Who else here making it?
Who else here making it?
i don't lift
I actually did the exact same thing last week, but I would never post about it on Veeky Forums because all the e-statting, fat powerlifters would call me a weak faggot and tell me to kill myself.
u mean like 100kg?
102.058 kilograms to be exact!
My power level is rising! Hahahaha!
do you really think we workout here
Good for you user but you'll come to realize 2pl8s is warmup for everyone who is making it
3pl8 for reps is your next goal, keep at it, godspeed
Good for you OP, but you'll still never make it
cause making it is a meme, it's the carrot on the stick you'll never reach cause it's tied to your back, when you think you've made it the goalpost is moved. Veeky Forums will never say that you've made it cause making it is impossible
now go squat 3 pl8 you fucking pucci or you'll never make it
>tfw I will never train past 100kg squat because dont want giant treetrunk legs
>being 5'7
Fuck off r9k.
Tips on progressing user?
I suck at squatting... 1pl8 feels easy but ANYTHING heavier than that feels like the weight of the world. I don't get it.
The best thing I ever did for my progress was use myfitnesspal to track my calories. When you are consistently eating above maintenance, you will get stronger. Look up stronglifts, that's the program I'm doing now. It has a really great app too to track progress.
But seriously, EAT MOAR!
Squat numbers are not reliable for strength comparison because there is no one exact ROM everyone doing. Some people in my gym don't even go to the parallel, some sweeping the floor with their balls
OP here, I'm ATG niqqa.
ayy OP I just did the same on SL a couple days ago. starting to feel like 2.5kg increase per workout isnt gonna happen much longer. wbu?
Good job, man. I only just barely hit 190 in freedom units :(
Frog posting
Bragging about weak ass lifts in your own thread
Verdict: just let the bar come down on you next time faggot
Fell for the meme I see
Me too OP but it was 3x5
Am I gonna make it?
i lifted 2 plate when i was 17
Post gains
>not zero pl8s for 20reps
never gunna get swole breh
Eat with a little surplus, learn proper squats low or high whatever. Do it atleast twice a week for bonus speed
>tfw finally did 3plaets for 8 reps
Well feels good because Im lifting for almost 3 yrs
>tried for 4pl8 1rm yesterday
>hit the first rep
>fookn ez shit lets do another
>core loses tension on way up
>drop bar on safety pins and lie down on the floor unable to get up for a solid 15 minutes
>no one gives a fuck
48 hours later im still stuggling to walk, the pain is fucking horrible. Based grandma gave me her dank aff 30mg codeine pills hehhh.
finally hit 4 pl8 tho fuckn made it lads
gratz bruh, finally broke out a 3 plate squat for 1 rep
This is why I've never tested my squat max. Just add more to my 5x5 every week.
It's also probably why my diddly is over 175lbs more than my squat...
good shit op
keep it up, proud of you
It has nothing to do with testing your max and more to do with being an idiot and not bracing properly.
Yeah boy? You tried a squat plug yet?
I don't think I'm going to plataeu any time soon.
> core loses tension
I've never really had this happen. On all the failed squats that I've done it was always just my legs being stuck in the hole and it wouldn't even come up 1cm. If I get it just 1cm I was able to grind it out every time though.
If your dl is that much higher chances are that you're either just beginning with training or that you just suck at squatting.
You also can't just add to a 5x5 forever lol, you'll end up doing 3x5 then 2x 3-4.
Hey not op but I just got to 2 plate 5x5 too! It took me a long time because I got stuck at 185x5 for a while. What worked for me was eating more, and doing sets of two with increasing weight before dropping down to do my 5x5. For example, I would do a warm up set of 135 5x5, 185x2, 205x2, 225x2, 245x2, and 265x2, then I'd drop back down to 225 for sets of 5. For some reason, I think doing the heavier weights tricks your body into thinking anything less than that is actually kind of light. I hope this helps
Need help on squatz. When I squat, weights with a bar are leaning on the right side. What could cause this? Imbalance in leg strenght?
you dont make it with squats, you can hit 4pl8 and still look like shit
Hit 250 5x5 on bench, hit 305 5x5 on deady, can't get past 185 5x5 on squat. What the fuck is wrong with my weak ass legs!!!
>tfw you're in the hole and struggling and just need that 5% mental overdrive to kick in but it won't and you know you're not gonna make it but you struggle hard af anyways