That's it Veeky Forums, I'm giving up

That's it Veeky Forums, I'm giving up.

I reached my body setpoint, i can't lose weight anymore.

I'm 1.86cm (6'1) and weight 99kg (218lbs).
A year ago i was 130kg (286lbs), but something happened at 99kg, i stopped losing weight.

>Eat shit tons of spinach, broccoli, lettuce and other green vegetables
>Very low carb diet, didn't eat bread for 2 months.
>run 8-10km 5 times a week
>600 calories deficit

My record weight was 97kg (about 2 months ago), but i feel like everytime i get under 99kg, my body is fighting back to get the weight back, trust me Veeky Forums i'm not lying, i'm working my ass off and get no results.

should i just kill myself and end the suffering?

This is from today, have you ever seen a fat ass like myself run so much? how the fuck am i still fat?

lift weights

1. everyones going to say this so it has to be said but check your counting privilege
2. change up your diet and your exercise so your body isnt used to the work and hasnt accounted for it

lift weights

>600 calories deficit
>no weight loss

then you're not running a 600 kcal/day deficit, faggot

you're 100% underreporting your caloric intake. no doubt about it

Your caloric need might have changed. carrying around 30kg needs energy. Just enhance your deficit even more, try it for a few weeks...

Another wonder of medicine appeared right before us!

Breh, we all hit the plateus and wanna give up, the trick is to Break through it, up the speed your running at, try weight lifitng, Tighten up that diet.

Recalculate your calories and dont give a shit about weigth.
Weigth can be a lot of things, like muscles and water.

Also, lifting might help. It burns fat faster. And if you're building muscle (after the cut), you will need more idle calories since muscle tissue needs energy

>600 calories deficit

you're probably overestimating the number of calories you're burning on your runs. now that you've been doing it for a while, your body will be adapted and more efficient

>600 cal deficit from when he weighed 130 kgs. Kappa.jpeg

Relatively same boat

>6'4 tall
>225 pounds
>been on a protein sparing modified fast since February 25th
>go to the gym every monday wednesday and friday for 40 minutes of weight training
>have lost 45 pounds
>am stuck at 225
>not gaining any weight but no losing any weight either
>need to lose more so that you can actually see muscles because if not they are buried under fat

Run faster and harder and farther. 1km in 7min is okay, but you can do better.

Are you on a 600kcal deficit from your 130KG BMR ?
>low carb diet but eats vegetables

When you're fatter, you burn more calories. That's how Big Bertha can weigh 35 stone and stay there with her 10,000 cal/day diet. Losing those 30 kg probably accounted for those 600 calories.

Eat less calories and you *will* weigh less. I was at 100kg just last year, bro. We're all gonna make it. Never give up.

In practically the same boat as you except 10 pounds heaver senpai

This shit is absolute suffering

Lift weights you fat fuck

Pause with dieting for some months and keep the excercising and cardio. Stay at 99 kg. After that time continue. Give your body the time to adjust. Although some Veeky Forumsaustists may tell you otherwise, your metabolism adapts to dieting and this can lead to much lower bmr than expected. Pausing and adjusting might help.

When you lose weight like that you are losing muscle... Muscle burns more calories and looks better than fat...

You're slowing killing off your muscle and making your body burn less and less calories and gain more and more fat...

Stop running and start lifting weights....

I lost the most weight and kept it off when I cut my cardio down to just 10% of what I used to do, and started lifting 4 days a week instead...

When I overeat I gain muscles and when I undereat I lose fat... I've been slowly recomping even though Ive almost entirely cut out my cardio...

Cardio is literally a gains killer and makes shitty bodies.. Fuck the cardio and start LIFTING

wtf are you talking about user, literally no one from my friend can run as much as i can, they all pass out after 6-7km while my fat ass keeps running extra 4-5km. and they are fucking thin, i just don't get it.

also... You should be eating a shit ton of protein, like 200g of protein a day or more.. every damn day

and lift, lift those damn weights

Is this guy for real?

Its because your body is efficient at running, you've been running so much that you probably burn a lot less calories than your friends...

Being skinny doesn't mean you're good at running or lifting or anything.

Skinny can easily mean a person that has a low energy intake with about an equal energy expenditure with a resulting slow metabolism... Its not really common knowledge but skinny people have slow metabolisms on average and fat people have much faster metabolism.

