Is PPL a meme routine? I feel like if youre actually training hard and doing compunds its hard as fuck to recover and steadily increase weight with only one rest day
Is PPL a meme routine...
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Yes it's a meme routine. You don't need to lift 6 days a week to build a solid physique.
PPL is for no-life gymcels who think that more effort = more reward, which is just not how it works in this particular endeavor.
Gonna need some sauce.
Yes it is a meme
Yeah it's a meme the brosplit is way better
PPL is the Brosplit of reddit
>i feel like
it really doesnt matter what your autistic opinion is, what matters is results, and the results are pretty conclusive: PPL done twice a week has better hypertrophy results than a strength routine (id even wager any strength routine that focuses on strength gains).
Everyday is basically a rest day unless you're doing that workout.
Give me a better routine and I gibs you da sauce
dude the point of PPL is hypertrophy, not strength. where are you seeing people advocating you to increase the weight every workout? Strength gains are slower on a PPl than a strength routine. NO FUCKING SHIT youre going not be able to recover fast enough to increase the weight the very next lift day.
jesus christ some critical thinking dude
PPL is fine. also, if you feel that you need more than one rest day, add another.
PPL is by far the routine I have the most gains on.
It's not a meme, it's great.
You might have "1 rest day" but when you push you're not pushing again until 2 days later so even though you workout other muscles your chest and tri are recovering. this is basic logic, maybe you should stick to SS, newfag.
The amount of people who get actual results from PPL are about the same amount who get results from bro-splits. Probably 10% of lifters.
At least on strength routines, you have a near 100% progress rate, where as on PPL/Brosplits you have a very small percentage of people who actually get good results.
Strength routines might not give you the best results in terms of body proportions, but shit, they're generally the only kind of routines which actually work for the vast majority of the population. When you spend enough time around the lifting scene you'll notice only a very small % of people ever make gains on PPL/Brosplits.
Ive been doing it for 4 months now m8. And for nattys the change in strength correlates in change of muscle size. Im tired of this hypertrophy does not equal strength meme. Wtf are you even talking about.
This, I tried a bro split and got no where compared to ppl, also how hard is it to go to the gym for a hour a day Jesus Christ
It works fine as long as you aren't going heavy compounds 6 days a week.
I take breaks from upper/lower once a year to do a month or two or ppl with dbs.
I wouldn't recommend it as a regular routine, tho. Because you'll never fucking add weight past a certain point due to lack of recovery.
I prefer Upper/Lower.
I have a home gym and run Upper/Lower year around non-stop.
I just pick from whatever upper or lower lifts I feel like on the day, or whatever I feel needs work the most will get the best treatment.
5 years lifting though, so probably wouldn't recommend this for someone unless they've been lifting at-least 2 years.
m8 theres definitely some carryover. Especially from deads to squats or vice versa. Also youre not taking into account cns fatigue
>critical thinking
Hmm. Oh I understand now! So I do the exact same weight for the rest of my life and never progressively overload at all! Thanks dude! This critical thinking is cool!!
>lifting 6 days a week
>actually making progress
well i guess its not hard to progress lifting 6 days a week when your a lil weak bitch lifting for pump
I bench 2 pl8 for reps, squat 315 and fuck 7/10's on a weekly basis. Wanna rethink your statement?
not him but I got to lmao5pl8 doing ppl
u seem mad
I never mentioned not progressively overloading, just that it;d be slower on a PPl DUE TO THE INCREASED VOLUME, THATS WHERE THE CRITICAL THINKING COMES ALONG
please point out where I mentioned that hypertrophy does not equal strength, and i will gargle on your cock. What im talking about, underage b&, is that the increased volume and increased frequency that PPL offers - when compared to a strength routine - is more conducive to better hypertrophy gains. Your muscles require 48hrs of rest before protein synthesis is complete, and then you can hit them again. With a PPL 2x a week, you're hitting chest on Monday and then hitting it again Friday, that's a frequency of 2x a week with all the volume that a PPL should have.
A strength routine that only has you lifting 1 compound lift per body part maybe 3x a week will result in less musculature gains than a PPL.
What we can both agree on is that strength gains does result in hypertrophy, but volume and time under tension and frequency is better for hypertrophy.
>Iying about stats
>Baiting with picture of girIs in a shitty attempt to get others to do your research
Wow you sure are one huge fucking faggot OP.
