/routine general/

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>Novice Programs & Routine tips

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>How to perform the Main Lifts

I'll be helping everyone as much as possible

Other urls found in this thread:

scholar.google.com/scholar?q=glucosamine joint&btnG

Hi trappy

Herro senpai

Trappy are you gay? Go to the doctor he has special pills for gayness

hay trappy
just wanted to say thanks. 3 months on your program got me from 61min to 58min for 10.5km. I could have done around 55min. thought, heat and cutting n stuff fucked my shit up.

Did you post any other pics than the face one? Post them.


Disgusting degenerate. Kill yourself pls

Gtfo of my board, gross faggot


>Implying reddit wouldnt shower degenerates in upboats

Remember, you guys are taking lifting advice from a skinny dyel who has never lifted himself

a mentally ill, skinny dyel at that

>been training with machines for 4 months to get started
>feel like I'm at the point to work out with free weights
>don't have anyone to spot me
>don't have any idea what to do

h-help me ;_;


is this a decent routine for a beginner like me?


what are you goals? strength or aesthetics?

tranny pls

reddit loves trans people senpai


How fucking new are you that you're crying about traps on fucking Veeky Forums?

Go back to /r/fitness please.

not crying about traps, crying about trappy chan being a skinny dyel with no actual fitness knowledge. all he does is parrot rip propaganda.

summer reddit has migrated

So, your first week?


I guess aesthetics. I do a lot of cardio, but I want to get more muscle tone. I look dyel as fuck.


Reminder that SS is a meme that will ruin your gains and your life.

Daily reminder not to reply to these kind of trolls. Chances are thet he himself frequents leddit. He uses the classic "blame someone else" tactic in which you blame someone else of being a newfag to seem oldfag

Oh yeah, Trappy is gross and he should kill himself


My chest/shoulders have been lagging. Would this routine be beneficial or is it just dumb

A:Push(more chest focused)
C:Push(more shoulder focused)

Basically a PPL routine with two push days. And both push days would still look pretty much the same. I'd just do different isolations according to if its A or C.


At a minimum add in another pull day so you don't snap your shit up from imbalances

don't worry, user. he will in time. most mentally ill people do.


You can find all the info you're looking for on fitsticky.com/novice-programs/

You can try:

Push (focus on chest)
Fullbody (focus on chest)


Push (focus on chest)
Upper (focus on chest)


Push (focus on chest)
Push (focus on chest)

or something similar.
You can also start the week with push instead of pull if you want.

If you want examples of how I'd recommend programming a PPL routine, see fitsticky.com/texas-method

Happy to hear that!

Hey trappy. You should start a nutrition general thread too. Because why not.

I think people just use the QTDDTOT for nutrition questions. Not sure if there's a need for another general.

Why is he not going all the way down?

trappy the area to the right of my t3 vertebra hurts when i place the barbell on my back for high bar back squats. only when i set it on the back though, it doesnt hurt throughout the set though. do you know what might be causing this

The new Radiohead album got leaked by google play.

He's knees are fucked up from age.

Because lowbar squats are for fatties with shit mobility

I want to do front squat instead of back squat. But my rep range on squats was 5-8, by that I mean I started at a weight I can do 5 reps and over the next training sessions I would increase the reps until I can do 3x8, then I increase the weight and star over at 5 reps. What range should I use for front squats?

how do i maintain healthy knees into my old age???

Optimal setxrep for muscle mass / gain?

Superior routine coming through...