>I reached my body setpoint
I'd help you, but you just had to be such a horrible, horrible memer

you're overestimating your calorie needs and/or underreporting your calorie intake.

just do two things

drink green tea
walk 20 min after 20 min of eating

This. Heavy compounds and eat protein.

Keep at it. Keep eating clean and exercising a lot. You should start lifting as well.

By being a really active person that has a good diet (make sure everything is right), your body will change to match that one day at a time. If you never give up, you're guaranteed to get thin.

The only way you don't get in shape is if you quit.

I run 17 km per day and I had a little extra fat for a long time. It's not about exercise alone it's about diet too. If you eat too many calories you get fat that's it man.

Don't tell me this 'setpoint' shit. Go tell the people in auschwitz or darfur about your setpoint. See what they think. 'body set point' is only a phenomenon in people who live in society with wide access to food. What a coincidence...

Good work on the running and diet so far but clearly you are still over eating. Eat more protein to fill up easily and not crave food as badly. Also know that it will take a few days or a week for weight loss to be evident. Water comes and goes and you fluctuate by up to 5 lbs a day on this alone.

>600 calorie deficit

Ethan Klein?

1km in 7min is slow as fuck dont flatter yourself

>That's it Veeky Forums, I'm giving up.

cool, bye

>didn't read the rest

To add on to that thats a 35 minute 5k you can fat man shuffle that run fucker ohh im steamin your not in any kind of shape


dude i'm 15kg overweight, it's pretty fucking fast for fat ass like me, show me another person with the same weight who can keep up with me.

your 11 minute mile?! your grueling 5 mph pace??! that's called "jogging"

i'm 24% bodyfat and can run at least an 8 minute mile and a 28 minute 3 mile

How much do you fatty im 210lbs and i dont have a problem running under 22 min 5k at all thats still slow but i dont claim its fast thats no speed at all you can literally walk a good portion of that at your speed

that's it i give up i know my body reached its set point because i can't stop snacking and cheating on my counting and my girlfriend cooked steaks the weight just won't off my body won't let it i'm at my set point

You hardly even know how to push yourself and your claiming to be at your limit you have no clue how to reach your limits the human body is cabable of a lot of shit you just dont have any real competion

dear lord OP you have such a shit bod

There's an article that get's posted here that explains it well but calorie deficit and endurance cardio obviously makes you lose weight but has put your body into starvation mode and you've been shedding muscle which has lowered your metabolism in the long term. Your body is trying to hold onto fat reserves due to cortisol levels and your muscles shrink to preserve energy. If you gain muscle you will burn fat, increase your metabolism and lower your cortisol levels.

t-thanks user

Is that frog your counter argument? You've certainly convinced me anyway.

What the user says is objectively true you fucking retard.

So you dont have anything to say when you realize im 10lbs less then you so are you gonna tell me more about how no one your size runs as "fast" as you

Change your macros up and include more weight training in your routine to reset your metabolism. If that doesn't work, talk to your doctor about potential thyroid issues. Veeky Forums will tell you that they are a meme that fat people use as an excuse (sometimes they are), but you can do some serious damage or even have a genetic predisposition. Once my levels were back to normal, the fat started melting off again.



Strength does not come from winning. Your struggles develop your strengths. When you go through hardships and decide not to surrender, that is strength.

1. You don't give up. You just fucking don't. Whats the point of giving up? Fattening up to 130kg again, being a lifetime beta? You wasted a year to cut 30kg, then you will waste the rest of your life being a disgusting fat fuck..
Hell no

2. Change your diet and workout plan. You should consult with a doctor/dietician about this. Also consider lifting. You not only need to lose weight but gain muscle.

3. Around 90-95kg would be the preferred bodyweight to your height, but with low BF%. Again, LIFT!

Can confirm true.
Take a break son.

You were probably at 600 calories deficit when you started at 286. You have now reached equilibrium, and that same amount of calories is maintenance at 218. Drop another 600 calories a day from what you're currently eating.

