There are people on fit RIGHT NOW who pay hookers for sex

>there are people on fit RIGHT NOW who pay hookers for sex

>there are people on fit RIGHT NOW who get paid for sex
Welcome to the outside world ye summer lad

>there are people on fit RIGHT NOW that don't understand that you pay hookers to leave not for the sex
>there are people on fit RIGHT NOW that don't think that buying a girl dinner and drinks is paying for sex

What's wrong with getting paid? It's a the people buying it that are losers

>implying you're not paying regardless, whether directly or indrectly



Delete now please.

>paying then to leave

Then why do you pay by the hour user? Fuckin lel

This desu.

>there are people on fit RIGHT NOW who only date women who pay for themselves

Is Veeky Forums really this beta? You realize good looking guys can fuck prime pussy

You're LITERALLY so disgusting that it takes hundreds of dollars to convince a halfway decent girl to take your dick for an hour. That's about as low as you can go in evolutionary terms

>there are people on fit RIGHT NOW who have sex

Explain how ANYONE fucks prime pussy without paying in one way or another

The only dudes that happens with is athletes and celebs, even then not really

>guys, I pay for sex because if I "hook up" with girls or go on "dates" I literally can't get rid of them
>they just won't leave, they keep sucking my dick and all I want to do is browse Veeky Forums

Know thats fucking feel.

I just want to fuck then smoke a joint and play vidya. Once my penis is filled with ego I can truly enjoy the neet life.

How do you define paying? When I go out to a bar with my friends, I have to pay for booze. When I go hiking I have to pay for snacks. When a lady friend visits me, I might have to pay for that water and like slightly more electricity. When I visit people I have to pay for travel; even if I walk my shoes are being gradually worn down. You pretty much always pay to stay alive. But these costs are trivial.

Step 1. Go to a party
Step 2. Pick up a girl
Step 3. Fuck

Did none of you go to college? Do you not have friends? I am 100% average looking and even I got pussy at like half the parties I went to in college.

Even if you went for the autistic "buy her dinner" method, it's like $10. Bitches eat salad. Last time I checked $10 is less than $200+

Doesn't matter if its trivial or not you're still paying

You think that shit doesn't add up? Of course you don't you've clearly never had a girlfriend

If we're talking about one night stands only then in theory you could have sex for almost free, but if you want to keep fucking the same girl over and over you WILL dish out money at some point

There is nothing wrong with paying for sex, because you're all paying whether you want to accept it or not. Throw in the fact that almost every woman has a price and some are worried about being "cheap", and its part of life you have to accept

I have, in fact, had a girlfriend.

Having a live-in girlfriend reduces my greatest expense, which is rent/mortgage since I live in a large city. I don't pay her way because she has a job. I pay for myself in social things, and I'd be doing social things with my friends regardless of whether I had a girlfriend.

Honestly even if she were poor, regular sex is way cheaper per encounter than paying a hooker, plus I get companionship and someone I really care about.

>sex whenever you want it, hang out afterwards playing vidya and having fun
>paying for cool shit you want to do anyway like booze, movies, vacations, theme parks


>paying hundreds per fuck
>she leaves afterward because staying would cost money and you wouldn't enjoy each other's company anyway

How does this even compare? Inb4

>I don't like hanging out with girls

Which is a sure sign of autism

Aren't we all in a way paying for sex.

:( ouch

Yeah, this exactly

Betas assume they have to pay for everything because of their beta status. Most couples split checks. I lived with my last girlfriend for six months, split rent, and saved a shitload. She paid for her shit, I paid mine, and I introduced my cock to her asshole.

Because from their perspective, the amount of times they can leave per hour dictates the amount of money they can make in a day. Only makes sense, I don't see the issue?

If you're gonna want to leave her, but not before after 24 hours of fucking, it's only fair she'll be compensated better.

>You're LITERALLY so disgusting that it takes hundreds of dollars to convince a halfway decent girl to take your dick for an hour

you can literally say this about marriage and it's the same tbqh

>he lives in a place where a hooker costs more than 10 dollars

top kek, jokes totally on you

If you're not paying in money, then you're paying in time.

Paying in money is fine, but time? Everyone on this earth only has a fixed amount of time. You cannot buy more time. Any time you spend on anything or anyone is time spent you will never get back, time you can never spend on anything else.

Not spending money doesn't mean you're not getting ripped off. Spend time on the things that really matter.

>marriage costs hundreds of dollars an hour


You're both missing the point completely

You're paying for sex. It doesn't if you're saving money or if she has a job you're still paying. So looking down on someone else for getting a hooker is stupid as fuck. You're both too retarded to understand this. The only difference is you're not directly paying, but you ARE paying. The amount makes no difference at all

Still cheaper than marriage with more action

>spend time on things that really matter

Like finding a beautiful woman who you love and like, who will bear your children and raise them while keeping your balls empty?

You're right, smoking weed and watching anime is much more important

it's whatever makes you happy.

If you think it's worth spending time on buying drinks to random bitches in a club, off you go.

If having a wife & family is what you want (and this is certainly one of the most expensive things you can want, in terms of both money, time & other sacrifices), off you go.

But everything has a cost, and it's dumb to not acknowledge that. People who pay for sex are certainly not stupid for doing so in any way, it might be a very good investment for their given situation.

>marriage is cheaper than hookers

How's high school?

>you can have this candy bar for ten cents or you can pay twenty bucks for it
>the amount makes no difference at all bro!

Are you actually this retarded or are you just pretending?

Do you guys honestly believe that clubs are the only place to meet women?

Marriage is free bro. A house, a car, feeding the kids? Sure that costs money, but with two of you working together to pay for it, it's cheaper than doing it yourself

Or are you one of those cucks who supported his deadbeat girlfriend/spouse and bought all her shit? Fucking lol