Whats your weakness Veeky Forums?
These fuckers right here are getting me hooked.... is this gonna fuck up my gains/cuts even tho its zero cals??
Whats your weakness Veeky Forums?
These fuckers right here are getting me hooked.... is this gonna fuck up my gains/cuts even tho its zero cals??
I drink the white and red ultra zero all the time
Almonds :(
Big black cock
>ill just have one handful
>doing laps around the kitchen cupboard until the whole fuckin thing is empty
its 2kcal per 100ml iirc so a can is like 10 kcals... neglectable aslong as you don't overdrink several cans per day breh
Fatty meats are the reason I'm not nearly as fit as I'd like to be.
Chicken wings, lamb steaks, pepperoni, fried chicken, etc.
I really don't give a fuck about sweets or sodas, but a greasy mothafuckin burger is my shit
Beer. I've been trying to get sparkling water instead to drink after work, but it doesn't come close.
Hello my fellow mexican
Yup fuck sugar but greasy food tastes awesome
>Meat lovers pizza with stuffed crust and a side of wings
Das it mane
Everything I eat, however nothing I eat is inherently unhealthy so I can just eat without any guilt.
Mango is my favorite food however, can eat them beyond the point of satiety.
Energy drinks.
Was cramming for a CPA test, and got hooked on drinking 2-3 per day.
Done now, and haven't had one in a couple of weeks. But they do call to me. Bid me take my place among them.
I like you.
In the halls of Val Halla.
Where the brave..
I drink the fuck out of sugar free energy drinks and im 10% bodyfat
Nothin wrong with em
Diet soda/energy drinks/whatever the fuck is really only a problem if you're unhealthy to begin with tbqh
>fucking ice cream
Alcohol. Not even from a fitness standpoint. Once I start drinking, it's tough for me to stop until I'm shitfaced.
I think I'm gonna quit for a while
This tbqh familia, bacon, pizza, bread etc is way more likely to fuck my cut than sweet stuff.
>haha fucking unhealthy dyels drinking diet soda
>eating ice cream totally fine though dude
That's okay it's just extra brotein
Just remember bro, caffeine withdrawal is a huge pain in the dick
That's basically the best thing you could hope to be addicted to OP.
Other than the fact that they're expensive, they will not fuck up your gains at all.
This shit is crazy good. I haven't had any in about a month but I want it all the time and it get eaten around me weekly
same except i always regret it, especialy when i'm bulking bc i already struggle to get all the calories/proteins, per day, but thos cans make me feel so full...
also tyhey make me wana shit/piss all the time.
ay desu senpai those monsters are pretty good.
not a big fan of energy drinks but i got one of those on a long drive one day and it was lit
The ultra blacks were the best one imo
I prefer NOS anyways, the taste is pretty much worse than any other for all the flavours but hey the L-theanine is a welcome addition to an energy drink
peanuts are my weakness, they got sum proteins but hole shit is the 50% fat bad
Are you fucking retarded? I swear it's always the same retard with zero reading comprehension posting nonsense.
I can eat infinity of these once I get started.
coke zero, i drink a lot of it, zero calories, but i'm concerned i'm getting some kidnee problem in the distant future
>all my tests were clean, i'm perfectly healthy but i'm still afraid because of meme artificial sweetener gives you cancer shit
Two cracked eggs in a glass mixed with mustard, mayonnaise and black pepper with garlic salt. I drink one every day. It's my weakness
you must be retarded to drink this
god tier
What the fuck?
Might trigger an insulin response.
Could have negative effects if consumed in conjunction with a large meal if I have any fucking clue what I'm talking about.
Just ignore me, I'm retarded.
>raw eggs
enjoy your no gains, you wanna be rocky faggot
These and boiled peanuts oh my god I could eat boiled peanuts daily.
The jalapeno version of snyders is top tier snack food I bought one small bag and can't let myself buy another it's gone in a day.
Haven't had half baked froyo but had the regular a few years back and it's one of the best ice cream flavors.
Less than 20 calories in a can shouldn't hurt you just don't drink a bunch of them a day.
Cashews > almonds
because those are the only ones available in most supermarkets famalama.
