What do you guys think of this guy?

What do you guys think of this guy?

Other urls found in this thread:


He looks like that smart guy from that 3D cartoon show. Also he looks like a weakling, typical weak vegan

theres a lot of hate in his eyes.

stooping to his level makes us no better.

He tries way to hard to shill himself
But hey at least he got (in)famous


the gains his shirt references are negative gains, right?

He's one of the only YouTube people I like.

With that said, he does try a little too hard to be edgy at times.

I love him. The majority of Veeky Forums hate him because they can't retaliate any of his points without resulting to ad-hominems.

Stay mad meat eater scum.

he always looks sick. his skin looks fucked up and his body looks frail. I cant quite put ny finger on it but its not a look im after.

I like when he calls out fake natties and the "industry"
I dont give a fuck about his vegan struggle/propaganda

We don't.

I think he's pretty cool. He's a huge try-hard and kind of pretentious but he gets the point across well and he's right about a lot of shit. I know it's a meme to hate on him here but that makes me love him even more.

He looks twelve and his chest is laughable. That's about it.

His name has the word 'gains' in it, but he has no gains to show.

Is it an ironic name?
Is the vegan part ironic too?
Is he just a meateating skinny fuck?

>no gains

he looks absolutely terrible.

thats cringey

his body and upper arm look like a morbidly obese woman bending over

>he's right about a lot of shit.
If you look up the studies he cites about veganism being healthier, some of the actually show the opposite. He either has no reading comprehension or is a pathological liar or something.

A genuine vegan lifter is rarer than a fucking unicorn. Most "vegan" lifters are either secret meat-eaters or roiders, including this guy.
Please stop making these threads, they are cringeworthy.

The sad part is that this picture is taken in his kitchen by his mother

Have you seen him in his videos. He's pathetically weak and small.

He struggles with one plate bench his squat is absolute fucking retardation.

on a scale of Standing to AssToGrass he's about a 5.

That pic is really good lighting and IDK maybe photoshop. He's very skinny in his videos.

90% of vegan lifters besides durianrider eat meat off camera
harley is the only legit vegan channel
also sick of these trendy vegans who quit eating meat for a month and read shitty webmd "articles" and now consider themselves experts

T.vegan who hates VG

His eyes are scaring me bros...

It's like he has no soul under there.

>It's like he has no soul under there.
Of course, niggers don't have souls.

Same fagging shill plz go

/youtube/ when?

>struggling with 1pl8 bench and squat
You have got to be kidding. I pretty much started with 1pl8 squat and reached bench about 2 months in.

Every day theres a thread about Vg or some other vegan fuccboi so yes

This is the only video related to him that is worth watching


annoying halfnigger
low test

I think others should report threads about him for commercial advertising.

I eat meat but don't shove it into peoples faces or act high and mighty about my diet and lifts like him. He's also got terrible muscle insertions and strength; he really shouldn't be so crazy on video.

His head is such an odd shape, he'd look a lot better with longer hair.

squats a grindy 3x205
deadlifts a massive 6x295

gz, you have high bodyweight

But yea, VG has been lifting for 9 years I think, and can't do fucking 3pl8 deadlift for reps

nvm thought you said you started with 1pl8 binch jej

reminder that you can't actually post his name on Veeky Forums for this reason. his content is banned because he's been pushing this shit himself the whole time and Veeky Forums just eats it up like retards.

report all green monster threads.

He only looks skinny because of the big shirts he wears. He's not massive when he's not flexing, but he still has some size.


Gee, I never thought the President used to lift when he was younger

Looks nothing like Obama

Also looks like a vegan weakling,for all the purpose and effort he probably devotes to his diet and lifestyle he looks no better than your average pro-gamer who sips gallons of energy drinks and doesn't sleep for 56 hours straight.

If richard is so weak and dyel, please show me your bodies so i know what strong and muscular men look like.

>ib4 false claims about how vegan diets are unhealthy
>inb4 not a single person has a better body then him

pls go back to your bat cave

He looks like an ugly version of me, we almost have the exact same haircut except I have a styled fade.

I'm just gonna leave this here

Look into one of the CBT threads, and you'll see plenty of anons with better bodies


>My mom was the one filming me while I train
This is not even fucking funny it just makes me sad.

we kinda do, yeah

Tbh senpai I don't really trust his nutritional advice. He has a huge chest gap that is typically developed through a lack of protein - a problem many vegans face and can't address properly

This nigga small asf.

no theres not you weebcuck

Are you 12?

10:25 made me crie

>He has a huge chest gap that is typically developed through a lack of protein
>actually believing that troll post from the last thread
Typical day on Veeky Forums

this guy has the shittiest insertions i've ever seen
and he isn't even that strong.

Fuck off shill.

Seriously fuck off, stop sucking cock and eat a steak now and then, you weak fucking vegan pussy. You should rape yourself with a carrot and a cucumber

veganogains pls go.
you can come back when you can bench more than 185 after your 8 years of lifting

>muh arms

gj developing the smallest and most easily-isolated muscles in your body you curlbro faggot.

>your body needs to look better before you can judge if somebody else looks good or not
Srsly fuck off

He can curl 90lb with full rom, pretty respectable there

but all of his other stats are garbage


so he focus on the smallest and most easily isolated glamour muscles in the body because his deficient vegan diet literally cannot sustain training large muscle groups. all of his compound movements are below babyweight and I outlifted him when i was 165 pounds bodyweight after my first year lifting while he's been lifting 8 years

why veganogains still posts here talking himself up is beyond me. he should keep making confirmation bias videos for the other vegan faggots and attentionwhoring himself out on youtube to people who don't know anything about fitness unlike here on my anonymous cartoon porn imageboard.

