Veeky Forums.. i fucked up

Veeky Forums.. i fucked up.

I wanted to maximize my gains, and like a fucking retard i drank three giant ass scoops of protein powder with milk.. roughly ~200 grams of protein in one sitting.. also, before that I ate a chicken sandwich.

I fucked up bros.. I feel like vomiting a fucking storm. Can someone please help me in preventing from puking (don't want to waste protein) and how to feel better?

>don't ever take this much protein bros, trust me

If your body wants you to vomit, you better do it. Be smart user and don't kys.

pretty sure im not going to die from protein.. don't want to waste the protein

Just save the vomit and eat it over the course of a day duh.

I have more bad news.... when I took too much protein... I had trouble for almost a week... and had to buy and use laxatives for the first time ever. The stuff is really dry actually. Imagine concrete mix trying to squeeze through a straw.

hmm.. if it comes to that i guess ill do that but im trying to hold it down t b h

Also drink lot's of water to dilute that SHIT

oh fuck me. fuuuuckkk.. are you joking? I did notice that whenever I took protein and shit, my shits were a lot more constipated ... was it painful?

WHat protein gives you 200 grams from 3 scoops? or is this like, 3 cups worth?

i dont think i can hold down anymore liquids but im now realizing i fucked up a lot more than I originally thought

mine is 60grams per scoop, and I overloaded each scoop by a good amount, so was probably taking in 70ish grams per scoop, plus the protein from the milk

too late mate

great bate




>my captcha was milkshake

i wish i was baiting mate :/

m8 i've been in the exact same situation as you. all you can do is just sit down and focus on not vomiting, maybe a glass of water after a few minutes. YOU CAN KEEP IT DOWN BRO

it's been about 10 or so minutes since i took that protein ... i'm feeling a lot, lot better.. glad i was able to keep my mind off it.. looks like all that protein is gonna make it for them gains BRAH. we gonna make it.

ill post an update in a few days to let you guys know how much shits are going. honestly consumed like fucking 400+ grams of protein today, cuz i had oatmeal, eggs for breakfast, chicken and corn for lunch, and three shakes for dinner ... might even eat an entire lasagna if i feel hungry in a bit.. lol

>Not being able to handle three scoops

How do ever plan on leaving humanity behind?

Hold it down pussy. I can have puke coming up my oesophagus from overload capacity and still hold that shit down. You'll feel better in an hour.

>3 scoops is 200g of protein
nigga how big are your scoops
60 grams a fucking scoop??

You're stupid. No wonder you drank 3 scoops. You can't even read the label properly. There's NO WHEY there's 60g in a scoop.
You better throw up because that's what your body wants to do. Are you really going to force your body to do something it doesn't want? Good look with your digestive system

it's not whey you jew.

>are you really going to force your body to do something it doesnt want
yes. that's called gains.

catch me banging your girl with my 22 inch biceps cheeky cunt

yeah thats why i bought it.. fucking huge ass protein scoops brah.. if you overload it you can get 70+ per scoop
exactly.. i held that shit down brah i was a pussy for making this thread.. forgive me brother for i have fucking sinned ya sick cunt

Control your breathing and think of something pleasant but youre a moron and natural selection is coming for you

eat my protein farts you sad cunt

Lay down and focus on nit vomitting

Dont get up even when the feeling is gone

Pray to Painoman forgiveness and gains.

I dont think youll be able to fart for a while you constipated pine cone

you're going to be farting like satan is trying to crawl through your anus

you got me there titty fucker

Stop listening falling for the supplement merchants tricks.
Even if you kept down the protein you'd shit and piss it all out.

op please do this for science: wrap yourself in a plastic trash bag so that you can control your farts up to your face

then i want you to rate your farts on a chart with a few metrics- mass, wet feeling, acridity

ok i will do that and let you know.. bout to eat an entire case of lasagna

throw in some creatine, onions, eggs, garlic

i had egg whites this morning, 8 of them.. pretty sure there's onions and garlic in it already.. gonna be fucking bomb tasty brah ill make a thread for you tomorrow on my farts .. what the fuck do you want me to rate them again how?

Dont you have puking to do dumb curlbro

that's an insult to my self-centered gym lifestyle you ass hole

surely eating everything and just taking in massive protein doesnt make you gain any more lean muscle than it does pure fat

>eating everything
except im not? I'm eating high protein, efficient carbs and healthy fats, and do heavy workouts. try it some time dyel. i'm 11% bf tryna get 8%

the only way you get fat from foods is high fatty foods.. dont be a carbphobiac homo

>what the fuck do you want me to rate them again how?

mass- like the sheer volume of fart. probably on a 15 point scale weighted between your subjective feeling and then a more objective measure of how many seconds.

1- squeaker, less than .25 second, negligible mass
2- quacker, .25-.5 seconds, more percussive than a squeaker
3- grenade, .5-1 seconds, definite big deliberate fart
4- payload, 1-2 comically large, long, fart that evolves at least slightly through the duration
5- anal blast, anything over 2 seconds.

wet feeling- that protein fart feeling like there's some liquid matter dwelling in there, also called a "hot fart"

1- absolutely dry, like a zephyr in a small texas town
2- still dry but not totally desiccated
3- humid
4- a fucking wet fart, this is going to stink
5- i may have just shit myself

acridity- how bad it stinks

1- no smell
2- did you just fart?
3- ok you fucking farted
4- you farted, and i know what you fucking ate
5- that's gonna stick in my clothes, on my upper lip, and in my memories

oops, kinda edited that weird. sorry. just got done FACE HEIGHT FRAMING my gf

just take that second sentence and put it first, like a header. 15 point scale, 3 variables

ok, ill keep this in to account for you, hook you up with a graph.. i havent experienced any farts yet tho. just got done grubbing on the lasagna.. should be a stinky good night and few days
nice, how'd she do? got pics? You got her on a training program?

>nice, how'd she do?

twice clitorally, once vaginally if you gather my meaning

>got pics?

nay lad

>You got her on a training program?

i guess you could say that

nice brah make sure you slip some tren in her oats

here is what i do, note i don't consume protein powder (poor fag)

early in morning before my daily runs
1 viminova tablet and two scoops of oats with warm milk
>pic related
3 whole eggs some red meat and bread with warm milk
>mid breaklunch (around 10ish)
bunch of bananas
steak with 1 whole eggs some avocado and other greens and pasta
>mid lunchniner (around 3:30ish)
some oranges/ lemons, yup i just eat them sue me
pasta with chicken cream soap

careful you can easily get fat with this diet if you are not serious with your workout.