How many fort mac refugees currently browsing fit?
Took me 8 hours yesterday to get to Edmonton and now I'm just chillin while my apartment will most likely burn
How many fort mac refugees currently browsing fit?
Took me 8 hours yesterday to get to Edmonton and now I'm just chillin while my apartment will most likely burn
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I am at the gym, its probably gonna stand another 2 days before the fire devours it. Sleeping at a friends place. We are most likely gonna rob the local supplement stores tomorrow as most people are evacuated. Then we hit the gym and get the fuck out of here
Holy hell I heard like 85000 hectares are burned already? Why is it so difficult to contain?
Lol bullfuckinshit
Some dude was saying how fort mac deserves it/let the whole province burn. My dad sent the messages to his employer and he got suspended without pay and his cheques ate going to red cross to help you guys. Be strong you guys, also check out Drayton valley. Oilfield town gone ghost town and lots of hotels are offering free/cheap rooms to you guys if you need them. We are behind you guys
goes eat some fried deer for that extra cals
>We are most likely gonna rob the local supplement stores tomorrow
That's a true brah. May infinite gains be with you
Had to abandon my truck at Noralta. Hope she lives.
Good for you.
Go immigrate to Greece or some shit.
Stay strong Canabros
Where you at now? Did you manage to head south?
Anyone know a good gym in Edmonton? How about a good city rec center since those are free for refugees
Damn, I'm lucky I live in the Maritimes. Literally no forest fires, only hurricane warnings / massive snow storms. Any Alberta bros here, much love goes out to you.
>N-no homo
Come back to the island b'ys, just make sure you can pay the cover charge heheheh
Because you can't get enough vehicles where they are needed. Bravo to the guy who started it though
>tfw living in Vancouver
>tfw +25°C without my house burning down
Laid off two months ago, not so mad anymore. Stay safe labour bros
>tfw some of you autists are actually from the maritimes ...
Moncton anyone?
>be tropical shitter
>everyone goes crazy at the slightest hint of rain
>meanwhile in the west it's literally raining fire and ice
I don't know if I should be happy that I don't have to worry about shit like this or be sad that I live in a 3rd world shithole.
i'm european
can you explain what's happened pls?
If you're not living/from Halifax just move to Montreal bro...
An entire city of 100000 ppl burned down. Thousands of houses, businesses, everything just burned. Google it, looks like an atom bomb hit that shit
twas 80k my mayan man
>google it
Did I get memed?
nwrmind. found it.
ahahaha your pm is a cuck he is busy sucking muzzy cock while your city is literally
well it doesn't deserve it. People are just butt mad at Fort Macmoney because people make so much cash there. kind of like how everyone hates Toronto. I have an aquaintance who was an EMT there and the bulk of his calls were for drug overdoses and cocaine heart attacks though. I hope everyone gets out safely and recovers from the devastation except the seedy landlords renting out tool sheds for 1000 dollars a month, I hope they lose everything in the fire
What kind of assblasted cuck would say they deserve it. It's just a shitty cold town where you can make bank.
Lmaooooo tru
According to Veeky Forums it's assblasted prius fags saying it's "deserved" because it's such a big oil production area.
Fredericton here neighbour
I'm moving to freddy beach in August. I train at goodlife... I have no friends
I'm moving to freddy beach in August. I train at goodlife... I won't know anyone... Do you hang out with cuties from stu and unb?
Funny that Ezra Levant's idea of pushing Alberta oil as "ethical" never took off.
I guess the lefties would rather buy from Saudis, use just as much oil, then bitch about Alberta.
Still waiting for that little faggot Leo to take a trio to the middle East and try to tell them it's bad for the environment.
Hi from NB
Yooooo Saint John!
So many NBs holy shiet
I'm the Moncton user again. Lets set up a meet at Fundy park this summer
>n-no homo
Claireview, Stadium and Kinsmen.
SJ user here, would be cool but underage and grill so don't want to die, have fun though
Im going to SJ on the 17th for work
>creeping intensifies
BC Brethren, I was up in Northern BC during 2010. I feel you.
Hope you get some decent insurance mony and a job that isn't dependant on the oil fields.
Posting on your sweet Bell data freebie, Patty?
What kind of work do you do? Good luck finding anything here
No I've been pretty much full blown cocoon mode for the past year or so. I train at good life too though, maybe we'll see each other though, I'll be the guy with the shaved head and an underdeveloped chest working out by himself lol
Lol going to stu in september, see you there
I got approached by a guy who wants to open a software development firm to manage his application internally abd do a bit of contracting.