You really are terrible at critical thinking. He did say
>the very next lift day
If you want strength and aesthetics, do an U/L split, so like. ULxULxx
everyone in this thread is a low test faggot
Im doing ppl and honestly its amazing.
Easy to follow with clear progres
>going hard and testing 5 rep prs every single session on a hypertrophy split
bench x12
ohp x12
squat x8
deadlift x5
You're welcome, the strength/size and the strength/control programs here are both good for aesthetics. Control has a bit more of a focus on powerlifting. Do what suits you.
Is 5x5 better than PPL? I've been lifting for 4 months with PPL. Wondering if 5x5 is worth a try.
what suffices for a home gym?
I think it's age/lifestyle dependent.
When I was 20-23 and NEET I did PPL no problem, and I could recovery easily and made gains on it.
Now that I am 29, in work full time and part-time university; I can't do PPL any longer, I just start regressing anytime I try doing it again. Right now I just do Upper:Lower routine and it's sustainable for me.
Maybe get your test checked and consider jumping on trt.
shut the fuck up
PPL is good OP i add squats on some upper body days for large legs and do my main lifts 5x5 for progression and i have no life
broscience at its absolute finest.
Where did you get these statistics may i ask? You made them up? thought so.
I actually did that 2 months ago. Came back normal. I've been wanting prescription test for awhile! Can't get it yet due to being in normal range.
You'll find that most older guys 30-50 age group, prefer to do Upper/Lower routines. Check out 3DMJ trainers, most of them who train for bodybuilding run Upper/Lower routines.
>tfw you didnt lie about your stats
Feel good man
If PPL is easy to recover from I can guarantee you train like a pussy
If you're not satisfied with PPL then yeah give it a shot
I don't know about that 2bh. I just started this year, and switched over to a U/L 4x week. I feel really good doing it this way. Gives me adequate time to rest without having so much that I feel underworked.
you generally increase weight weekly or auto regulate according to how you're doing that day. PPL has never been recommended for strength.
i've been able to increase my bench by about 5lbs a week on PPL, fucked up this week cause i slept on my elbow weird and now my left arm is super week and i skipped a day so i benched an extra time to make up for it like a tard
Your question doesn't make sense. 5x5 is a set/rep scheme and PPL is a weekly split. You could, in theory, do a 5x5 PPL program.
If you're new, you'll be able to do that no matter what your program is like.
i tore my chest in january and february so i just got back to benching like 2 months ago yeah
>all these people thinking you can't strength train running PPL
Just do your heavy compound lifts first, ezpz.
Leg A: heavy deads, light squats
Leg B : heavy squats, light deads
Don't you know the world exists in binary, with no in between?
you could also do deadlifts on back day but i think you should have a heavy squat day and a light squat day either way, same with deadlifts
Ive always done deads on my pull day. Usually on pull 1 ill do regular deads. Pull 2 will be stiff legged. Leg 1 will be back squat, leg 2 will be front squat. Push 1 will be a 5x5 and push 2 will be 3x10. Had pretty good results from this
yeah i do my main lifts 5x5 with one heavy day and one light day, works pretty well desu
i do the heavy main stuff first and the accessories after with more volume, i like PPL cause it gets me in the gym a lot and i have nothing else to do, i soemtimes don't feel like doing legs the second day but whatever, sometimes i do light legs on upper body days too
I'm inclined to agree with this user. Tried doing 4 day, 5 day splits, tried albos routine, tried ppl. Tried reach of them for 2 months tops. Went back to doing standard as fuck SS routine with slight modifications (no squats, dips and pull ups added for upper body emphasis). I make more gains on that than I have doing any of the other routines.
You could be doing ANY thing. You just gotta be eating enough.
But my main concern with U/L is how fucking disproportionate the workload is on the separate days. For upper body I have to hit chest, tris, back, and bis. If you only did a minimum of 2 excercises per body part thats going to take a while. And for lower body you do what, squat?? So 30 min vs an hour and half? How does that make sense? Also when do you deadlift? Do you do it on lower days?
>tfw you have been doing pplppl and made amazing gains since switching from ul/ul but with little to no strength progression but it doesn't matter cause youre a grill.
This. I ran PPLPPLx for a whole summer and I made no gains that I wouldn't have made on Upper/Lower
Overall it's a time waster
Deadlift goes on lower body day (typically U/L 4 day splits will have one squat day and one deadlift day, or one day that's squats for the main movement and then assistance for the deadlift and then vice versa). By the time you add in how relatively taxing squats/deadlifts are rep for rep, plus hamstring/calf/low back/etc work the total time ends up being pretty similar. Its also often when people choose to do their ab work but that's more because trying to squat or deadlift with dead abs is a really unpleasant experience.