Artificial sweeteners have more intense flavor than real sugar, so over time products like diet soda dull our senses to naturally sweet foods like fruit. Even more troubling, these sugar stand-ins have been shown to have the same effect on your body as sugar. Artificial sweeteners trigger insulin, which sends your body into fat storage mode and leads to weight gain.
But there's not sugar.
WHat does it taste like? Burn has this nice white and green drink that has mango flavour. Tastes fucking amazing.
Whoops. English not so good. Meant frying pan, no cup. Goggle translate is a friendly mother am I right?
Also it's calcifying your pineal gland and letting the reptilians control you
I love the regular monster energy drinks
Got amino energy for school so I can still get some caffiene and not worry about sugar
But fuck I love Monster and its always so tempting, but it winds me up like no tommorow and really aggrevates the anxiety/adhd
If you fry it how do you drink it?
I quit for 3 months cold turkey with mostly beer and damn is it hard. But after 3 months I got back to occasionally drinking when I go out and honestly the cravings are gone. Every beer, wine, sake, still makes me feel like I'm cheating and I've cut it all almost entirely. It's all in your head.
Make it more costly at first. Only allow tall-bottles at home instead of 6 packs or cases or only allow pints out at bars. Don't drink any light/cheap beer when you cheat make it expensive to dissuade you from drinking more.
Artificial sweeteners do trigger a very small insulin spike IIRC, obviously nothing like real sugar though
Put in blonder. Drank, ate, same differentiate
You fry your egg, then blend it, then drink it?
sushi and mangoes
but it's not unhealthy anyway so it's all good I don't like junk food and fast food to begin with
>caffeine withdrawal is a huge pain in the dick
I'd say it's a minor pain in the dick.
Like a hangover but there's really no reason to ever stop caffeine cold turkey. You can ween off easily.
Fuck man, these things right here are like crack. So many calories in such a small package.
It's a double-double with a double-double in reply to a double-double.
That is correctional. Making many egg fri blend. Mustard for good tasting mayonnaise for smooth sail down throat
I buy one of the big 24 ounces before a 12 hour shift and it gets me through. My weakness is alcohol though.
Holy double
My double
You would die of a caffeine overdose before you would absorb enough calories from drinking them to make a difference.
Hot chocolate and honey crullers
Ben and Jerry's and dark chocolate.
And of course, never in any modest amount, noooo.
dude I literally ate an entire bag last night they were amazing but fuck me
I'm similar to you OP. I crave these overly sweet motherfuckers. Nothing better than drinking one of these in the morning on your day off and watching junk/playing vidya/lurking Veeky Forums. Delicious and sweet and it has that slight chemical tang that you can only get from an energy drink. They have something ridiculous like 42g of sugar though so I let myself have 1 per month.
Been dieting hard for three months and the only other thing I really crave is beer.
Cinnamon rolls
>2 cans a day ensures tooth decay
lol. this shit tastes so nice, especially after having a protein shake. thank god its 0 calories other wise i'd be diabetic. my teeth are dissolving away tho cos acidity
Coffee and cookies, I down about a litre of coffee a day
Surely this is good for you?
>no calories
>no sugar
>so no diabetes
>no fat gain
>no cholesterol
Just wear a gum shield and drink through a straw and surely this is good for you?
cans a day ensures tooth decay
I drank regular pop until I was 18 and never had a cavity, switched to diet 6 years ago and have had 3.
This shit most likely killing me but I can't stop drinking it.
I like the jalepeno brand but yeah, fuck that shit.
it's just carbonated water + flavour/colour and caffeine. i wouldn't say drinking it would benefit your health tho.
diet or sugar free drinks won't contribute to a cavity but erode your teeth, make them thinner and shorter. wish pepsi max didn't taste so fukin good fuark
Same but honey mustard
i lost a shit load of weight when i quit drinking
>smooth sail
Same brother. Drink one a day but want more.
Interesting. I started taking asthma medication daily around the same time so that must've been what caused the cavities I guess.
>tfw addicted to monster zero orange
>tfw addicted to rockstar lime and orange recovery drinks
swear to god, I spend too much money on these things, but they're so good!