Current Butt Thread: no homo edition

can't be appreciated with clothes on

spread them cheeks atleast




Hi boys teehee

that's a nice back tho

I want to wrap my arms around your chest from behind and kiss you the neck
No homo


h...hi daddy!

Since no one is posting their own ass anyways

Lots of asses on there


What exercises should I do for a good butt?

Squats, deadlifts, lunges, glute ham raises, barbell glute bridges/raises.


Ride my cock desu

feeling all wet all of a sudden

God fucking damn it fit

End of a bulk pic. Cutting now.

Thanks, I already do most of the workouts, but I didn't know a few of them.

How the fuck did you manage to have a smooth butt like that?

Try harder.

Don't know. Genes?

Never seen such a beautifully smooth ass in my life. Not even mine. I'm a grill.

Hey thanks for that. Post yours.

Is it true that grills like butts as much as we do?

>Don't know. Genes?
Good for you m8. I envy you.

h-how big is it?

it is photoshopped faggot

Legs looking good.



am i the only one who gets turned on when seing my own ass after getting that leg day pump? i'd fuck myself and i'm not gay at all. but i bet my ass would feel amazing to fuck. could probably bite a dick right off it's so tight.

I don't do that .. i do get horny as fuck after i work out though... About 10 minutes after leaving the gym i would fuck pretty much anything with a vagina.