has Veeky Forums always been "/r9k/ that lifts"?
Has Veeky Forums always been "/r9k/ that lifts"?
No, /r9k/ is just cancer. And it's starting to spread.
>tfw lifting doesn't cure autism
What's /r9k/ like? I see so many mentions of it here.
half of fit is former r9k who decided to make a change, but plenty of others are just chads who meme occasionally and the rest are cancerous r9k redpill faggots
for only some users m8
>lifting doesnt make me chad
>hating on anyone who has friends
>hating on anyone who has a life
>hating on anyone who has a job
>hating on any girl
>hating on themselves
This normie thinks hes a former /r9k/ you were just a late blooming normie you cuck. Enjoy raising children
/R9k/ did some expanding programs back in 2013, raiding other boards to cause a shitstorm.
Veeky Forums, being one of 4chans only supplier of oc and Le funni me-mes, ended up looking too attractive to troll and just leave, so they decided to stay.
Found the robot
Fuck off back to /r9k/
Lol jokes. Fellow robot here. R9k is turning in e bastard child of /b/ and /soc/. So i take reprieve on Veeky Forums
Veeky Forums hasnt made OC since the zyzz era. Who are you kidding?
It's always been that way to some small degree, but this past week has been fucking awful. The /r9k/ spam right now is bad.
>Implying Veeky Forums lifts
>the stench fromy own shit board is becoming too great to bear, so I've brought some to yours instead
Fuck off
No, and we want /r9k/ to get out
>normie is upset we invade their "safe space"
Hue. Prepare for more frogs "mate" mirin brah mirin min mirin
Julius, creatine, squat plugs, scooby, lickaroo, and too many others to count. Even the little ones become known outside Veeky Forums
Other boards like Veeky Forums jokes and memes.
Can the mods do their fucking job????
And how many of these were made after the zyzz era? Your examples were weak. You're deluding yourself thinking Veeky Forums has made any decent OC since 2013
Every board has a little /r9k/ in them, and Veeky Forums didn't always used to be THIS bad.
Pre-Feels Veeky Forums was actually a passable resource for how to get bigger and stronger.
Then the Feels happened, and the influx of newfags that brought in bought into the "SS Is A Troll" joke, so now there is a legion of scrawny, unlifting faggots planted here sincerely spouting that SS is a troll when they have no fucking idea what they're talking about, in the rare time they aren't just outright shitposting about off-topic bullshit.
No, moot shut down /r9k/ and /new/ one day and Veeky Forums was never the same.
Yet I still come here because I have nothing else to do.
Bitch, Veeky Forums isn't a normie board. What fucking website do you think you're on? All of Veeky Forums is a hive for the mentally unstable.
I actually consider /r9k/ to be the normie board.
Those whiny motherfuckers came straight from myspace.
Veeky Forums as a whole used to be more absurd and less bitching about women.
yeah, mostly. it had a good first 12 months or so, but then people started thinking SQUATZ AND OATZ was serious and soon after that the fags moved in.
I agree with you
- from 2008
>bitching about women
>lifting for women
Braces yourselves for the mental gymnastics
Veeky Forums chased everyone away that tried to help...
I think chasing quad off was the beginning of
the end before you chased scooby off..
I wonder what happened to trucrypt?
a namefag who is so old he was too old to learn
how to tripfag 5 or 5 years ago.
Veeky Forums is pretty anti-safe space when it comes to mocking meme lifts and cash-grab products
No, what I'm pissed off by is how every other thread nowadays is autists complaining about women and feels without a Veeky Forums topic anywhere to be found.
>think there's actual chads on Veeky Forums
Calorie count is where you belong mate. Dont like he new board culture. Leave. Im enjoying the frogs
Different guy, and I can tell you for a fact that Lickaroo, Scooby, and Squat Plugs were post-Zyzz.
Along with 6-7 reps being the No Gains rep range.
Fuck back off to /r9k/ you have your own shithole, why come here?
Hmm didnt notice.
Im actually from /r9k/ all along ;^)
Half want a gf, other half hate women. It's the final stage of MRA
I actually remember the post where the guy asked the
girl if he could give her the old lickaroo.
scooby was a solid bro...tinytrip the original manlet.
What happened to tinytrip? Why did he leave
Someone doxxed him
his feelers got hurt.
the whole fucking board was mean to him.
aziz bailed of this place long before he died and
went to bodybuilding.com
everybody was supershocked that gooby was gay
and found out where he lived and shit.so he had to go
quad probably gave the best real advice ive
ever seen on the board - played pro rugby-got
doxxed and ran for it
he didnt mind being doxxed - he's where
came from.
There was a tarp posting incognito & his response was
"please be in london" he just hated getting picked
on so much.
,,there was anaerexic chan, an awesome troll who only ate organ meat
and a ton of other characters...