(5 / 3 / 1) OHP
(5x10) Chin-ups (bodyweight) / 5x5 Chin-ups (weighted) - alternating
(5 sets) Lateral Raise Complex
- Weight Plate Front Raise (5 reps)
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise (10 reps)
- Dumbbell Lateral Raise (45° trunk angle) (10 reps)
(5xAMRAP sets) Hanging Alternating Side Crunches

(5 / 3 / 1) Deadlift
(5x10) Dumbbell Pullover
(5x15) Barbell Shrug
(5x15) Cable Face Pull / (5x15) Cable Reverse Flye - alternating
(5xAMRAP) Decline Sit-ups

(5 / 3 / 1) Bench Press
(5x10) Dumbbell Bench Press variation / (5x10) Dumbbell Flye variation - alternating
(5 sets) Superset 1
- Barbell Curl / Hammer Curl (5 reps)
- Dumbbell Extension / Cable Extension variation (10 reps)
(5 sets) Superset 2
- Decline EZ-Bar Skullcrusher / CGBP (5 reps)
- Concentration Curl / Reverse Curl (10 reps)
(5xAMRAP) Hanging Leg Raises (toes to bar)

(5 / 3 / 1) Front Squat
(3x20) Back Squat
(5xAMRAP) Glute-Ham Raise
(5x15) Calf Raise variations
(5xAMRAP) Back Extensions


Every Non-Weight Training Morning:
(1x15) Pull-ups
(1x50) Push-ups
(1x50) Lunges (each leg)

On non-weight training days I also alternate between basic yoga and a 4 to 10 mile run. I'll post the list yoga asanas if anyone is interested.

Can't wait to get memed into oblivion because the high rep work...

Depends on the movement

"Routine tips" section on fitsticky.com/novice-programs

Avoid accidents (hardest part, gotta get lucky)
Don't use roids
Train regularly
Learn to run barefeet or get good shoes
Have good diet
Have good genetics (gotta get lucky)
Don't become obese
Listen to any signs of pain or injury
Listen to your doctor

There are many different ways you can do progression.
Linear progression, adding weight on every workout, is the simplest, but that will only work for novices.

Weekly progression, like on TM, is doable for the majority of people - though for the front squat, 1kg increments are gonna be necessary to keep it up.

For those that can't do any of those anymore, you can turn to periodization.

There are many programs described in the fitsticky.com - so just pick one and customise it.

Keep in mind back squat strength will also drive your front squat numbers up, and it's easier to progress with. So you'd benefit from doing both.

Don't powerlift/ego lift.

At a certain point your training goals should switch from "squat 2 to 3x per week in order or progress my squat from 405lbs to 410lbs" to "I would really like to be able to play with my kids in the park"

Nice meme.

>I'm in my early twenties: the post

It's not heavy weight = bad knees
It's heavy weight + time = increased risk of accidents, which leads to bad knees

does glucosamine work to prevent joint injury

Lowbar squats + huge gut + ruined knees because his routines are shit.

And you're letting a tiny manwomanchild tell you how to be just like him.

He actually had a knee injury from an accident unrelated to lifting.

brosplit and fullbody are what should bring the chest/shoulder advantage

i kinda feel more comfortable with longer sets when doing frontsquats cuz the movement is less explosive imo and i can go deeper, so just try out what suits you best

Rate/improve my shitty routine:

(Push) Chest/Tris
BP 3x5
Incline DB press 4x10
Cable crossover 4x10
Tricep rope pushdown 3x10
Cable overhead tricep extension 3x10
Dips 3x8

(Pull) Back/Bis
Deadlift 2x5
BB row 3x8
Lat pulldown 3x10
Seated row 3x10
Hammer curl 3x10
BB curl 3x10

(Legs) Legs/Shoulders
Hi-bar back squat 3x5
Front squat 2x5
Standing calf raises 3x12
OHP 3x5
Facepulls 3x12
Side lateral raises 3x10

5 days/week:
PLPPLxx (repeat)
Ab/core on weekends.

Am I committing any sins here?

I'll add deads when I can find a gym with more space

Please be troll.

What accessories should I add to SS? Already doing curls


Should i go from Reg Park's to this? Im pretty intermediate at this point and ive been looking for a new routine to put on some tone for my wedding in 3 months.
BF: 11.6
Weight: 147

You should lift


That's a list of exercises, not a program.

