Why aren't you showing off in a mall, Veeky Forums?
Why aren't you showing off in a mall, Veeky Forums?
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Do models even know when someone genuinely likes them for them? At least when people like me or hang out with me or say I'm funny I know they're being honest.
that dude who pulled his girls away
he does not even look good, what is this
>he does not even look good
Post body
>he does not even look good
my city has malls?
if you're talking about his face I agree he looks kinda weird. But dat body
Yea, you clearly see a face of complete disgust from 0:55 to 1:03
obsivously using test
Serious question how much time does it take to get to that point
If that was my end goal
No steroids or shit
test boosters or steroid?
Why are you still natty?
>being a male slut
She's laughing because he's such a dyel manlet
Zyzz 2.0
>Implying you wouldn't
2 yrs steroid
it is impossible to build such a physique without steorid
>he does not even look good
>he does not even look good
shit physique tbqh
>torso development disproportionate to arms
>unnaturally lean looks bad
>low self esteem has to use gear
kill self already ty
just watched this and daydreamed if that was me
fml killing myself now
"LOL check out this weirdo, totally gonna post this to snapchat" *takes picture*
Just watched this and imagined gf running up and taking a picture.
Broke up with her in the daydream.
I'm now mad at her irl.
That's it I'm turning in my natty card once I finish this cut
yeah i feel like the results would be the same if it was a fat ugly dude
>it is impossible to build such a physique without steorid
Naw, you need to work out twice a day
once at 5AM and latter at like 4PM
Like 2 hours or more a day instead of browsing 4chin and playing video games.
Not that hard.
Also Diet.
More like 3 months with steroids
He isn't on steroids. This dude is just committed to the natty lifestyle, has been lifting for years and does an effective clean bulk. The lighting just makes him look even more godly in that vid. Veeky Forums is just hating
How long would it take if you worked out twice a day and ate properly etc
>looks like a typical roider, do some high rep baby weight shit each day and look like that
Those squatless legs lmao
>why even lift with that face
pure waste of time
Probably a year to get completely like that guy
If you really went all out, eat healthy intense workout maybe even around 7 Months if you have good genetics to get a really good form.
The exact example of why half of /fir/ are faggots. This is what you aspire to; degrading yourself to have easy girls just looking at you while you pose to edm
his front delts what the fuck
depending on starting and what you have available, gear, food, gym, motivation, time, genetics... no less then a 2 years
Summer is starting
We get an influx on these faggots every year
they will quit lifting after 3 months though
>Naw, you need to work out twice a day
Twice a day with bodyweight or what? Otherwise don't you get way too sore to do lifts twice a day?
his posing was so boring and cringy
Start of slow
Just do like 400 push ups total and run for like 60 min and life couple weights like 200 times each arm.
This is total from both work outs
>too sore
Dude, just work through it or take a lazy Sunday
This is nothing I started doing this at 17.
itt: jelly faggots.
i thought Veeky Forums would like this video, it shows girls actually do like muscles.
i know right? are these trolls or simply retards
What's wrong with his shoulders? It looks like he's missing a huge chunk. Is this from not hitting posterior delts? Traps? He looks good up to that point.
>At least when people like me or hang out with me or say I'm funny I know they're being honest.
>he thinks people genuinely like him
looks like he needs to do some facepulls
also wtf he says he's 21.
That is
I'm leaving this thread
fuck this world, see ya all you little dipshits
Half of the board would be a female slut if they could
>This is nothing I started doing this at 17.
Damn, impressive job man. I only started getting in shape some months ago and I wouldn't be able to pull that off for now. At least I keep making progress but you gave me a goal to achieve.
what the fuck is this
is this a troll
is this a retard
this, makes me sad i'll never be the guy behind the glass without genetic overhaul or roids
Quality reddit post
You don't understand, we are jelly because we haven't experienced such niceness in all our lifes, so to see some dipshit who blasted steroids get all the praise from some ignorant people just makes us rage
not to say that they couldn't do that shit if it weren't for some stupid asshole scientist who had nothing better to do with his life than dedicate it mindlessly towards helping chads be better chads while he lived a very rotten life
jesus christ i'm mad
Now I'm really thinking about my natty card. Is 27 not too late for roids? I wish I would start lifting at 18-20
Started doing it about a month after my birth day when I realized I was a fucking kissless virgin and turned down so many qt girls and relized I had just turned 17 and I would stay like this forever if I didn't do fucking something
So I pretty much worked out through the regret.
Maybe you just have shit genetics man?
I started lifting when I was three years old and I'm still not on his level. He must've started when he was two.
Have you even tried it faggot?
You do this along side a couple pullups, hanging legs rises and dumbbell side bends and you get pretty dam close to the guy in the video
I honestly think it is more about diet than anything but whatever.
of course you're not going to post your body, you look like shit, which I know because you are recommending for somebody to do pushups and treadmill to get a body like in the OP
What's more is you told a poor innocent noob you can look like that in a year. You can't look like that in TEN years natty.
what the fuck is wrong with you?
yes I've been lifting for 3.5 years and I know a lot of people who have been lifting drug free for as long as me if not longer and NONE of them look ANYTHING like OP
you clearly have no idea what the fuck you're talking about either, you just keep mentioning fluff exercises and treadmills, the fuck is wrong with your dumb ass?
