Still eating meat

>still eating meat

"Eating too much red meat, which raises brain levels of iron, may heighten the risk of developing Alzheimer's disease, researchers from the Semel Institute for Neuroscience and Human Behavior at UCLA reported in the Journal of Alzheimer's Disease."

mushrooms are superior

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i'd rather be shredded and forgetful than skinny and eating plants

yeah but, mushrooms arent plants and theyre also full of protein
there's also beans and nuts. none of these things raise your risk for colon cancer, heart disease or alzheimers

I want as many diseases as possible.

sorry chief no shrooms for me

you probably havent even tried 5% of the mushrooms in the world. you're only cheating yourself

you should aim to get three stooges syndrome

mushrooms also make you hungry, so they are not the perfect meal.

broscience. however red meat contributes to major spikes in blood sugar which actually does make you hungrier

>still caring about what other people eat on a sub-saharan camel trading forum


>too much
>red meat
>may increase

Im not exclusively eating red meat, I'm not eating that much and there's only a correlation no causation. That sounds like a serious bullshit argument. Also with all the bullshit studies being put out. I'm just going to stick to eating paleo while exercising to limit my risk to these diseases. Vegan arguments are trash.

>caring about the wellbeing of your fellow humans

so sorry

Do you walk past smokers and lecture them?

What broscience? I'm a biologist, and when the teacher of our mycology course was explaining to us the mushroom, she talked about how they contain a lot of protein and could replace meat, if it wasn't for the fact that they cause more sense of hunger that what they fix.

you could just not eat red meat and limit your risk of those diseases even more. it's your life though. i'll pray you don't end up with gout

if i end up having to walk through their cloud of poison you better believe i do

lets see some evidence

I don't have it, but I sure trust a PhD that has dedicated all her academic life to mushrooms and their medical properties

So only if it affects you then? Bit selfish.

surely somewhere on the internet there's something regarding that claim. if it's not bullshit that is

There's risk in everything and I'm not trying to limit my enjoyment in life to a point where I'm miserable just to limit my marginal risk for disease. I could just as easily get hit by a fucking car tomorrow and all that careful behaviour is ruined in the end.

it's more selfish to be blowing toxic clouds around other people

Yet you only say something when it affects you. Rise up user, I believe in you!

it's amazing to me that your enjoyment in life is so directly tied to your consumption of things that give you debilitating diseases. you definitely wont be enjoying life when you get them

this is my favorite troll. where you try to endlessly nitpick the vegans morality and character

So what made you go vegan then user?

grandpa has alzheimers and i get to listen to him gurgle and choke on his own spit, i've watched alzheimers slowly take his health and his mind over the past few years, my father has type 2 diabetes and gout, and my grandmother has arthritis in her hip and legs. meat, dairy and processed animal products in general are a major staple of their diet

I'm sorry about your grandpa, do vegans have a lower incidence of Alzheimer's?

"Studies have shown that risk for AD is greater in people who consume diets high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and total calories and low in fiber, vegetables, and fruits.3,4,5 Such diets seem to play a role in the formation of beta-amyloid plaques and in causing oxidative damage to neurons.6,7,8,9 This is also supported by data demonstrating a decreased risk of AD with use of lipid-lowering medications10,11 and by preliminary findings in one study, which showed an increased incidence in dementia in heavy meat eaters compared with vegetarians"

it's too late to save my grandparents from the lifestyle but i just dont want to see it happen to other people, theyre suffering literally every second

so dont be an autistic cocksucker who restricts himself to eating only plants and instead eats an actual balanced diet with fish, eggs, and chicken

i'll take plants, nuts and mushrooms over all three of those any day. no need to resort to name calling, this isn't middle school

Well I was kind of hoping for a study showing vegans, since by default they eat less of those foods and more of the others, have a definite lower incidence.

Nevertheless, fish might be worthwhile to including in your diet a few times a week. Here is a good pic detailing the modfiable risk factors.

Taken from:

i don't have a problem with fish really, it's pretty important these days to know the source however

This should help if you ever fancy adding some:

>mushrooms are superior
>ORACtotal values decreased after the 8 g and 16 g mushroom meal.

man i feel you

My dad and grandad have shit heart health, my mom is 54 but feel 70 from years of alcohol/nicote abuse. My sister has a (very mild fortunately) form of ovarian tumor, coworker recently got diagnosed with throat cancer. Best friend has blood disease. Every around me is getting sick

I wanna go vegan because i believe it would be optimal for my health, wich is the reason i lift for. The problem is my mom thinks this is all just hippie bullshit and a fad and that it would hurt me. I really don't wanna upset her because i know she couldn't handle any more stress in her life right now. Maybe i could just remove red meat

This study was done on mice given supraphysiological doses. More realistic doses in a more realistic human model show beneficial effects.