Yeah actually it's true if you're going to call their physique shit

He's 3edgy5me and some of the character segments in his videos are cringeworthy as shit. Having said that, he's full of hate and angst which makes for entertaining videos. More importantly though, he backs up a lot of his statements with peer-reviewed studies, logic, and tends to have coherent counterarguments for any opposition. He's thoroughly convinced me to try veganism and I will be after my exams are finished up.

>so he focus on the smallest and most easily isolated glamour muscles in the body because his deficient vegan diet literally cannot sustain training large muscle groups
well he's primarily a bicycle rider and is now focusing on muay thai


after 8 years lifting he struggles with:
>205lb squat
>bodyweight dips
>195lb row

but at least he can curl 55lb and lying triceps extension 135!

god damn it's sad to watch

I mean, to be fair his routine is high frequency low volume. That means his intensity can't be all that high either.

>high frequency natty on a vegan diet
>low volume with low weight

god damn nigger just stop defending yourself on an anonymous persian rug trading emporium


Would you fuck with him IRL?

The thing is it's not really that low of weight considering lifting is not his main focus. If you watch his videos he talks a shit ton about cycling and martial arts and even states that vegan diets have less calorically dense foods. Even in the video you posted he mentions he has a glute injury and that he's been doing a lot of cardio. Put all this together and you have lower than expected lifts because he's injured and because most of his energy expenditure goes into cardio. I don't see why you're being such a nigger. What's your cardio and lifting routine if you're so great?

he realizes that when you say it out loud it sounds like ve-gay-nism

this guy looks like his insides are rotten

phul 4x/week and 2 days hiit (60/120s) with one day distance (3 laps around the lake ~ 10.3 miles) every week. squat: 320x6, bench 255x3, diddly 420x2, ohp 155x3, bb row 235x6, dips 10 with +65lbs, curls (lmaox69), 2 years lifting.

i can't watch your videos it's too much cringe, confirmation bias, cherrypicked data, and lack of self-awareness.

you are in the club and this guy slaps ur gf's feet

wat do?

he looks like a faggot

dont care about vegan shit, I love beef and chicken

You can eat beef and chicken on a vegan diet, it just won't be made from meat.

How does that even work?

it doesn't if you want to do anything outside of curls

Relying on criticizing others for the sake of fame rather than trying to build others up, absolutely disgusting human being. Despise his perpetual negativity.

He only worsens his cause by the fact that he devoutly believes Greg *has* to be on roids at 5'10 170lbs (despite Greg's irrefutable 7+ years of lifting via progress videos from pre-fame early teen days on youtube to present) shows just how delusional he truly is. idgaf about veganism, to each their own and studies can be cited supporting each side of the fences arguments, the dude is just annoying as all fuck.

Low test

I only watch to laugh at him and dislike his videos


>burden of proof

>endurance is not his main fitness goal

not true, you just cannot fathom your head around the basic fact you can get nutrients without eating corpses

literally proving right.


eat shit and die, you fucking biased retard. my god, is this what vegans are actually like? ANYONE WHO DISAGREES WITH ME IS WRONG NO NO NO NO NON O NO!!!!!!!!

You don't think people who disagree with you are wrong?

prove to me you are not wrong then. Or just continue acting like a child, then claim im the one of ill charterer

VSK is funny. Instant carnist rage.

fuuuuuar brah

Objectively his chest is hideous.
His legs are non existant.
Lower core looks bad.
Pretty much always showing of his arms AKA curl bro.

When you lift for 8 years you expect already the natty end. He looks like has a long way to go.

And what's the reason for that? VEGANISM.
His body doesn't get enough nutritions, that's why its not growing properly.

>And what's the reason for that? VEGANISM.

But he ate meat for the majority of his lifting career. Is meat to blame?

Soy meat substitutes. It's pretty easy to imitate the taste, texture and protein content of meat without cruelty and health problems.

So you're just going to ignore other vegan bodybuilders then I guess

>despite Greg's irrefutable 7+ years of lifting via progress videos from pre-fame early teen days on youtube to present
Means jackshit and you can see the injection sites in clear daylight in his later videos.
Also his recent "injury" aka being off cycle when he lost all of his mass immediately.

wow that was pretty cringe


No denying he looks big, he's trained a lot but let's face it, it's not because he's a vegan. If he ate real food, he would probably be massive. Not posting my body, it don't have anything to prove, I'm just saying, he's being a cocky cunt about being a vegan like he's a saint and the biggest fucker in the gym

Autistic scrawny fag who is my constant reminder on why no one should ever go Vegan.
Why would I want to look like a 14 year old dyel forever.

no, i dont. especially not in 100% subjective things like fitness and health where its case to case almost every time. you can identify rudimentary patterns, but thats about it.

my point is this guy acts like a fucking child screaming abrasive, condescending, vacuous claims and then thinks he's the ascended one here.

tl;dr, he's actually retarded.

>If he ate real food, he would probably be massive.
How are plants not "real food."

>vegan bodybuilders
>natty bodybuilders

both are lying for money

>humans are made to live on plants
>what is cellulose

i find people who are into activism and shit about some thing or another to be repulsive so naturally i don't watch his vids.