Why do you people still eat dairy? There are high levels of estrogen in milk.
Just fucking google it, there's so much info on it. Enjoy your man tits.
Why do you people still eat dairy? There are high levels of estrogen in milk.
Just fucking google it, there's so much info on it. Enjoy your man tits.
Other urls found in this thread:
The estrogen are mainly contained in the fat, so by drinking skim milk (moderately) you largely avoid this issue. The "whole milk is healthy" has always been a meme.
cuz im a grill lmao
I honestly doubt that low doses of estrogen taken orally will effect anything.
Got any data like the picture related on soy and almond milk?
Those numbers essentially mean nothing, what matters is any proof that they affect humans systematically. By now it would probably be known that milk has estrogenic effect when drank in moderate dose.
Alcohol is mildly estrogenic but right from drinking it you get some obvious estrogenic effects, this doesn't happen with milk.
Soy isn't an issue.
"A 2010 meta-analysis of fifteen placebo-controlled studies said that "neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone concentrations in men."[34] Furthermore, isoflavone supplementation has no effect on sperm concentration, count or motility, and it leads to no observable changes in testicular or ejaculate volume.[35][36]"
I'll see if I can find info on almond milk.
Have you actually opened and read the links?
"The present data on men and children indicate that estrogens in milk were absorbed, and gonadotropin secretion was suppressed, followed by a decrease in testosterone secretion. Sexual maturation of prepubertal children could be affected by the ordinary intake of cow milk."
You're aware that your digestion system breaks down the peptide protein that is a hormone?
This is why you need to inject HGH directly into the bloodflow and not simply drink it.
I'm already drinking soy milk. I just want my pretty charts with hormone levels in soy and almond milk man.
Fuck off, food choices have a trivial effect on androgens. A 10-20% difference either way won't make a difference unless you're already low test to begin with, in which case you should be on TRT.
You realize oral dosages for HRT to become a trap is in milligrams?
1mg = 1000000ng
This is why you only eat fermented dairy like kefir, yoghurt or cheese.
Close enough?
Fuck boys, is that how this happened?
Tread carefully bro. Skinny fat and turning into a women. Time to lift some weights.
You look WONDERFUL goy!!!! Absolutely WONDERFUL!
Trivial effect on androgens, were am I denying dairy can cause people ache?
"Among dietary risk factors, we are most concerned with milk and dairy products, because the milk we drink today is produced from pregnant cows, in which estrogen and progesterone levels are markedly elevated"
Why do you people think we cant take insulin orally
I switched whole milk to almond milk (for calcium) and I've never felt better, started getting bigger muscles, better beard, harder erections etc. Living without milk is easy and it doesn't matter if you have the occasional ice cream or chocolate.
M8, how the FUCK did you allow yourself to get like that?
This user is right, you look like the new nu-male slave that the jews salivate at...
Fuck me I need to go to sleep, *Acne
Just fucking read the conclusion.
>almond or hazelnut with chocalte brotein powder
So if you injected milk...?
m8, just watch your diet and continue lifting, you will look good.
high levels of estrogen in your tofu and soy too, you shilling faggot
>muh soy
"A 2010 meta-analysis of fifteen placebo-controlled studies said that "neither soy foods nor isoflavone supplements alter measures of bioavailable testosterone concentrations in men."[34] Furthermore, isoflavone supplementation has no effect on sperm concentration, count or motility, and it leads to no observable changes in testicular or ejaculate volume.[35][36]"
Quit the bullshit and do some research.
How much was the suppression in Adults?
Seriously unless it knocks you out of range it won't turn you into a trap. I don't even know why I'm even arguing, I don't drink milk; but this and soy will give gyno meme pees me off.
If you really wanted to scare monger, you'd be better off talking about the link between prostate cancer and dairy. Since you know there is actual evidence for that, but I can't find a single case study of an adult male who had gyno due to milk.
I don't eat dairy anyway and I feel great. But I'm tired of seeing all kinds of bullshit here about soy which has NO effect on testosterone levels while people worship cheese and dairy which DO affect testosterone levels to some degree.
