He's got a Slave army on his side
He'll be fine
He's got a Slave army on his side
He'll be fine
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A goy getting heated up over his (((social media))) and not his fucking country while a literal kike trolls him...
You know what makes me feel better?
Knowing I'm at the very least not as insecure as Richard the Pianoman.
Why's the intro always in fucking 240p with shit sound? Does this guy edit this shit himself?
What the fuck is sportfaza? All these Eastern European's commenting on the video
Just putting the first 5 minutes in context, is Rich basically saying he walked around paranoid with a gun for days just because he was too lazy to google search Jason to find out he was a famous youtube retard?
Truly embodying the moronic American mentality.
>be gasona genova
>get slapped by the man himself
Can someone give me some cliffs on that vid, don't feel like watching it.
What's up with a bunch of russian faggots supporting him in the comments?
Is he popular in russia or it's just paid comments? Because I've never seen russians speaking proper english on the internet before lmao
Watched first five minutes before I got bored of his monotonous whining.
its pretty funny that order 66 in the end managed to kill piano man
>all those cucks in the comments complaining about piana not being the "bigger man"
If you act like a bitch you get slapped like a bitch, retard or not
Yeah the fucking retard did deserve it, ordering some bullshit 66 on some guy that did nothing to you. He's lucky it wasn't someone else or much worse.
holy fuck where do you youtube fanboys come from. seriously fuck off
it's pretty obvious that Jason was the one trying to manipulate Rich into doing what he wanted, giving him sponsorship. then when he didn't get his way he decided to manipulate him again by trying to destroy his reputation.
kid sounds like a little prick desu
The one who's acting like a bitch now is Pinani
Grown ass man who has an intro of him as a spartan warrior crying like a baby about mean comments on social media.
Fucking pathetic.
Rich is a goddamn hero.
>Grown ass man
Jason is in his 30's, you shit cunt.
He's a god damn potato with a mind of 15 years old
Order 66 for him is like a game and I'm 100% sure he doesn't even know a half of what his "troopers" are commenting on their targets. That's why he was so happy to see Pinano and approached him without hesistation.
He literally was like a kid next to Rich which makes Piano twice as pathetic as he already was.
>ugh a mentally challanged kid made fun of me gotta have a revange and slap him to save my face come on
Serious question to you guys: How could Piana handle this situation in a way that would hurt him the least?
I mean, he was videotaped pressuring a handicapped person into a slap boxing match and then slapping him around a bit.
Should he just stand by his actions and proclaim that Jason is a pedophile, a scam artist and an internet troll trying to hurt other peoples income "for fun" and a very smart "disabled" who knows just right how to use his disability to not get into any trouble.
Or would it be better to apologize, reach out to jason and to feature him in his videos so that the tard is happy and everybody forgives Piana for hitting a retard.
Obviously posting a 30 min. video that noone will ever watch because hes just talking and talking and talking without getting to the point wont help him jackshit.
I just wanna know how to resolve a situation like this in case it ever happens to me, because i would have legit broken that tards nose if he tried to fuck up my lifelyhood for shits and giggles while never having to work a day in his life.
>That's why he was so happy to see Pinano and approached him without hesistation.
Because it was 7 months ago, pop the retards cock out of your mouth.
Some weird Russian sports channel did a video on it so I guess they're weird fans from there? At least Rich has new fans to replace all the ones he just alienated.
>has new fans to replace all the ones he just alienated.
yeah except not even his sub level dropped you autismo nigger
he just treated him like he would treat another grown ass man
How bad was it? Did someone get injured? Did someone die? Did someone get so humiliated they killed themselves?
Genova is a fucking idiot, and if he refuses to make it clear to the whole world that he is ACTUALLY retarded, he's gotta deal with the consequences
Fuck genova
Its a good feel
I always felt like Rich deceived by his looks. That he looked like a douchebag, but was actually really nice and positive guy.
But in incident with Jason he acted really dickish.
trips of truth senpai
Janoy has the mental capacity of a 13 year old.
Fuck i hate it when people let tards fuck shit up just because they are tards.
Did it ever cross your mind that there are many tards that behave like assholes because no kid was allowed to hit them in kindergarten when they behaved like an asshole "because you mustnt touch disabled people"
my little cousin has down syndrome, and i swear to god that 3 year old has mastered the art of getting away with shit because of being a downie. He will legit bite and scratch other children, throw sand at them, be disrespectfull to his parents and i have yet to see one of his parents or one of his teachers at kindergarten punish him for being a little shit. And ive observed this countless more times with disabled people.
i think if we lost our false sense of having to protect the disabled and just treated them like regular fucking humans, they would be a whole lot better integrated into society.
Tl;dr : talk shit get hit, you cant reach out to tards any other way
Holy fuck, those are the kind of e-celebs/fit/ has nowadays? Long gone are the days of Frank Yang, Scooby etc.
He should've stopped at saying it's not cool to order 66 someone, Janoy already realized he fucked up at this point.
yeah but i mean what would the optimal course of action for him be AFTER already hitting the tard
Im just curious what a Public relations agency would try to do now at this point to keep the damage as low as possible
fuck man, most disabled people i know are generally slow but incredibly smart at playing the victim card and reaping all benefits they can
Jason should have gotten knocked the fuck out, i dont care if hes mentally a 12 year old, animals and stupid people learn best by pain
Pretty sure the people he 66ed before told him that too. The tard just won't understand unless he gets some actual consequences. It's not like Rich can give him a time out.
>order 66
>grown men slapping each other over Instagram comments
Almost as good as the time I witnessed one man slap another over sushi
this just makes me like rich even more.
