Be honest, has lifting helped you get girls?
Whether it's in real life, or on tinder/whatever. Has getting Veeky Forums increased your success with the opposite sex?
Be honest, has lifting helped you get girls?
Whether it's in real life, or on tinder/whatever. Has getting Veeky Forums increased your success with the opposite sex?
lifting gave me confidence, confidence got me dates
The benefits from a psychological shift have far outweighed the benefits from any physical changes in my appearance.
I am in cocoon mode and havent tried to date a girl once.
But i've got a lot of matches on tinder and i often see girls mirin me, which has never happened to me before.
I think i should be ready to hit the clubs and get laid in autaumn this year.
Just a few things that i still need work on...
What those anons said about the confidence aspect. I have gotten a couple compliments though even though I'm DYEL mode. Old girlfriend mentioned my muscle when I ran into her, friend's cousin was drunk and talked about my arms and shoulders, and I got hit on by a gay black guy at the store.
Recovering autist here.
I called a girl cutie on tinder, then in her reply she reffered to me as "dude"
i just got friendzoned right?
Not really to be honest.
But I feel better about myself and my back pains are gone. So it's still good.
Before lifting I was a skinny quiet porn addicted kid with absolutely no confidence. Now I am a Veeky Forums nationalist and my confidence is rising
Maybe. You shouldn't have called her cutie. girls on tinder don't need compliments, every match she has thinks she's "cute" she already knows that. You gotta stand out
Enjoying hitting the natty limit within 4 years you permaskel
plan b it is then: autism speaks mode. i'll sure as hell stand out.
Yes it has. Most of the compliments i get from girls are about my body.
To be fair, lifting would probably be pretty useless looks wise if
1) you're pasty white
2) Shit face
3) Shit haircut
4) Can't dress yourself nicely
>youre pasty white
You mean if youre not white
1) normal color
2)shit face
3) good haircut
4)dress really good
3/4 points checked, can i still make it?
Not only is your post incorrect, but you also seem to think that's a bad thing.
If I hit this in only 4 years I'd be happy as hell
It does help with confidence to be fit but you shouldn't be lifting for girls. They're the ultimate gains goblins.
You should know this, OP
Yes, by giving me more attention
However it hasn't given me social competence, that has come from other areas
I'm talking about the "sickly" looking pasty white. As in, the type of neckbeard who's skin hasn't even touched sunlight.
Depends, what's wrong with your face? I have a friend who's 6'2, dresses really good, tan skin, even dances really good, but his face makes him get absolutely 0 pussy.
>but his face makes him get absolutely 0 pussy
I've seen some ugly fit fucks get pussy
Your friend is not even trying, mane
That's what you think. Lift for a couple of years and the body dysmorphia will eat you alive. In 4 years you'll think that kid in the picture is dyel.
No,but it will,once I stop being skinny fat and get all buff,all the ladies will like me right?
There's a ton of other factors ofc, but generally trying to get pussy with a face not even a mum could love is hard mode as fuck.
My ex hit me up because she liked my body.
>be me in 2008
>shirtless profile pic on myspace
>kid who I barely know messages me
>"hey my sis thnks ur hawt, msg her?"
>didn't even know he has a sister
>she's 2 years older
>date for 2 years, lose V card 2 months in
>fuck like bunnies, literally twice a day four days a week
>find out she's been cheating like literally the entire time
>most Red pilling experience I've ever had in my life
The women who want you strictly for your body are not the kind of women you want Inothing your life pal
user. You can miss 1, maybe, if you're rich as fuck. You already said your face is busted, so I hope you're tall with pockets also on swole.
I dont have any deformity if you mean that.
The thing that sucks about my face is my resting jerk face and my basement dwelling eyes, meaning they always look super tired and "pissed off". And i dont mean "cute" and tired, i mean actually fucking tired. I look like a mug unless i try really hard to look friendly.
I cant even buzz my head anymore because then i actually look like i rob people on a daily basis.
Basically 4-5/10, 6 if i tryhard.
One thing i NEED to know is, is your 6'2" friend DYEL or asthetic/jacked?
Note that i dont consider ottermode jacked and asthetic.
I'm past that phase. I'm realistic- you won't get bigger than the so long as you stay natty
>shirtless profile pic on myspace
That's some douchebag tier shit
I fucked a azn qt3.14, a model, and several other women falling somewhere in between all after getting Veeky Forums. I wasn't an autist prior though just a bit socially retarded
It was 2008 dude I was a high school jock retard, I cringe about it to this day. The upside to the story though
>qt.14 wife
>doesn't give a fuck what I look like
>have tons of similar interests and our families go to the same church
>taught her to squat bench and deadlift
>4'11 for maximum rag doll sex
You won't want to stay natty forever. Trust me on this, I've been lifting for 8 years, and I'm about to hand in my natty card.
nice meme, but im poor as fuck and only 5'11" (so rather average, not tall).