Can't really give any feedback from that.

scholar.google.com/scholar?q=glucosamine joint&btnG

Here's what I'd suggest:

Bench 3x5 +1-2kg
OHP 3x5 at 80-90% + Push Press 2x6-8
Dips 3xAMRAP (bodyweight)
Cable Crossover 3x8-12
Triceps Pushdown 3x8-12 (if you want the pump and are not too tired already)

Barbell Row 3x5 +1-2kg
Lat Pulldown (chinup or closegrip) 3x6-8
Barbell Curl 3x6-8 (use a heavier weight)
Facepull 3x8-12
Hammer Curl 3x8-12 (if you want)

Squat 3x5 +2kg
Front Squat 2x6-8
Deadlift 3x5 at 80-90% or Snatch Deadlift 3x5 at 70-75%
Calf Raises 3x12

OHP 3x5 +1kg
Bench 3x5 at 80-90% + Spoto Bench 2x3 (2-4s pauses) at 70-80%
DB Incline Bench 3x6-8
Lateral Raises 3x8-12
Cable overhead tricep extension 3x8-12 (if you want)

Deadlift 1x5 +2kg
Squat 3x5 80-90% + Paused Squat 2x3 (2-4s pauses) at 70-80%
Barbell Row 3x5 at 80-90%
DB Supinating Curl 3x8-12
Calf Raises 3x12 (if you want)



Once you find working with your 5RM (1-3x5 +xkg) on the Intensity days starts getting too tough, switch to 2-3x3 (keep the same weight and same increments per week, do not jump straight up to your 3RM).
Once 2-3x3 starts getting hard to progress with, switch to 3x2 for 3 weeks, then 4x1 for 2 weeks, and then one last week doing 5x1 with 1RM attempts.
For all of these you keep the weight the same you were doing when reducing reps (don't do jumps in weight), and the increments every week are the same - except on the 5x1 with 1RM attempts, in which you try to add as much weight as possible.
After you've set your new 1RM, calculate your 5RM, deload from it a bit, and start again from the start.

Help pleaae. What is the difference between 5x5 and 3x8 lets say. I was doing Reg park beginners routine and then a friend told me that I should go with an split routine i think its called. For example i going Zyzz routine and it is a 3x8.

im a beginner on gslp
can i do more than 3x week? Like ill just use the same progression ie instead of axbxcxx ill do axbxcxa2

What do you look like? Post pics please. Non lewd ofc

rate? looking to add more exercises to the "B' day


Bench Press 3x10
Bench press, 3x3 (3RM)
Incline/decline Brench Press, 3x8
Curls 3x10
Hammer curls 3x10
DB kickback 3x10

Deadlift 3x5
Rows 3x8
Chinups 3x10 (weighted)

OHP 3x10
Push press 3x5-10
Lateral raise 3x10
Squat 3x10
Decline ab crunches 3x12
Hanging knee raises 3x12

inb4 do SS
I did SS several years ago and didn't like the results
been doing a split for 2 months, focusing on bench and OHP and I've never looked or felt better

I want to start this SS based routine but I feel like it is a little lacking in the tricep area and I don't want to look retarded, so am I wrong in this assumption or should I switch out some exercise for another to target triceps specifically?

I'm switching out sldl with romanian btw

And front squats with back

That's not "SS based". It doesn't resemble SS at all. If you're not doing normal deadlifts or back squats, you're not doing SS.

Just add some fucking tricep pressdowns or something you fag. Stop overthinking shit.

Did you read what i said?
>I'm switching out sldl with romanian btw
>And front squats with back

Are you actually retarded?

Thanks. So its ok to do sets of 8 on front squat?

My delts grew pretty easily and I've gotten to the point where I'm extremely happy with them. Can I drop lateral raises and just stick with ohp? Or will that not be enough to keep my babies?

Just moved, know nobody, decide to get gym membership. Been sitting a lot, did some bodyweight stuff but nothing dedicated - 5x12 pushup/situp/squat, 5x8 chin up.
Got introduced to meme machines for muscle isolation, smashed through newbie settings... except for lower back torture device. Doesn't hurt, but clearly the muscles are straining.