That's super douchey
All this hate, fine bros ill leave.
how about you just post your body to back up your claims you can get a body that nobody in the history of Veeky Forums has ever achieved by running for 60 minutes and doing 400 pushups, and only in 1 years time! Then maybe we will start listening to you
this is precisely why normals think anyone who isn't skinnyfat is a tryhard
probably just does DB shoulder press and front raises for shoulders
what a dunce he shouldve stood in between two of the lights so that he would get the best lighting
the fact you post that webm in a thread where you're advocating pushups to look like op suggests you think they look similar. are you a retard?
so? Veeky Forums has an entire general for steroids.
Holy fuck his jaw is unreal....
Who the fuck has a maxilla pushed that far forwards.
There are people who really believe that shit. In fact the majority of normal people think you can accidentally become a body builder with a pair of dumbbells and eating chicken once a day.
>thinking that such a low BF% is sustainable without anabolics
>being cucked by jewtube fitness and supp industry
>not recognizing when a man is insecurely craving attention like a woman
lel ok pal
man i started lifting just after conception and still dont have his progress
>people think he is not attractive.
I'm a girl and that guy is legit 9.5/10.
He has nice hair, a good jaw line and a god tier body.
But he is more shallow than Flareon's movepool so wouldn't even fuck him. Unintelligent douchebags are a turn off.
I don't want to become too big, so I eat only half a chicken
>>not recognizing when a man is insecurely craving attention like a woman
Beta manlet found
> jewtube
He thinks he is red pilled by not working out and seeing this guy as his un attaynable standard and working out to be like him and having girls flock to him like the guy in the video and continuing "le white race"
>Not that hard.
so you have a physique similar to the guy in the vid?
Fucking lmao at the guy who tackles his girlfriend miring hard what a loser
How can anyone look at this and not know roids are the answer. Are you going to spend your life slaving away in the gym trying to stay natural just so you can look like you don't even lift.
Maybe 2 hours day of gym instead of posting on 4chin is the answer ?
t. 24%bf 400lbs power lifter who's also bald
>tfw you'll never make a qt wanna suck your dick in public
dumb fucking girl can't read fuck off
Who said he's not good looking? We all know he's 9/10 with that face even if he never stepped into gym in his life
we're mad because that further promotes roid using
nowadays people don't even consider you lift if you don't roid and look like a 2%bf lean magazine bodybuilder
what makes it worse is that getting strong doesn't even matter no more, it's just making you become a man whore
[whiteknight] with thephrasing in the post she referred too it was pretty ambiguous. It said like why even bother lifting with that face. That could be taken as his face was so ugly he shouldnt have started lifting, or his face was so pretty that if pussy was his goal, lifting would have been a waste of time. She took it as the former though the poster meant the latter. [/whiteknight]
he forgot dance of the gods :)
So when zyzz does it, he sparks a revolution and is remembered as the holy son of zues but when this guy blasts roids, he's remembered as a cheater?
We saw zyzz transform from a dyel hungry skeleton into the son of God. This guy looks amazing though his proportions are out a bit but he might have been a chad before and just decided to use steroids.
he does what i do.
>wear big shirts and make people assume youre DYEL
>have "unfortunate accident" and take shirt off
>everyone is shocked as fuck to see a shredded muscular body
But that said, that video *is* shady as fuck. He definitely chugged some tren shakes pre-workout and he's claiming to be natty, which is total bullshit. Yeah his proportions are a bit of fbut overall, his body is ridiculous.
I have honestly never heard of this guy before and i spend a lot of time on YouTube.
I'm 33 now and have been naturally bodybuilding for the past 16 years and only in the last year I've decided to get some pharmacutical help but no one gives a fuck about a jacked 33 year old. I wish i juiced when i was younger you would think training for so long i would have been huge but i hit my natural limit long ago and i was pretty much just maintaining that.
I wish i would have been taking anything i could get back then.
You made the typical natty mistake of assuming things are going to get better.
I went about 4 years lifting natty before I realized I hadn't really made much progress after the 2nd year or so. Then I got on the gas and my physique improved 10 fold without any extra effort lol.
>tfw I do this
I only found him having binged zyzz vids. Sorry to hear that your uh, feeling that way though? Wasn't expecting that response? I'm just some 6 month old natty dyel man.
I'm 6 foot 230lbs so don't feel too sorry. I just wish i was huge when i was younger and got to enjoy them with heaps of sluts rather than the only woman who i get to share my gains with being my wife.
Is this the natty limit?
alright dude, I guess. I'm just some r9k friendless virgin looking to jump ship. I get it though, the dream. At least you have the ability to pressure her to get gud in areas of her life as a result of this.
Definitely possible natty but there's no way he is, he did it way too fast