Powerlifting general and Olympic weightlifting general
/PLG/ + /OWG/
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Since when did O W G decide to fuse with the Iesser of aII the generaIs?
why are you replacing "l"s with capital "i"s
three or four days ago
Remember to call your mother
>/PLG/ + /OWG/
why do you do this dino
boys how would you configure this one?
Supposed to be SS for powerlifters
I'm jerking off to this tonight.
There's no /owg/ here.
>Listening to A Moon Shaped Pool
>Start a deload week tomorrow
Pretty comfy Sunday desu
Reminder that not everyone has one.
>yfw I never call my mother after what happened
I am literally the razor edge
>George thinks he'll beat this
Why are light squats on C instead of B? Also doesn't look like enough volume for bench.
do sheiko
Exactly my thoughts
Mind that edge son
>I sure hope nobody asks what happened
how 2 get tall?
>one slow partial rep
>grow grow grow
>not just knowing
I'm saddened by my meat shield.
Gonna do more back work, what builds a meaty back?
What will you do when she dies
>rebuts with two very slow reps
>he thinks he can compete with this
Deadlifts, pullups, lat pulldowns, seated low rows, bent-arm pullovers, dumbell rows.
>3 inch lift with straps
Hello friend i am growed now
Take your trousers off you filthy little cheatbag
I gotta try some high block pulls soon. They're so fun sumo
How do you feel? Is this all time high?
>straps, pulling an inch from lockout and still struggling to move it
Was this even worth the time it took to load all those plates and set up the camera
How does it feel that filip, who competes in the same weight class as you, has pulled 2.5kg less from the floor.
I started this meme
And someone's come along and made it popular so now I no longer have super special secret programming :(
I woke up and was 108 naked
Yeah highest ever before was 105, i was 102 3 weeks ago, just been ramping volume for hypertrophy keeping it super light
would be impressive if you were 15kg lighter and it was from the ground
lmao holy shit
Why on earth would you keep it super light?
why did you do this
sheiko wouldn't have you do a 110% blockpull lol
>ive done everything perfect, theres nothing i could have done to make it better
Pulled out of my push pull comp so decided to hit 6 weeks of offseason work to grow and recover by which time ill be 12 weeks out from nationals. So it all ties in nicely
im still a beginner, 80kg squat, 55kg bench, and 100kg deadlift.
running SS atm, but what do if my only goal is to increase these numbers?
do the beginner program
you know you are in plg lad?
because he uses steroids so he can do less work and make more gains
>he thinks he won't blow his back out with this
there is a novice sheiko programm but it has to be done with a coach, and i do not have that luxury
There's a beginner routine in the app.
get the app
I am aware , yes
just making sure
Do you have a link to a free apk site, i have a hard time finding one.
Feels bad desu
1) he does
2) serial retard strikes again
I was doing 95pc, and then decided to see what 300 feels like, & then I decided to feel 320 out
Anybody has some front shots to see exact kneed movement of strong squatters?
All i can always find is from the side which makes it hard to observe knees.
Gutted i have to wait months to feel 320 in the hands now
buy it
desu it's not like I felt it anywhere but the lower back
Greg nuckols bench programs are great but EVERYTHING ELSE SUCKS
does anybody know of a good deadlift weekly progression program with rows and chin-ups?
Wow you constantly ignore what your program tells you and still don't progress?
Man your genes are really keeping you down despite perfect training.
>and still don't progress?
These are new times
Should I be Cuckols bench instead of TM for bench?
I saw on fb he posted a message he got from someone saying his deadlift programme was shit despite going from 405-545 in a few months
Why didnt you just pull it mixed? Your grip is probably ok
I have run 2 months of his intermediate deadlift program and have only gotten weaker. I used real maxes, hit every rep of every set but I am WEAKER.
clutz in for lats in the bench, and not max width bench
Wanted to save the fingers. I did the 75pc deadlifts to knees strapless ofc but eventually the eleiko comp bars get to me
>George acts like an arrogant cunt all the time
>becomes sad and depressed
>starts progressing
>immediately goes back to being an arrogant cunt
Don't worry guys, stall soon.
forgot the link
What? You gotta be either lying to prove your point or there's something affecting your gains
Gnucks bench:
Rippetoe / 80s guy bench:
>no works
I'm doing his bench program and am progressing great, sometimes 5kg a week.
I have a novice deadlift (140kg) but I couldn't even progress on his (slower) intermediate program.
I guess I'll try his novice deadlift program
I've been stalled for two years.
My arrogance is independent of powerlifting.
Run greg nuckols 3 day advanced bench program or you're gay
Guess I'm a homosexual then.
What about you acting like a total cunt?
The squat programs really are shit, aren't they?
Trip on joe
I-is he back?
huh.. really? I'm starting his 3x int medium bench program tomorrow because I want to get my bench up to par with my other lifts, but now I'm scared.
I made a lot of progress on the 3x beginner one and then the 2x beginner. I don't like the rest of them.
The bench programs are great so you don't need to worry.
You can't make me
Also in for solid bench programs, the squat programs are just... not great.
hes a 74 now
I'm talking about his squat and deadlift programs.
His bench program broke my fucking 8 month plateau
Should I maybe just use another program for squats and deads and keep his bench program?
He used to walk in on his mom banging dudes not his dad all the time
Not memeing either
Try the program first and drop what doesn't work for you
MY experiences mean NOTHING for you
Texas method lower, Nuckols upper.
Sure why not. That's what I'm doing. I'm doing an even more cancerous squat program though.
Day 1- work up to a 10RM
Day 2- 3x10 90% of monday, -10%x10, -10%x10
Day 3- Work up to a 5RM, -5%x5, -5%x5.
It just occurred to me that my bench was stuck at 50-60kg for 8 fucking months before I snapped and said I was gonna do Smolov Jr but some user got mad and made me do greg nuckols bench program.
I'm at 90kg now in like 2 months
th-thanks user
why is that girl putting her vagina in your face?
I'm that user.
All this talk about cuckols program has made me optimistic about my absolute shit bench
And I only got mad because of how desperate and unreasonable you were being. lol
I have made a lot of progress on his 2x week beginner.
Also, I had been doing both his 2x week beginner and 3x week beginner bench programs and replaced them with OHP for choice. It was pretty much smooth sailing up to 75kg OHP.
Knee caving like in this video (random video)
is hurting the knees, right?