How do I go from left to right?

How do I go from left to right?

I've cleaned up my diet a lot, I swim regularly. I've lost the rest, but the stomach remains!

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Your stomach is your centre of mass, in order for you to keep upright you're going to lose mass around your stomach last.

Keep cutting until you start losing stomach fat. That's it. Please delete this thread now.

I don't believe you. I'd have believed you all the way till your final comment.

Stay fat then, some people make it some people dont, you are the kind of people who give up

OP just wants to get toned, user

Ah I see, so you wanna just lose belly get and tone up for the summer?

It's your choice:

You're a lick of a cunt, mate. That said..

Mass in the stomach and sides go last and are often the hardest area to notice change in. Just keep losing fat, lifting and it'll tone up in time. It all takes time, which is annoying but that time is going to pass regardless. Keep at it.

Every step takes you forward.

I meant the comment:
>Please delete this thread now

It reads entirely like you're a cunt

I am, so what?????? Go botch about it on lolcow

How the fuck do you disbelieve an imperative? You're obviously fat because you're retarded.

You keep cutting. BMI

It has nothing to do with the center of mass but the stomach fat will be the last to go, particularly for men. Surely you've noticed that fat isn't just randomly deposited anywhere on people's bodies.

Just google it.

Lose more weight. There's really nothing more to it.

You gotta lose more weight. Maybe some more intense cardio and you should be good.

this questions are in the sticky, theres a reason why its in top of the board, also bitching and shitposting dont burns fat

Pic of your stomach?


Stop cheating on your diet

get a better diet, do research. my tips is, thats its actually very simple eat only alot of fruits and veggies. going vegan also would help alot. gl



>Bmi under 19