Post tits or gtfo
>no squats
>slight modifications
What did you do to tare it? Did you work it too hard or something?
idk i went down (dips) and when i pushed to come up it just fucking tore right in the midde, felt horrible
Sounds rough. I've had tares in both of my shoulders cause I pushed too hard a couple of times. Learned my lesson.
I do deads on leg day as it is a leg exercise assuming your form isn't autism tier.
I'll second this. I do PPLPPLX and everything goes fine until you start to go heavy and try to up the weight on heavy lifts. then recovery becomes an issue. I would change it to PPLXPPLX or PPXLPPXL since I do deadlifts on pull and maybe they affect my squats. But I am a gym rat that loves staying in the gym 3 hours a day so I don't want some fag program where I do 45 min 3 x per week.
Fuckin triggered
>ppl is for aesthetics, not strength
So there is absolutely no way to do strength-oriented (maybe periodized) ppl
>is 5x5 better than ppl?
Is a set/rep scheme better than workout organization?
Is running better than carbs?
>only 10% of lifters get results from ppl/brosplits
Where the fuck do you people pull your statistics from
>it MUST be done 6days/wk
If i do it pplxpplx or ppxlxppxlx it's not a ppl anymore?
>every ppl is high volume
For fucks sake guys
It's not a set routine, you can so whatever you like
Take day or two of extra rest, so pplxpplx, do high volume, do low volume, employ any kind of periodization on it, any kind of rep/set scheme, chose any kind of main/assistance lifts (as long as they fall into the push-pull-legs category)
Again it's just a way to organize training, nothing more
Or am i missing something and you'ee all talking about some THE routine that some faggot posted online?
No, its just Veeky Forums and its usual inability to separate ideas and implementations.
Most people who do PPL properly do it like this.
so the heavy low rep work in first 3 session, and 3 light high rep work in last 3 sessions.
Most people who do PPLxPPL aren't this is rare.
if you're on a high level, you perodize it, and you bulk as a retard, you will get gainz
this is fucking logical tho and everyone who uses PPL should understand that you cant train max for 6 days a week without the above. retards.
don't be dense. You know OP is talking about some gay SL 5x5 routine.
Ppl is whatever you want it to be. When fit talks about ppl theyre thinking about the reddit meme routine.
fucking THIS
OP and everyone criticising PPL for the same reason: you're dumb as shit
Oh and
>squats must go on leg day and deads must go on pull day
You can't do heavy squat+lighter dl variation as an accessory and reverse (heavy dl+lighter squat variation) on leg day so you could spare your erectors of having to work heavy 2days in a row?
>not enough recovery
Take bench for example, there is always at least two days between anything that uses chest tris or delts so they get plenty of rest, my squats won't interfere with that.
Furthermore eat plenty and get enough sleep and everything is fine. If anything I feel better and less stiff since I'm doing stuff almost every day and it keeps blood flowing more than I would if I only lifted three times a week.
I'm not sure how anyone thinks lifting three times a week is optimal for gains. Doing a measly 25 or less reps a week in anything upper body is not going to get you a good body. That's why you are loads of t Rex autismos around here.
Look at the gym and around anywhere else, anyone who got loads of gains is never running a three times a week shitshow. Only autismal skinny guys with a good 1RM squat but shit everything else run these shitty programmes, and if you take trappy's advice you'll end up as unaesthetic as them.
>standard as fuck SS routine with slight modifications
>no squats
ok you got me to reply u win
>No squats
Am i falling for this bait?
I have been doing PPL for 4 months now and I have made only a little progress strength wise, but alot of progress aesthetically. I want to keep following my PPL routine until summer for them sweet aesthetic gains but I also want to change to a strength program in order to hit 2 pl8 bench. Wat do
Why is his hand in her mouth
Switch some of the lifts to 5×5 instead of 10x5?
Ppl is better if you have more slow twitch muscle fibers
Strength training is better if you have more fast twitch muscle fibers.
How is this concept so hard to grasp?
I do PPL but only thrice a week. I don't mind working out 1h every day but I'm a lazy faggot about going to the gym eery day and my house is not big enough to have a home gym. I bought some dumbbells to do a few series at least.
You cannot compare the two
I'm pointing out this shit at least once a day.
It's an uphill battle.
Its for sexual user