Why lift when it's all about the torso?

Why lift when it's all about the torso?

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def skips legs and arms day

How would he even train anything?


he's got a solid gf because he's charismatic, and here we are being depressed for being 5'8"

what's the story on this guy? Vet?

Just born this way.(definitely born in vet family whom mother and father has no arms and legs)

Does he actually have a dick?

So he walks with his dick or what

He's a public speaker for Christianity. Really cool guy.

>his dick isn't enough to support his weight
Bet that no fap is working well for you.

So a deformed cult leader, I can see how he would be successful

*tips fedora*

For a second I thought he sank into the sand.



Top kek

Fucking snake

This guy doesn't have any limbs and he still has a cutie.

How ?


He has money

No fingers to waste his time posing on a gay Japanese hentai board.

You know you have a keeper if your qt gf holds your dick while you pee.

imagine being in his position, he would need some religion to stay sane and not commit suicide

He's got facial aesthetics, charisma (he's a public speaker), and charm plus he radiates positivity.

When you're a good person, or at least give off good vibes, you attract more girls.

Of course, "good person" doesn't mean just doing favors and other bullshit for girls you're attracted to (i.e. a "nice guy"), but being a genuinely good person who wants to help others succeed.



I really hate how people on this board keep using the word 'aethetic'. it just fucking means pretty so why not just say pretty and stop trying to act intelligent


A literal manlet lol

This chick posted an ad for a guy who won't beat her, won't run away, and can fuck her lights out.
This guy rang her doorbell.
She opens door, sees nothing, is about to close it.
Dude says "down here".
She says WTF
"Look I got no arms- I can't beat you"
"Got no legs- I can't run away"
She says - "yeah but what about giving it to me good?"
He says, " I rang the doorbell didn't I?"

I'm here all week.


he goes to a regular human doctor asshole

>I rang the doorbell didn't I?



Manlets btfo

A man that has overcame the odds, I highly recommend this book. His story is truly heart warming/motivating, that man has had to overcome so much and is now the epitome of success.

How did he write it? lel

Should have left it as ""life without lim"

With his dick.
>year of Ouh Lawd 2016
>not having a prehensile dick that you can wrap around your leg to form a holster for your concealed carry
Not making it.

put some robo limbs on that guy!

exactly what I thought of

How does he stand upright?
Don't his balls hurt?

>skipping limbs day

What a fool.

>These fucking books
Jesus the girl is one big bloody retard

Do you ever feel like people like this are actually secretly depressed all the time and just use publicity as a way to mask their feelings?

Missed a golden pun.

>Life without limb-its

how does he even live?

what does he do?

how does he move?

does he wiggle the nubs or do the worm to get to places?

does he float?

these are all questions that need to be answered

Stop shilling yourself faggot

she's getting her stank on that top book of that pile of pleb-literature

Neck work only.

He was giving as speech in our highschool, but I dont remember anything, he was pretty cool thought

How's he gonna commit suicide? I guess he could hop into a lake and drown or something or swallow pills if he could find a way to open the bottle.

He is. He's batshit crazy rich selling his bullshit to sad cunts basically saying "look at me you bastards, even I enjoy the life, so stop being sad cunts, go buy my book and be sick cunts like me"

I heard him talk before. He said he tried to commit suicide by basically rolling into a puddle and trying to drown himself.

Jump from a building, neck on traintrack, set self on fire, feed yourself to the polar bears in the zoo to name a few

I read life of pi years ago. Though it was pretty good once it actually got going. Didn't need to learn all about his shit family in india. Thought it was a decent adventure story.


Yes. I always think that.

on my country brazil they translated dave cantenbury job on the show dual survival to marine veterinary


he didn't overcome shit, he's never had a real job, his whole life he's been a professionally disabled christian shill

Surprised this dude does not have prototype augmentations or some shit.

This kek

>expecting a woman to have reasonable taste in literature
>expecting a woman to buy any book that isn't meme tier

I once picked up a book from a "really popular" fantasy series after two girls recommended it to me.
I didn't even get past the second chapter, it was that boring.

sit ups, errday

kek these always get me

the very people you mocked have built western civilization so you could shitpost that fucking uncultured redditard opinion

sad for you m8 really

>Christianity is single handle responsible for the rise of Western civilization and all innovations leading up to the Internet

Are you actually Retarded?