This guy is unreal

Hey I have been following this guy for some time and I don't think I have ever seen more complete performance from anyone so far

This guys looks aesthetic as fuark but he is also the strongest and most athletic I have EVER SEEN

> he is doing pistol squats with 97 lbs

> doing some unreal monkey movement flow

> not a manlet

...and tons of shit I have never seen. I just want to give shoutout to this guy, I think he deserves more views

Other urls found in this thread:

how the fuck is that monkey movement flow unreal

That's what happens when you're on gear and focus on athelicism rather than weight lifting and bodybuilding. I seriously don't see why people take gear for the other two, if I had my hands at the stuff I'd be focusing on gymnastics and OWL.

that's because you're a faggot

A what?

lol why do you think he's on gear, his physique looks natty (no superhuman traps/delts)...

>dude who is obviously on gear isn't on gear bro, you're just a dyel
I love this meme and the body dysmorphia it fosters. I'm glad it gets posted all day, every day.

I like his kettlebell collection.

in what sense is the monkey movement impressive

it's so graceful and beautiful man

Stop shilling your jewtube man

Are you calling me a faggot?

retard, im literally asking why you think he's not natty? despite the fact he doesn't display the telltale signs of someone on gear...

He looks natty, could be on gear since everybody is these days

dunno, only things that would point to gear use is his crazy strength and low body fat but I checked his ig and he has been low body fat for like forever

Why the fuck would you run around like a chimp on the floor?

He's at war with his body fat.. He's resorted to using gorilla tactics

Gotta hop on that "mobility" trend and differentiate from the other gorillion fitness people

>unreal monkey movement flow

It doesn't require mobility though.

Opinion discarded.

>someone has a good body
>must be on gear

I think he looks natty - just with years of fitness work. I wanna believe senpai pls

Then by all means, we'd love to see you replicate his accomplishments natty.

This thread is the kind of actually interesting content that you have to browse this place for 3 months to see. Fucking shithole. Anyway that's pretty sick.

>aesthetic as fuark
>that chest
pick one and only one.

I don't understand.
Is this satire?


not bad but no chest

Are you fucking stupid or just new?

>focus on athelicism rather than weight lifting
if I had my hands at the stuff I'd be focusing on gymnastics and OWL
>olympic weightlifting
You are retarded

That's what happens when you're a natty at low bf.

This. Compare Arnold Schwarzenegger while on steroids to off, his chest is twice smaller.

>I've gotten shit results from my shitty training
>Everyone who looks even remotely good must be on gear


>a fitness professional is natural

it's like playing basketball at 5'7". ofc you can be successful but it's unlikely dude...

ITT jealous faggots who can't monkey flow, you cunts are literally pathetic

Random fake natty

Who gives a flying fuck?


Let me guess:
It's your second year of lifting, right?

Just see those delts you idiot.

He looks like a greek statue in his core video with big curly hair and pale skin

is this nigga wearing underwear under his compression pants?

no. :^)

>I've been a lazy faggot in the gym for three or more years and I don't count macros: The Posts
>Everyone who isn't DYEL ottermode twink isn't natty
>Everyone who has visible detls isn't natty

Jesus christ you insufferable faggots try picking up some actual weights for once.

You could almost say it's... unreal.


You don't even lift, fag


are pistol squats bad for your knees?
they sure feel like they are.

everything is bad for your knees these days

His videos are weird af and i'm not into the whole "movement" trend, but he's qt so i'll keep on watching.

What the fuck is up with this monkey roleplaying bullshit? Big fucking whoop the guy can move around looking like a fucking chimp

You need more homo shilling desu, you won't get over 50k without homosubs.

No doubt he's good but the most complete guys i've seen are kris from calisthenics & weight training and littlebeastm, also guys like fitnessfaqs or adam raw are pretty good with weights and calisthenics

definitely stronger in some aspects, but they cant move like monkeys

Nice gyno fag

post pics

Top fucking kek bra