Who /BadTeeth/ here?

It's the bane of my life and I feel like killing myself everyday.

No matter what I do, they still get worse.

20 years old and my teeth are fucked.

Anyone else?

yeah I'm almost 27 and my teeth are shitty and crooked.

but that hasn't stopped me from finding a gf/having multiple girls interested in me.

Improve your personality bruh

>tfw never had braces or any dental surgery and my teeth are perfect

yes, I was like that. then I got a couple of crowns and veneers and my smile is great now. hell, I was over 30 years old by the time I did it and it took 1 week to fix. I should have done it ages ago.

I will tell you one thing, though. going from shit teeth to great teeth won't really change your life much. I've basically forgotten about it by now and my life is exactly like it was before.

When did you get veneers, how many and how much did it all cost?

>going from shit teeth to great teeth won't really change your life much

says the guy who took 7 days to fix his teeth

>When did you get veneers

>how many
2 veneers + 2 crowns. basically the first 4 front, upper teeth because those were the really crooked ones.

>and how much did it all cost?
around $2-3k, but I don't live in the US so the price will likely be different for you.

lol, why does time matter? seriously, nobody gave a shit, but maybe it would have had more of an impact if I was 20.

Spent my first 6 months of work's salary in getting brace at age 22.
Shit sucks really hard but whatev, I wasn't going to get any pussy anyway.

>Tfw probably need 8 veneers
>Only on £7 an hour and haven't even started university

I'm worried it will have an impact on future job applications.

Fuck lads I'm so depressed

>nicely aligned teeth
>yellow as fuck
save me brahs

Has anyone had plaque/tartar/calculus removed from their teeth? Is it expensive?
I used to drink a lot of soda and had bad mouth hygiene, so my teeth are discolored and there are some dark spots at the top of some of them. I've got some money now so I'd like to get it removed.

It's not so expensive, with 400-600$ you should get a neat whitening

Mine are perfectly healthy but somewhat crooked with a little bit of fluorosis. Probably nobody cares but me but it does bother me so sometime in the near future I'll probably go through orthodontics to appease my vanity.

>ton of cavities as a kid because mom didn't make me brush my teeth and I was a retarded kid
>take care of my teeth
>too late
>old childhood fillings apparently fall out over time
>two redrillings in past 4 months
>have a bridge as well, which is one tooth cracked and was destoyed, so they filed down the two teeth around it that were perfectly healthy and put a 3-tooth fake in place
>still have nightmares about when they were putting it in
>most painful experience of my life
>mfw realizing it will eventually fall out, exposing a tooth hole and two filed-down teeth nubs

I want to die.

My teeth also discolor easily. Despite brushing 3x a day. Also think I grind my teeth at night.

teeth whitener???
you could literally solve your problem in a few hours. go to a dentist and get them whitened

Iktf bro..

>Never had any cavities, fillings or anything
>Dentists always complimented me on it and said I had very good dental hygeine
>Constantly have tonsil stones that stink like shit and feel uncomfortable as fuck
>Brush and floss like 3 times a day and gargle mouthwash for a good 2 minutes after each brush
What the fuck is with these things, I actually want to ask the doctor to give me a tonsilectomy

Would kill for good teeth

(Satire of course)

Lit same childhood story and ending here. 3 teeth have been lost in the back of my mouth due to fillings falling out. Been brushing 2x daily for a decade plus no sugar drinks, coffee with straw, etc etc. Gonna go the veneer root eventually but fuck this blows.

>talking to girl
>its going well
>keep talking
>making eye contact like usual
>notice her eyes jot down to my mouth as I'm talking
>fuck shes lookin at my crooked teeth

every fuckin time

>have had 6 root canals
>am only 19
>front teeth are perfect somehow
>scared as fuck something will happen and ruin my smile

I don't want to sound /r9k/ but I really hate my parents for not giving two fucks about me as a child. Was it that hard to make sure I brushed, mom? You had one job.

>coffee with straw

I try to swish water afterwards. Feels like I put in more effort than most people and I get shit results because god hates me. Oh, and on recommendation from my dentist I've been using a whitening rinse, and suddenly constant kanker sores in my mouth. Super painful and my cheek is inflamed. I fucking hate teeth. Why can't we have robot bodies already so I can leave this painful, fleshy prison behind...

> Tfw Britbong who didn't go to dentist for 5 years and drank coke every day
> Had to pay £2k to get them fixed

Nice teeth now though.

Never had braces but my teeth aren't too bad. My mother made sure to teach us good dental hygiene because she's from a third world country where she had to brush her teeth with like fucking straw tied to a stick and she doesn't want us to lose our teeth like she did.

Pic related

Best teeth whitener in UK? (Not dentist)

Do I just buy crest strips from ebay or something?


You're hot and have nice teeth

Easy on the hot and cold food mix.
Changing temps can cause light cracks in teeth

Jesus Christ that sucks
I kind of don't hate my slight overbite now
Regardless I'm a poorfag so I have a cavity in my back top left molar and wasn't able to get it when it could have been reversed. Now I'm 99% sure it's either going to break and fall out or I'm going to have to rip it out myself

Thats what it would cost here as well
Dental hygiene is so overpriced it's ridiculous
Even 3rd world shitholes are upwards of 300% profit increase
Braces literally cost $140 to make from start to finish no matter how custom they are
The dental industry is almost as bullshit as the legal industry
t. I used to work shipping at a dental corporation tjatbmade literally every dental item you could think of

>tfw your hands are too big to effectively floss because your hands won't fit in your mouth
>tfw all four wisdom teeth never became fully exposed and are halfway stuck in back gum wall
>tfw one of them has a cavity because it's literally impossible to clean
Kinda just wunna have them all pulled but I dunno if it's a good idea or not

T-thanks :3

I didn't know this, I appreciate the advice

Rate my chompers

Double D is that you?

No sir

On the outside they are fine, but all the teeth in the back for chewing are rotted beyobd repair. Also the tooth second to my front has a tiny chip and looks like its due to rot. Im sure my breath smells like death. Ive been putting off tge dentist becos i know they all have to come out and im going to need dentures/falsies at the age of 25, which i cant afford. I guess ill put it off until they actually start hurting to chew with. At least my outward smile is nice.

Braces are fucking worth it

Wore mine for a year, shit helped so much it was worth every fucking cent

>random chav punches me in the face as I'm walking home
>front tooth is kill
>I'm doomed to look like a subhuman for the rest of my life

I swear to God, if I ever become PM I'm dropping mustard gas on every council estate.

I hate my teeth so much Im about to pay my friends to punch them out and then go buy some dentures. Its not that they look all that bad but it has been my biggest confidence killer for years. Atleast with dentures I can have an epic sob story about getting fucked up by some ignigz in NY or something. Pity sex is still sex and my size will have them coming back for more... The problem is getting to that point...

request for gummy BJ after you get them punched out?

Yes. I've been cursed with bad teeth.

Hahaha That's my Veeky Forums!! And...maybe

Had braces through my dads health insurance. 16 year old me was a depressed retard and pretty much never followed their instructions. Didn't wear retainer. Teeth are back to fucked up now and I can't change the past. I'm such a fucking idiot but my depression was pretty much a mental block and stopped me from making rational decisions. Want to die now.

>my size will have them coming back for more.

Post it.