Yeah just end it already.
>girl that i'm making out with starts grabbing my ass and compliments it
>as this is happening, her friend walks past and slaps my ass
Thanks Rippletoe
being a neet the past 10 years still offers no opportunities to meet women unless im grocery shopping
>now i'm a Veeky Forums nationalist and i don't need to live in my extremely handsome brothers shadow anymore
Not gonna lie
I tried to do the same on Facebook once I got fit
I guess the Chad mentality comes along with the muscles
My confidence has certainly gone up and it shows in my interactions with all people.
Not pursuing a relationship though, I really don't think I have the mental health for it, that or I just need to keep working on getting myself together first.
Oh heavens, no. I'm too much of an awkward sperg to get girls, jacked or no.
body dismorphia? what
Nope. It's all about charisma and having an interesting personality...Which means you will all die virgins.
i swear i'm not into guys but i would fuck the shit out of him if given the chance familia
arent you afraid of manlet children
This is a latsbrah reference right?
Yes. I already had somewhat decent success with girls due to good financial standing, condo, cars, etc, but getting Veeky Forums greatly improved the quality of girls, and increased confidence allowed me to pursue girls I used to consider well above my league.
The downside, I got too redpilled and have hard time committing/settling down, and because I have a long way to go before I get as Veeky Forums as I plan, I can't shake off the thought that I could do bette once I get there.
Nah brah I'm probably good I'm 6'3 from a tall family and she's from a tall family as well, she's an anomalie
Tom Hardy is that you?
Yes. I've always been able to get girls, because I'm not afraid to look like a douche (aka a guy other guys hate for doing things girls like better than them).
I have a meme haircut, I dress like a hipster, I have a light beard, and I'm also ripped. On top of that I have a few hobbies that girls find attractive (I read, I've memorized some poetry, I drive a rally car). Girls have always liked me. Since I've gotten fit, I've attracted a new segment of the female population.
Yes. Used to be a fat turd with great social skills.
Now I'm moderately fit with even more confidence. Hung out with an old high school friend a week or so ago and she was all over me like shit through a goose.
We're all gonna make it.
I hate myself less and I can finally imagine that women could possible like me. It's nice to stand in front of a mirror and think, "This is a definite improvement from how I used to look. Progress has occurred."
Once I got over that hurdle, I met a cosmetologist MILF, quickly got the "I just want to be friends" line, but with persistence, a bottle of wine, & a couple of gabapentin, I escaped the dreaded friendzone. Weirdly, I wanted a relationship, and she wanted it to be purely a fuckbuddy situation. Disappointed, but she showed me how to dress better and convinced me to grow out my hair and cut it so it looks great. Suddenly, confidence, charisma, it all starts coming naturally.
I completely realized that I got ridiculously lucky to find this insane woman. Your results may vary.
yeah, i was not even dyel, had a little fat over my stomach and got compliments on my body (before and after sex) form like 14 girls when i was single.
but is not only my body, i have a big and beatiful smile, a haircut that fits my facial format, a good game and i'm a real good person to be with.
I recently had some success on tinder. Literally matched with a 9/10 and also a few cars honked at me when I was cycling home. I'm just a dyel, but when I was a skelly people quite literally looked through me.
how do you even fuck her?it would feel like fucking a child
but I enjoy it and I look a lot better so I keep doing it.
Not him, but similar situation. It feels like fucking a short woman, dipshit.
Is your 6'2" freind dyel or jacked?
tellle mmmeeeeeeeeeee
before getting Veeky Forums
>virgin who has kissed some girls while drunk
after getting Veeky Forums
>fucked 2 fat chicks who couldn't do any better about 6 months apart (both after several tries because, as I would later find out, I have chronic porn/masturbation addiction induced ED and can only maintain a penetration tier erection for a few seconds, making sex very difficult)
>both became obsessed with me and I was too beta to break it off so I just kept seeing them until they realised I wasnt Chad and stopped messaging me
>still get occasional messages when theyre reminded they still can't do better but nothing really ever comes of it
As long as you re weird, having a hot body means shit man. If you are not a social person in general, just try to talk to "everyone". Try to make friends, make small talk etc. You and a girl arent just gonna say hi and go home to fuck. You gotta stay cool and get her comfortable and not spill all dem sphagettis meanwhile.