Keep this Genova bullshit in the misc faggots
So if Jason is 5'6", then Rich must be 5'8" I can't respect someone of that height #sorrynotsorry
What kind of gun does Rich Piana has?
fucking this
Rich seriously must be borderline retarded for taking this so seriously. Most dudes who got Order 66'd just made amends with Jason and laughed it off and it went away after a couple days.
It's funny, you would think a guy as big as Rich Pianoman would have a little thicker skin about people saying mean stuff to him on the internet.
The fact that he's using synthol at his size shows how insecure he is. He'd have pretty good physique, but he decided to look like a baloon.
>they were fake profiles
>doesn't understand troll accounts
THIS. You could see Jasons hands shaking when he met Rich. Rich noticed this and took advantage.
something to do with his computer broke down he dont know shit about editing and the intro got fucked up comprimised or some shit like that
Yea, I have an older sister that is retarded. When we were growing up, she used to bite, scratch and pinch me. No one ever did anything to correct her and if I ever did anything back, I was in a lot of trouble.
Now, everyone wonders why I have nothing to do with her or even my older brother that she lives with.
>there are people who side with piano because a literal retard ordered pizza to his house after he turned around his 99's to 66's
Are you serious ? This is like the most childish reaction to the most childish joke. As if someone would visit this walking poster boy of inadequacy, self hate and body dysmorphia at his own home, as if this changed anything in pianinj's "business". The fucking retard doesn't have a business, he probably barely makes ends meet and deservedly So, such a retard should not be a millionaire, we have enough of them.
Jason might be a retard but at least he doesn't ruin his face and body and doesn't turn into a real life hellboy(except hellboy wasn't a manlet)
Voice of reason ITT.
Sportfaza is russian Veeky Forums channel, they post videos with lifters here and there, some interviews, and they also translate piana and others videos.
Nah, he's a famous bodybuilding freak, so he got fans like himself everywhere.
>tfw you realize if you met pianoman in person youd be like 8 inches taller than him and no matter how big he gets he'll always look like shit compared to a tall human male
Cozy feel
I work clinically with disabled people and that just doesn't work. For most of them there's not really a concept of "Cause and effect" the ones that have been slapped around act even more aggressive. Trust me when I say tard rage is not a joke.
>He's a god damn potato with a mind of 15 years old
How could Rich know
>Order 66 for him is like a game
How could Rich know
>I'm 100% sure he doesn't even know a half of what his "troopers" are commenting on their targets
How could Rich know
All Rich knows is out of nowhere he gets death threats and his social media gets attacked. What he certainly doesn't know is internet memes..
He is a grown man minding his own business. Them all of a sudden this guy stands in front of him claiming he
>order 66ed him huehuehue
Some of you can't put things in perspective
>How could Rich know
he watched a few of jasons videos after he got order 66ed. he even said so.
if you can watch a few of jasons videos and not realize than hes retarded, you are retarded.
rich is just lying to try to cover his ass. hes also paying russians to bot his videos
>gets assblasted by internet trolls
it's just a prank bro
so people think retards have no responsibility for their negative actions.
ok lol
Yeah now i want Rich defense force to fuck off back to plebbit.
itt we come up with the ways rich needs to make this right.
all of these must be done on video
1. slapbox big lenny
2. jason is made 5% athlete
3. big rich bareass spanks sara on video
4. big lenny drinks 1 gallon of sara piss on video
5. brad gets to tattoo rich with anything he wants
6.lenny gets to rip out 1 of richs cookie cutter piercings
7. rich gives the misfits his pet snakeman, who becomes a new misfit.
it only fair. apology assepted
>Hopefully there is a lesson learned.
I sure hope you learned it pianoman.
I've lost all respect for this mutant.
There was no need to get physical. The issue was already resolved but Roid Penis insisted on slap boxing (probably to let out some of that roid rage). The funny thing is, he would never do this to another bodybuilder.
What is the Order 66? Is it command for Genova's fans to go shitpost in someone elses social network posts?
Do you really need to solve that with violence?
>Do you really need to solve that with violence?
Only if you've left humanity behind.
>What is the Order 66?
Its a meme.
Why does Rich still think Jason wrote all the death threats?
He bitched out of fighting The Prophet, and also lifts less than him.
I think after talking on the phone with each other, things are settled. Rich even defended him against the people who make fun of him. Unfortunately Blaha is actually right for once. Even if Rich and Jason are good again, it made the trolls who actually made the threats wet when Jason got slapped. They are just going to manipulate him into issuing more order 66 bullshit so they can hide behind an impressionable man with the mentality of a child.
so are all these russians real or bots? i've read that you can buy instagram followers, did piano pay 100s of russians?
>What is the Order 66?
the failsafe command protocol designed to dispatch the Jedi, secretly instituted and programmed into the clone troopers via microchp implant by chancellor palpatine prior to the beginning of the clonewars
Oh, now I get why rich was so mad.
lol all the rich haters
>BWAAAA isnt rich a unemployed neet! How did he not know this jason guy a autist. Why doesnt he google search retard youtube videos in his spare time???
get off Veeky Forums rich
I like this idea
Seriously, this.
Not only does he get mad over what a bunch of people said on the Internet, but then proceeds to settle it via slapping.
Top fucking kek
Nah, that retard deserved a slapping around. It wasn't a big deal, but it gets blown up in the social media sidelines.
I didn't come to Veeky Forums from TRS for this kind of goyposting.
>there are people who find THIS attractive
I'm sorry. I'm pro-Jason here.
Jesus fuck. Literally everything about him looks fake.
>there are people who DON'T want to leave humanity behind