People like you make me sick

Why would you put in all that effort and then just give up you fucking faggot. See it through to the end. You dont break the laws of thermodynamics so you're obviously just are leaving out some details about your diet and cardio to victimize yourself.
>Wahh its so hard i guess ill just never lose weight
No. You will lose weight if you are strict on yourself. Also start lifting weights. Stop eating bread all together. Start eating nothing but whole foods and weighing them to the fucking gram.

Eat some fucking protein. Drink diet sodas filled with caffiene or black coffee to suppress appetite. Substitute things like milk with almond milk and restrict your meals throughout the day by actually staying busy. I find the best weight loss device for me is going to work because i dont even think about eating until lunch and when i go home.

KEEP GOING. Dont stop. Whats the point in even setting a goal if you dont see it through, set small steps ie, 1lb / week. Make sure you hit them.

You can either look back in 4 months time and think of all the progress you could have made and be filled with regret or look back at how you actually kept going when you hit your breaking point. The worst thing you can do now is stop. There is no such thing as a body setpoint, its all mental. You are not 'naturally' fat its all in your head.

I'm this guy and I'm not stopping until its done

good man. You'll be a lot happier and more accomplished when you finish. Keep grinding on.

minutes of weight training
And you expect results?

I cant PSMF and bulk at the same time, but I can PSMF and get a bit of muscle

The hardcore summer long bulking will come in a few weeks once the last of the fat is gone
Gonna need Veeky Forums to help me fine tune my new radical (in a different way) diet

DNP brother, we're gonna make it

Brother, don't deceive yourself.

>I reached my body set-point, I can't lose weight anymore

I used the same excuse - I started at 430 pounds and 'hit my setpoint' at 280. It felt right, cutting any lower was just too difficult. In reality, what was absolutely necessary was strict discipline. The first hundred pounds came off so quickly that I wasn't ready for the slow crawl toward the finish line. I fell for that HAES bait - I blamed genetics.

Then I completely destroyed my shoulder. Before that day I was able to run and lift and practice martial arts for the first time in my life. Then all of that was gone.

I sat around my 'setpoint' for 6 months, but because I never cultivated that vital discipline it was over when I succumbed to depression.

I ate my way back to 375. I believed in the 'setpoint' and 'genetics' - I used the excuse, I took the bait.

10 months ago I started again. Guess what happened when hit 280? Things got hard. I hit my 'setpoint'. I didn't give up. I am 257 pounds today - the lightest I've been since the 7th grade.

Never give up.

kick ass job user

Clearly it's your genetics. Some people just don't loose weight no matter how hard the work. I'm a curvy young woman who exercises daily and diets on lots of veggies and salad. Still I don't loose weight- clearly it's just my genetics, my whole family is considered "fat."

fugg man, good work. in it for life


Shit user, how much loose skin do you have?

This is terrible bait.


being srs


We're all gonna make it.

A lot.

If you're serious about this, eat the exact same thing every day for 2 months. Count every single calorie for 2 months. Do not cheat your diet or yourself for 2 months.

You are just outside that finish line.

Square up and break through the chains.

Finally, research yohimbine - the last of your weight will be what's referred to as stubborn fat. As you were nearly 300 pounds, your emergency fat reserves are proportionally larger. Yohimbine disrupts the alpha receptors of adipose tissue, freeing the fat cells up for energy consumption.

Lurk, there are threads on the subject every few days.

Good luck.

>Eat shit tons
>Don't lose weight

You are not on a deficit, otherwise you'd lose fat. No weight lifting means, your body burns your "unnecessary" muscles instead of your fat.
I've been plateauing too, you need to adjust your eating according to it. Try other stuff out, see what works.
Intermediate fasting worked for me.

Train longer
Incorporate Cardio.
Your body doesn't seem to run on a deficit. If it would, congratulations you solved world hunger.

Maybe try eating like a person, but with a few less calories.

Or you could eat nothing but chicken breast in a starve yourself meme diet

What the fuck.

Do you actually count your calories?
Did you calculate/recalculate them with each loss or do you just make up arbitrary numbers and hope for the best? Youre supposed to loose weight at a deficit, if youre not loosing weight youre not counting right. Recalculate your -15%cut and TTDE for your CURRENT weight and keep cutting. Youre not a medical wounder.

>low carb
That's why.

You don't know Jack shit about how the human body works.
The fat you eat is the fat you wear
See dr McDougall for more