


b r e h s


Looks like a fucking cartoon


>makeup and skimpy clothes while playing a fucking SPORT

I won't lie, I'm a girl and this -really- pisses me the f**k off. Women that take up sports or "male" hobbies solely for male attention are nothing but nasty whores that couldn't get shit in life if they kept their clothes on.

Guise,......gonna need to have sex ASAP. This is driving me fucking crazy.

>tfw working abroad in a 3rd world country.

>>tfw working abroad in a 3rd world country.

just go buy some girls m8

>tfw working abroad in a 3rd world country
So it's going to be extremely easy to get laid at will?

It's a photoshoot you autist, she's a model. Guarantee you're some ugly hamplanet that's just jealous

It's a photoshoot you autistic whore

they look fucking dopey


Not that easy, lads. STDs are around every fucking corner. Can't wait for by flyback and destroy my wife's ass


>posting iskra

her ass is flat, see pic related.

OP pic isn't iskra

Lel, someone is already bonezoned your wife. Humans are sluts.

Go back to /r9k pls

Yo what's your skype?

i never fugged an autist before.

Lel not even the dude you replied too but who hurt you man?