So how much of an effect do phytoestrogens actually have?
For example I use a lot of garlic and onion in my cooking, and actually enjoy tofu, is there really any need to be concerned? As far as I can tell I don't have any obvious hormone issues...
Phytoestrogens aren't an issue, contrary to popular belief. See the wikipedia page I linked a few posts above. What can be an issue is estrogen from animal products, not plant products.
Technically phytoestro wouldn't affect hormones much anyways, since the compounds present are receptor agonists but rather they would activate the receptor directly.
Which again I doubt would do any "damage" unless you're getting >500g of protein a day from soy. If anything I've seen papers on the benifical effects of them on bone health and prostate cancer incidence.
>But I'm tired of seeing all kinds of bullshit
So ignore it and stop spreading BS about milk and gyno.
Anyone else drink shit loads of milk and have absolutely no side effects, other than sickening gains?
I don't.
How much did they drink?
What good alternative do we have to cow milk?
Doesn't matter about the taste desu, just something that isn't too pricey that allows you to reach macros - I'm in yurop
Should I stay away from Greek yogurt and cheese?
>Although the concentration of estrogens in cow’s milk varies, it is extremely low relative to the
endogenous production of estrogens in humans and, therefore, is of little physiological significance or
unlikely to pose a health risk.3,4,6 Researchers state that “premenopausal women produce at least
35,000 times as much E1 and 163,000 times as much E2 daily as would be consumed in 1 serving of
2% milk”.6 Orally ingested estrogens are metabolized in the body and therefore are of low
bioavailability, which supports their lack of a significant effect on human physiology.9
Fuck off with your pseudoscience and biased vegan researchers.
That's urinary excretion of estros, anyways I got hold of the full text.
The difference between the basal and lowest postprandial test concentration measured across the 120min timespan was ~1ng/ml (see under fig 2) and a transient effect at that. So fuck all.
I'm going to bed, goodnight user.
Any non-dairy milk. Soy milk, almond milk, rice milk, coconut milk, oat milk, whatever floats your boat pal. I'm in europe too and I find them in regular stores.
Literally eating anything with calories in it causes those changes. Mongolian retards could only get their garbage published in "Pediatrics International", no wonder.
>biased research
Dairymax sounds totally unbiased, thanks user.
>soy milk
Sleep well, fitter.
The fact that you believe the opposing party is biased but not the OP underlies your own biases, retard.
I'd recommend staying away from them yes. Just make sure you're getting enough calcium from other sources. Pic related
Phytoestrogens in soy milk aren't an issue, read the fucking thread
So I should trust a study funded by the dairy industry instead of all the other studies on the issue?
No, you should read all of the studies on the topic and focus on the argumentative substance while ignoring the source, because all sources present some degree of bias. But you won't, because you're retarded and have no formal education on science beyond high school.
What the fuck is "loss of muscle tone"
Do they mean high body fat %?
I've read quite a lot on the issue actually, and I'm reading the whole study as you speak. Ever heard of critical thinking? Do you think the Dairy Research Institute and National Dairy Council would ever tell you to reduce your dairy intake?
That body looks pretty feminine user. Consider get test levels checked and pinning if they're low
Ahahaha a literal study means nothing. Drinking milk you didn't buy from from a Jewish supermarket.
Good goy :)
You're delusional
I Drink milk daily and look better than 99% of you broscience faggots
Do you think vegans would ever tell you to consume dairy? Is reflecting your own behaviour really that hard? If you have even the most basic critical thinking skills (which you should've developed around the age of 5), then you will inevitably realize how irrational it is to dismiss a argument or data solely because it comes from a source you don't like.
What's that supposed to prove?
And you're projecting.
It's not hard to look better than computers user. Lel
Proves they're paying to keep up muh milk is great meme. Look at the payouts on opensecrets...
But it's Veeky Forums and broscience rules here.
What do you think of these then?
I don't give a shit about vegans, what do they have to gain anyway if I don't drink milk anymore?
And people don't pay to keep up the "muh milk is bad meme"?