Also be introduced to free weights.
squat ... limited by lower back
deadlift, again lower back.
Should i skip free weights and do stuff for lower back first or are compound exercises a good choice to strengthen that area?

Did you actually get to suck dick last night or is the depression slowly creeping up on you?
You can always come sit on my lap and I'll pat your head.

>mfw identikit

Assuming I won't have 2.5 and 5 lbs plates for at least a few months because reasons, what would be the best way to program a routine?
Should I just give up on linear progression on each workout and go full bro split?
I do have access to a lot of dumbbells if that helps

Hey trappy, last week I posted a 3day split based off 5/3/1 and you advised a squat/pull/press template instead.

I customized one like that based on the 5/3/1 full body theme except I added an assist move to each day to target arms, and instead of squatting 3x a week I just made it so I have a generally lower body move each day (squat, DL, and hang clean).
Here it is, AxBxCxx with 3x hill sprints a week.

Deadlift 5/3/1
OHP 5/3/1
DB rows, 2x8, 1xF (heavy set)
Dips 4xF

Hang Clean 5x3
Bench 5/3/1
Lat Pulldown 5x8
DB Side Raise 5x8

Squat 5/3/1
Snatch Grip High Pull 5x3
Incline DB Press 5x6
Curl 5x8

Any feedback on set/rep scheme as well?

I'm a skinnyfat looking to get serious about aesthetics.

Can anybody give me some hints about what kind of routine I should be doing to achieve something close to this body? Or at least what lifts I should focus on most?

Obviously low bodyfat is probably the most important factor.. What would you estimate this bf% is?

I already know I won't be able to get exactly this body but I'd just like to get as close as possible.


What does Veeky Forums think of coolcicada's ppl? Looking to start a routine primarily aimed at aesthetics in about 2 months.

>that moonface
>that fridgemode
>that nose

Good if you're on roids like coolcicada.

If not you'll have shit results.

>tfw traps look better than women nowadays
has science gone too far?

imo 11-13%bf with great lighting

consistency is the most important thing, pick something you'll keep doing and enjoy, I'm doing a modded version of this and enjoying it

I've taken a look at it, it's not bad at all.

The caveat is that you've exhausted linear gains already on a program like GSLP or SS and you don't really care about moving heavier weight. If you're at that point and your foundation solid, rock it.

>this is fridgemode

not far enough, when trap suicide rate comes down, then we can party.

It's a shitty meme

Incline 8-12x5-8
cable rows 5-6x10

Chin ladders
hypers 4-5x10

ab wheel 5xamap
upright rows 5x10-20

squats 6-8x3-5
lunges 2-3x15-20


cable row 6x10
ab wheel 4-5xmax
arms 3-4 sets

ankle to bars

I fell off the ladder and wanted to get back in smoothly. I'm gonna do this for another 5 weeks.

Thanks. What would you recommend for ab exercises?

women are ugly because feminism! all you need to be is low test low bf% and then youre better looking than women kek

First day lifting in 6 years. Starting out slow because of my back issues and home gym.

look up tutorials on progressing to learn the dragon flag, its an ab workout and eventually you get to show off

Literally the only thing about that routine that resembles SS is that you work out 3 days a week.

Don't get me wrong, SS is shit and a good novice program like Reg Park's is infinitely better, but what you're doing makes no sense at all.

>SS is shit and a good novice program like Reg Park's is infinitely better

I wonder when this meme will end. The initial Reg Park program is very similar to SS. The thing is that the program you see around is actually for people who have advanced with his initial simpler program first. Just like you're supposed to add accessories to SS.

here you go

No one?

depends what your goals and preferences are, the reg park beginners will get you on track to make far better strength gains over the split, but if you want to lift for fun and more casually/possibly with your friend, could try the zyzz routine and see if you like it enjoyment wise.

trappy has info on rep ranges here