He's running a pretty succesful gig, he's got clients like Debly, Repsol, subway franchises, etc
Naw I'm old breh just wanna mack on the hot younguns
Shediac... which is close enough to moncton
Sounds nice
What's it like at Stu?
Damn, never thought I'd be talking with multiple people from NB on here
Because Fort McMurray is in the middle of fucking nowhere. It's an oil boomtown
How is this Veeky Forums relevant?
So the real question - are any of you NB anons actually Veeky Forums ?
All of his roids are burning and he's losing his gains, have some sympathy
SJ grill here, lost 35 lb, that counts r-right?
Grills just need to be notfat and voila, made it. Unless hideous face.
Im a tripfag so I'd post body but im kinda scared of doxxing myself.....
You'll see me doing squat, diddlies and bench wearing wutang shirts. I lift heavy af and I look like i'm 15 years old. I'll probably train at Prospect location
>tfw I lift in wu tang shirts too
>tfw I'll be asking every dude in a wutang shirt if they are autistic
It isn't.
Captcha: pickup trucks.
I'll cross my fingers for you mate, let's hope mother nature isn't too harsh a mistress this time. It's hard enough being a Veeky Forumsizen as it is.
Would it be possible to rob the banks there? I mean no one is there and the fire would destroy any evidence
silly canadians
you're 99% covered in snow and have no sun how can you even burn lmao
where do all these people go after their houses and everything have burnt down? who pays for all that shit?
is this anywhere close to the parks in alberta? it would be a shame if somewhere like this was burnt to ruins
does this mean the housing prices in alberta will be going up significantly? investment time?
All the world health locations are free for Fort Mac refugees
Fort mac is quite north, whereas the pic you have looks like between bc/alberta border, along the rocky Mountains.
I know you're trolling but it's sad that there are retards who genuinely think this.
pretty sure thats a famous park in canada, forgot the name though
>kind of like how everyone hates Toronto.
People hate Toronto because it's so cucked that it makes Sweden look like Nazi Germany sometimes.
t. Ontarian
Alberta is getting the burning that Ontario deserves.
>where do all these people go after their houses and everything have burnt down?
1. all over the country
2. their town gets rebuilt
>who pays for all that shit?
Insurance companies and the tax payers.
i wonder how fucking mortified those prius using douche bags feel when they have to refill their tanks, like theyre forced to at gunpoint
St. John's here. Yeah, not "maritimes" but das it.
I am the guy who you responded to
nobody is that stupid.... I hope
You'd be surprised. A few years ago in Burlington (Ontario) some American family (two parents and two kids) from Illinois (I think they said they were Chicago) came into the place I worked at all pissed off and confused that they had been here for a week and that there wasn't snow. I thought they were joking at first until the husband came in all pissed off to return four sets of skis.
This was in August. I remember this because it was on my birthday, and I had chocolate cake with my coworkers after lol.
Lake Lousie
Began again... as a Shediac grill I just discovered that doing nothing but hiking for 2 years completely wasted my muscles.
I'm struggling to just deadlift 50 kg. Someone kill me.
>mfw lake louise burning
I've trained at oceanside before. Nice spot. Keep at it.. A grill pulling 50kg isnt that bad. I'm moncton powerlifting user, i'll help any way I can
Cold Laker here. Hope all you Fort Mac bros are safe and can resume making some gains soon.
google a fucking map. fort mac isn't even close to the Rockies.
Is the whole city gonna burn down? Is that a possibilty? They are already posting hiring ads for the clean up.
fire is out of the city
Any link?
Just google fort mac clean up. A bunch of temporary labour companies are doing it, you get paid like $14-17 while they probably charge $30/hour per worker they send up
80k permanent people lived there, thousands and thousands more in the hotels, camps and shift workers.
I lift at the Downtown YMCA. It's not good, but it's probably close to you (it's like a block from EERS).
Hope your arrangements are all good, I'd offer you my couch but I actually don't want to.
That picture is not Lake Louise. It does look like Banff National Park, which Lake Louise is also in, but it's not Louise.
>the bulk of his calls were for drug overdoses and cocaine heart attacks though
Sounds about right. A lot of people that go out there for work are white trash from the Maritimes who end up making more money than they know what to do with and end up with addiction problems, and unlike the Maritimes, the drugs up there are actually potent, so ODs are far more common.
Hope you dudes are all doing OK.
Toronto is literally the only good city in Canada.
The only people that hate are people who jealous.
Kinney lake by mount robson