Just bought my new power cage, how does it look?
Just bought my new power cage, how does it look?
>0 results on google
holy shit did you really??
Your barbell is going to hit the wall
>he fell for the squat meme
>how does it look?
through the fucking roof breh
You don't even have room to put a bar on there either.
my gains?
through the roof!
Oh god is that attached to the ceiling in that position?
Did you think about this for even 30 seconds?
>American Wood Walls
Not even once.
>african mud walls
Not even once
You realize that you need at least a foot and half on both sides of the rack right?
Gonna have to tear that wall down for the Olympic bar.
Hey boo
I hope you're not renting that place.
... fuck
Google image search brings up nothing.
Holy fkin kek
>Not installing power cage in your closet
I keked
dude i think you fucked up
4 more holes it is. Please remember to post the update pic.
lmao famalam
thats dedication
jesus christ i didnt even think of this
my fucking stupid friend posted this after i sent it to him
im a fucking retard im going to kill myself
Jesus christ OP
it looks like you do exercise to failure
time to make more holes in your ceiling
I refuse to believe that anyone could be this stupid. Nevertheless 8/10 made me chuckle
Just take the whole celing down at this point senpai-i-am
Fix it up after.
i'm just going to disassemble the fucking thing and put it in my garage or something
hopefully i wont need to put more holes in that ceiling too
your gonna have to bench diagonally like this. Its your only solution.
>diag benching
there are studs and pipes up there, originally i was going to just take that whole chunk of the ceiling out but it was all for naught
should have gotten a sumo rack or at least checked the height
D-did you not take measurements first?
>tfw plataued on my diag bench
I would try mixed grip but I'm afraid I'd tear a tricep
how much did u pay for it?
i didn't
i had a shit ton of money and just kind of rushed into it without thinking
i figured it wouldn't be a problem and i thought my basement had a relatively high ceiling
boy was i wrong
Just cut a hole in your wall. Even better for gains as it will force you to use a straight bar path.
How on earth are you retarded enough to start to assemble this, realize that it's not going to fit, then decide the best course of action is to SHOVE IT THROUGH THE CEILING
best thread in a long time, so long and thanks for all the keks
Europe doesn't use drywall because it is haram.
Did you even measure the height of the power rack before buying it?
"Hmm this power rack is 9 feet tall...how high is the ceiling in my mid century bungalow again?"
Just curl inside of it
here to confirm it's real
hopefully i don't end up r/Veeky Forums
You can't make this shit up
i want to believe
thanks for perpetuating that dumb meathead sterotype
Should have bought the Rogue R3 shorty.
1) It would have fit
B) It won't crinkle like a tin can if you ever have to bail on a 400+ pd squat
You are a god among fit, keep us updated
Good thread
Jesus christ, OP...
When you first saw the rack, where you blinded?
holy shit user.....holy shit
Veeky Forums you will never cease to amaze me
>mfw i opened one last thread before bed
building your power rack and when you get the posts up you decide to just jam it through the roof
5th March
Fake, unsubbed
y though
What the fuck mate.
You got room to OHP also, right?
any reason for you to trip right now?
Eurochan pls leave
You know you can just cut the rack into the proper height instead of impaling your ceiling with it, right?
Don't make him feel any worse
just cut the rack opie
fucking leave already.
Wow op, wow
Dumbfounded, awestruck?
Oh fuck
>Hopefully i dont end up on r/Veeky Forums
More likely in /diy/ gore thread
put me in the screencap
looks good
Doesn't look parallel to the wall
0/10 would not use
Just cut a long verticle hole in the wall for your bar to go through.
Cut a slot up the wall
So, OP bought a power rack and just power assembled it without even letting the ceiling get in his way.
Alpha as fuck.
yeah but its too late now
i was on an excitement high when it came and i wasn't thinking for a fucking second
i always do shit like this
whatever, i can return it anyway and hopefully get a shorter one. i'm so fucking stupid
This is beautiful
You can take a tiny bit of solace in fact that you're a true meme now
God speed OP
Just lower the safety rails....
postan in EBIN bread
super underrated post