Anyway, what does this have anything to do with the scientific validity of the claims they make? Is NASA biased because they say Earth is round? Should we blindly trust anything The Flat Earth Society says because they have less money at stake? You belong locked away in an institution for the mentally retarded, so you can't harm others or yourself with your stupidity anymore.
also this one
Hahaha he will come up with another excuse for why these clear warnings are flawed probably
Just read the millions paid by lobbyists in the industry. Take your disinformation campaign to the kids you want to make gay mkay thanks
this thread is about raising estrogen - those studies are about lowering testosterone.
He will probably tell you you belong in a mental institution and go on with muh mental illness meme despite you posting science refuting his points.
It's a tactic nothing more
Compare the number of times you've come across billboards promoting dairy compared to billboards promoting veggies. Just because the idea that dairy is healthy has been drilled into our heads doesn't mean it's true.
I'll just leave this here.
FYI when people started posting here a bunch of shitthreads got bumped.
Fascinating right?
Thanks for posting that
Sola dosis facit venenum. As determined by radiolabelling estrogens have no oral bioavailability in humans. Same goes with progesterone unless it is put into a special micronized pharmaceutical formulation and administered at very high doses. The concentrations of these steroid hormones in milk are in the nanograms and have too low affinity to their receptors to have any impact at these concentrations.
See desustorage.org
Thanks for the info. From what I read though, estrogens in plants like soy etc don't raise estrogen levels so why are they in the list?
that middle one is a hypothesis, it isn't even a study.
I eat cheese that it for dairy. My milk is silk almond milk shits cash.
It's funny because meat-eaters will always point toward the (false) claim that soy milk can mimic the effects of estrogen on the body. (see: ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
All the while there is clear scientific evidence that dairy, without a doubt, effects your estrogen levels. Bizarre.
this is saying that "hormone-dependent cancers" are connected to eating more dairy - that isn't surprising considering that dairy is high in saturated fat which helps hormone production, right?
if anything all that means is people are consuming enough saturated fat to have high enough hormone levels to develop "diseases of prosperity" like hormone-dependent cancers.
you have to look at all the other things in that group who are suffering hormone-dependent cancers before saying "therefore dairy is unnatural" etc. such as whether they eat a varied enough diet overall and whether they exercise.
>All the while there is clear scientific evidence that dairy, without a doubt, effects your estrogen levels. Bizarre.
>Given the observational study designs with the inherent possibility of residual confounding and reverse causation phenomena, a cautious interpretation of the results is recommended.
So why do women take contraceptive pills orally?
I read that which is why I'm asking lol
Because a lot of money was spent to convince them it was free and liberating to not have children when the true goal was depopulation in the long run.
This thread is what happens when you flunk out of basic Biology.
Fuck off, OP, you faggot cunt.
This thread is so confusing. So Veeky Forums tell me should I drink milk or not?
It's interesting speculation, but the idea that IGF-1 drives aging has been questioned. It doesn't work in all species. Human laron syndrome, which features lifelong low IGF-1, doesn't appear to have any dramatic effect on lifespan
Even if it were, it would invariably come with numerous side effects, like reduced cognitive function and linear growth, as explained by this researcher who has published on the topic.
Replacing milk with meat or eggs would have minimal effect on IGF-1 here, you'd need to live off grains or something instead.
I generally stay away from anything that "may have effects" or "most likely has no effect". Just to be on the safe side.
Yes. Skimmed and don't go overboard. OP is just a fucking idiot who can't into Biology.
It says "no effects" though..not "most likely has no effects"
>unless it is put into a special micronized pharmaceutical formulation and administered at very high doses
They use synthetic derivatives of these hormones like ethinyl estradiol and/or doses not remotely achievable by the consumption of dairy products unless your routine includes drinking 10000 gallons of whole milk.
Better off coming to your own conclusions. These boards have become disinformation heaven so if you can't observe, analyze, and conclude for yourself you're really in trouble. Your conclusions sound right though if it says it may cause something crazy like suicidal thoughts as a side effect.