There are various correlational studies done by these authors but they are poorly done and confounded by people with shitty renal function. Fish has tons of TMAO and TMAO precursors and shows nothing but beneficial associations.

Also, much work on carnitine supplementation has been done on patients with atherosclerosis and shows favorable impact on symptomology falsifying this hypothesis.

Here's a link to the actual paper

which of course says absolutely nothing about meat, just localized iron accumulation in one region of the brain, which can be caused by all sorts of things like inflammation and blood brain barrier damage common to the dementias. Christian Nordqvist is a vegetarian journalist, so it's no wonder he'd get a kick out of writing dishonest bullshit about diet. The guy who ran the lab died so he wouldn't be able to correct his nonsense.

Too little dietary iron can increase dementia risk as well

and even very mild iron deficiency can cause cognitive impairment

and more iron than necessary might even be better for the brain

and for the laughs here's a study that found meat was protective against dementia

Normal people have a functioning hepcidin system to regulate their iron absorption from non-supplementary food sources and iron status is checked in routine blood work (and iron deficiency is a leading cause of global DALYs) so it's nothing to worry about for the majority of people with healthcare.

Eating mushroom risotto rn post-workout.

They're good for you but I'd never have them as the basis of my diet or anything


i can smell the cancer

>burning the meat
fucking americans look at all that char on it
fucking ruined

It's amazing to me that enjoyment is directly tied to dopamine release and that things that taste better to you are going to release more dopamine. So yes. You have a mental disease if good food is not enjoyable to you. If you're happy eating mushrooms that's fine but don't try to tell me you get no enjoyment out of consumables you lying fuck. You're just baiting people with shitty arguments with terrible liberal agendas like "meat is bad because x" there are benefits and risks to both vegan and meat containing diets. If you want to preserve your mind from Alzheimer's then there are studies showing that nicotine decreases your risk by about 70% so go smoke yourself into oblivion.

It's called BBQ brisket. Although I'm not sure if I just swallowed the bait

Vegans are some of the most annoying people on the fucking planet

Literally the vapers of the dietary world

>Vapers of the dietary world


>still eating meat
>posts study about eating too much meat

Well shit OP you better stop drinking water entirely because too much can kill you pretty quick desu senpai.

How about this? I eat meat in moderation, and you agree to stop shitposting in Veeky Forums, read the sticky, and fucking lift.

I could die a happy man

>people eat red meat for hundreds of thousands of years with Alzheimers being anything like an epidemic
>blame it on red meat anyway
Typical Vegan trolling bullshit.

You guys got the memo on this Vegan crap, right? They want to not only steal your gains, they want to steal your manhood by curbing your aggressive tendencies, by eliminating meat from your diet. In essence they want to turn you into females with penises, easily controlled and malleable. Don't fall for it, m8s.

There is literally NOTHING wrong with eating meat.

Meat is not only nutritious, it's delicious.

Meat can (and is) be raised and even slaughtered in humane ways. Every year that passes, food animals are being treated better. Look at the Native Americans, who relied on hunting the buffalo for their survival; they thanked each and every one for their lives, so that they and their families could live. Sound inhumane to you? Vegans would shit all over the heritage of the Native Americans, are you going to let that happen?

At the very least dairy products and eggs are likewise delicious and nutritious, as is fish. No reason to eliminate these from your healthy, balanced diet, destroying your gains, and surrendering your manhood to the Vegan's New World Order where men are ineffectual drones.

Fight back, m8s. Eat a steak today.

>Native American reaction on hearing what Vegans have planned for humanity

What a fag

> they contain a lot of protein and could replace meat

Come on. At least pick something believable like lentils.

1 cup Lentils 62 g prot
1 cup mushrooms 6 g prot

>Learning a psuedoscience from a broscientist
top fucking kek

They still don't have a complete, high-quality protein, it's deficient in two essential amino acids, and they still have too much carbs and too much fiber for anyone needing large amounts of protein daily, you'd need another non-meat source to complement, which means even more carbs and more fiber. Sorry, meat and dairy still win.

>Too much fiber
One day you will shit out blood

lentils and quinoa both are great when added to brown rice to add protien but for the love of satan they are worse than beans and nuts when it comes to fiber,

holy shit you will never be as afraid of your farts until you add both of those to your diets, sure fibers great for getting rid of toxins and cutting weight but it blocks the absorption of nutrients and protein which is what realy matters for gains,

and what the fuck is up with the vegan 10% protien meme, like for fuck sake you need atleast 0.8 grams of protien to maintain your shit and for working out you barely need a little more.