That's the point
>did SS+TM
>finally got a gf
>don't really want a gf
not sure how to feel
I just want a fwb
fuck dating, girls are a waste of time and energy
before Veeky Forums
>super antisocial nerd, cant even hang out with vidya bro's without making screencap worthy greentext stories
after Veeky Forums
>know a lot about lifting exercises, lifting and general health
>still super antisocial, spending weekends drinking alone, listening to music and browsing imageboards
it's kinda double hard if none of your hobbies include female humans
hello me
getting fit hasnt done anything for me socially, maybe im just oblivious to the signs girls are interested in
I just want to get really fit, fuck being average
> after Veeky Forums
That only counts if you are actually asthetic, jacked and shredded.
Lifting alone doesnt do shit, its about the body mate.
And no, ottermode is not "making it" nore is it asthetic.
Im talking about actually being kinda heavy and jacked.
All the people who stay autistic after lifting is because they still look shit.
I enjoy being alone too much to have a gf. I'm so tired of having to meet my daily text message quota to stop her from getting insecure and accusing me of avoiding her. I'm so tired of pretending I'm not a weeaboo.
It gets better, but the struggle never really ends.
>get into a helpdesk job after highschool ends
>system house so a lot of our customers are doctors offices with tons of female assistances or however mericans call them
>none are ever interested in me
>they're just happy they get their printer back quickly
>they dont even care that i carry the fucking thing alone
the manual says minimum 3 people
my problem is im kinda bitter after years of being ignored cause I was fat
so I dont even flirt/stare at girls, I tend to ignore them
meh, I just want to get shredded and it isnt for girls. girls wont make you happy, you have to be happy with yourself.
> you have to be happy with yourself.
i mean i am happy with myself, atleast when im drunk. It's just that my dad said that our neighbour talked about a coworker who died of heart attack at 64 with no preliminary signs of it and i noticed he hinted at him expecting me to deliver grandchildren within the next couple years
im only 22 years old and have never had a girlfriend and none of my activities include female people what the fuck
My story as a 40 year old.
>swimmer and football player in HS. 6 foot, 150 lbs. Never a problem getting dates.
>Graduate and settle in with the girl I was dating when I graduated HS. No college at the time. I landed a job at a factory, and was quickly promoted to supervisor.
>start getting fat dumb and happy.
>close to 300 lbs at age 23 when the relationship hit the rocks.
>decide my life needs to change after we break up.
>Diet hard and start hitting the gym again.
>get back down to around 200 and starting to look and feel good. Decide to go back and get a degree at a community college.
>Looking good enough and confident enough that I start bagging college girls left and right.
>settle down with one of them at age 26 after graduation.
>eventually get fat dumb and happy again. Close to 250 again by age 35.
>Split with the college cutie and settled down with an overweight bar slut about 5 years ago.
>39 I decide to get back into shape.
>at 40 now, and bar chick gets into legit brawls because women are starting to come onto me again.
I know that every time I got fat, it was my fault. I offer the above story to point out, that yes, when I was fit, I pulled decent girls. Things turned to shit every time I let myself go. Now my bar slut is motivated to get into shape as well. If she does, I'll stick with her. She's not bad company, but I'm not going to beat away hotter chicks with a stick for her.
tl;dr: greentexted anecdotal evidence of lifting getting you girls.
>tfw womanlets won't call you "daddy" in bed
you have literally become a living breathing meme
I'm proud of you.
I seek out girls with daddy issues. Never been a problem.
Nope. I'm an autist and I'm losing hope I'll ever achieve anything. People my age already have kids and I've never even had a girlfriend. I'm starting to feel like I've fallen too low to get back up at some point
She's got a woman's body, just scaled down to womanlet size
>marrying a dwarf
>>"hey my sis thnks ur hawt, msg her?"
what a cuck
Petite dwarfism
But I'd bang a dwarf too.
For a post sex workout, dwarf tossing.
look at her proportions though. Her legs are so short because her torso can't get any shorter to hold all the organs.
