Who /ready for summer/ here?

Who /ready for summer/ here?

I started lifting two months ago. I'm just going to bulk until I start looking like shit.
These strength gains are too good.

Not me. Still fat.

I can count the days that I have lifted in 2016 with 1 hand

Still at 11% BF, need a few more weeks


well i'm currently on a cut, but i'm sat here going through a bag of peanut m&ms

so no

whats happening in summer? New animu?


Lost 7 kg in 6 weeks, but currently on a 2-weeks pause (at maintenance) and will go again, I still have 4 kg to lose

20% come at me

I'm the same senpai but gonna start cutting this week. Want to lose this gut so bad.
These strength gains are amazing though.

on paper, yes but i'm way too hairy to rock a tanktop and fuck shaving.

You do know you don't need to bulk to make strength gains right?

Who makes this shit lmao

Yes you do unless you're a beginner
And even then the strength gains while bulking as a beginner are better then cuttibf

>tfw going to cancun on June 12th

I've stared doing bodyweight exercises, and I've been cutting for the past few months.
hoping for noon gains to kick in so I can get some sweet aesthetics in time for my vacation

I'm lean enough, but I've been trough three different dermatologists and still can't cure my severe bacne, so no shirtless summer for me.
And I live in Central Texas where you can basically wear a tank top half of the year

I-ill be ready for next summer!

You'll be too old

Still cutting after 8 months famalam. I knew I wouldn't look good this summer, but I'll be sick next summer.

The new Berzerk is going to be part of the summer anime season!

Seriously? Fuck yeah!

Nah I'm fat and don't look buff