Same with calves, but they list 20+ so that sounds right.
I bet
Again its nice being a guy where to cut I don't have to eat only 1200 calories
That's fucking ridiculous of you're using the same weight. 5x5 is always going to be easier than 3x8, as you are doing nearly the same number of reps, but with much greater rest time.
>5x5 is always going to be easier than 3x8
Of course not you fucking faggot
Guess you never went properly hard on 5x5, or never did one
Either case you're a pleb
Its because most isolations are geared towards hypertrophy, not strength gains. So you move the number of reps up to 8-12 vs 3-5 on compounds.
>using the same weight
Name one exercise that is harder 5x5 than 3x8
all big 4
check mate atheist
Which is a retarded way of doing things in any case.
Since you can't usually load accessories as heavy as the main barbell lifts, 8 rep sets better fatigue the metabolic pathways involved and do better at driving adaptation.
It depends on the accessory though. Modified barbell lifts (like paused squats or some such) might still be effective at 5x5. Isolation lifts are more suited to the higher rep ranges.
pic somewhat related, op
I've always only done 2x10. Might have to step it up to 3x10.
Yes. 5*5 is a good set/rep scheme for strength gains and you're wanting to get stronger on your compound lifts. 3*8-12 is better for hypertrophy, which is the point of your accessories. You're not trying to get a stronger lateral raise, you're trying to get bigger shoulders which equates to more contractile proteins which equates to stronger shoulders which = bigger bench.
5*5 is also not optimal if you're training purely for aesthetics.
Source: ACSM position stand for resistance training or whatever it's called. Read it for uni