>be loser
>drink at a party
>aqcuire gf
>once I break the ice I have no problem talking to them like regular humans, so I only needed to drink that night
>break up after two years
>confidence plummets
>lift and learn salsa in the meantime
>confidence higher than ever
>hit on legit Aryan 10/10 stuff of my dreams
>break up after 6 months
>confidence reaches negative value, I legit could not get out of the bed for 2 weeks, as if I was sick with a fever and exhausted from strenuous manual labor
>life goes on, right now I am continuing my studies and lifting, want a gf but don't have the energy to "go out there and meet one"
Morals of my story/answers to your question:
1) yes, lifting does give you confidence
2) if you haven't been hardened enough, you will shatter easily (so 1) may be moot)
3) if you aim high, be prepared for a bad fall (but still, do aim high)
4) don't shit where you eat, unless you like eating shit (she frequents the same places I do, so I am forced to see her every week)
That was obviously her being too embarrassed to tell him herself or playing some kind of game so she could feign disinterest.
>like regular humans
you're way too deep man, autism has fully consumed you, i suggest becoming a pianist or chess master
"them" only refers to girls I want to hit on, not every single female. It is logical to be nervous when you feel judged, like someone is expecting something of you, like when you have to pass the test of "make this girl like me".
I am pretty certain I am making things worse for me by talking in that way, but that's not how I feel, it's how it is. It's the same whenever you meet a girl. You judge her appearance and way she talks, and if she ticks all the right boxes, you proceed to do your thing (making out, asking her out, whatever).
Not being nervous means either rejection doesn't affect you, or that you have studied a lot and acquired a lot of experience for the "test"
Although I'm sure I could use other words to sound less autistic.
By the way, give me a break. That was like 3 years ago. I am slightly better now.
No. It made them more nervous around me, or at least that's what I like to think.
No. They assume I'm gay because I take care of myself.
Nope. My social skills arent even that bad, i can easily make friends with new people inluding girls. But i have zero idea how to escalate from there or get them into bed. The whole concept is beyond me
>if she ticks all the right boxes, you proceed to do your thing
>implying people have standards
You should, user. No amount of virginity or dry spell warrants fucking crazy, fat, slut or whatever else would normally be a turn off
Sure it does. get your rocks off, and move on. You'll be less fixated on finding the "perfect" girl. Oneitis is a bitch.
But I like crazy
>Sure it does. get your rocks off, and move on. You'll be less fixated on finding the "perfect" girl. Oneitis is a bitch.
The bane of my existence. How do i become more insensitive against girls? I would very much like to bone and dump. It is unhealthy to become attached and feel feels over every girl I "do something" with.
>dyel friend who does nothing but do speed all day has a gf
>I can't even get one after lifting for over a year
Why is life so unfair? I just want the loneliness to go away
>does speed all day
don't worry, he will be dead soon enough
I'd fuck them, but I personally have made a promise to not spend any fucking money on ugly girls. Wasted too much going on dates and falling for the "maybe they've got a cool personality" meme.
At least he's not alone. I wouldn't mind dying if it meant a few months with someone I enjoy
Seriously? The only thing I really miss about having a gf is regular sex. Other than that I'm better off alone.
Honestly, lower your standards a bit. Don't bang people you aren't attracted to, but you don't have to love their personality or anything for a hookup. Consider the hookups as "practice" girls. But my advice is don't shit where you eat. Pick up the girls you'll settle for at one place, and meet the girls you actually want to be around somewhere else completely. Never let the ones you're serious about know how many people you've fucked.
Be safe. an STD or a child will ruin the future. Practice girls tend to know that they aren't 10/10 bitches, so some of them are more than happy to get knocked up if they feel it will land them an attractive man.
how can people get an erection on speed?
I've been alone all my life. I would give anything to know love at least once. I can't even remember the last time I got a hug.
I do remember her complaining he was a boring fuck
>Honestly, lower your standards a bit.
My standards for a gf right now are:
>not fat
>not ugly
>not crazy
>not a slut
>not bitchy and naggy
>some things of common interest so that we can have a conversation
>wants sex more often than once a week
>wants cuddles and hugs at night
>smells nice
I don't think I have high standards. Do I?
>don't shit where you eat
M8 that's literally what I said to that other user like 10 posts above
But that's the whole point
How do I into practice
I have to feel at least a bit of emotional attachment to make a move on a girl
How do I become more insensitive
Fuck, I'm 24 and I'm talking like I am 16
come on now, you are better than that. You don't miss much. First few months is cool, and then the drama begins and it lasts until one of you mans up and breaks up. Even sex starts being boring and mechanical.
Being single is great, but you need some friends and be able to get an ons/lover once so you don't go crazy.
It's about developing a "no fucks given" attitude. Realize you don't need an emotional connection to have sex. Sex is just a fun thing to do. Girls enjoy it too. Many are also looking for an uncomplicated fuck. Find them.