Im a bit mad cos i wasted 3 months doing a 5x5 routine...

im a bit mad cos i wasted 3 months doing a 5x5 routine, how can i most quickly make up the gains i would have had in that time? also, how long (what kind of weight range) do you need to get to until girls like you?

>implying 5x5 is a waste of time
>not lifting for himself

dont be triggered we probably just have divergent goals. i am looking to get a better looking body, not really worried about strength or anything


You didn't waste your time. Which do you think will get you a bigger chest - 3x8x135 or 3x8x225? Obviously 225. Strength is an important part of being aesthetic.

You seem to have just started lifting so I guess you haven't realized that lifting does not get you girls so there is no 'weight range' that will get you girls

This. You won't build up to 225 quickly without doing a regimented strength routine to begin with.

Fucking around for years doing 3x10 or whatever will get you nowhere. Gains are the result of time under tension. Muscles respond to the stress placed on them. It quickly becomes less stressful doing the same weight 10 times every day or every other day, because your body adapts to make it easier to do. Once you're out of babby weight range and your CNS has adapted to allow you to flex properly (most noob gains are just plebs learning the proprioception and figuring out how to flex) and utilise a higher proportion of muscle fibers in an impulse you'll notice it becomes harder to progress doing high reps.

shouldnt it become easier to progress if my fibres are flexing more or whatever? my problem is really that i dont have any (visible) gains after 3 months of work

also i read that some people do 5x5 and then 3x12 the next week, is that a good plan or is that just gimmick?

Check out a program called PHUL you do strength and hypertrophy work in the same week. Although I suggest you don't do that program yet instead do Phraks greyskull LP for another 3 months, it's good for strength and allows for some hypertrophy too. The program is pic related

Just do 5x5 with accessories like everyone else.

ah ok thanks, im doing stronglifts atm which looks quite similar to that actually (same exercises just different reps and stuff)

are 'accessories' just extra random isolation exercises?

>are 'accessories' just extra random isolation exercises?
Yep. Both Rippetoe and Medhi recommend them. Dips are good, Pullups are good, curls are good, basically anything that helps work arms.

Do main compound movements
Do isolations for bis/tris, side/rear delts, calves and abs and you're all set

but stick with 5x5 or go up to 3x8? im really after size

Are you trying to get ripped or what?

3x5/5x5 on compound lifts like squat, bench, press
1x5 for deadlift
3x8 for any and all accessory, even do some leg machines @ 3x8 for a good pump after you do squats


righto boss, thanks very much

no I'm trying to get toned

oh also im not pleased to hear 'lifting does not get you girls', whats the fucking point then? what should i do instead?

Solely lifting will not get you girls. Having a good personality and being social and having a nice face and haircut will probably help you get girls. It's possible that lifting will give you confidence to actually ask out a girl. Girls definitely do like muscular guys but that alone will not do it. Also lifting is a great way to stay fit so I would suggest you keep lifting.

I started as a skelly on ABCxABC dumbbell split and been on different versions of it for 6 months. Strengthwise it was quite a waste of time, but I've got some aesthetics I've looked for initially.
Then I had a serious time out and just started a 5x5 routine. Like it so far and looking forward to do it for at least next 4-5 months before going back to split, because despite the fact that I used to lift very recently, my stats are ridiculously low.

> 3 reps! no 12 reps!
lol @ you faggots obsessing over the number of reps. I bet you don't even care half as much about quality of muscle contraction or form.

Someone was hogging the 25 pond DBs for inclined butterflies yesterday (although they spent 5 minutes between sets surfing their fucking phone) so my DYEL ass had to use the 30s for bicep curl and I did 5x5f instead of my 3x10f with 25s.

Did I kill my gains? I just want 14.5 inch arms (on my narrow frame, they will look YUGE).

How much did I set myself back?

It's okay to do less with bigger weight. It's the only way to get stronger. Eventually you'll do 3x10 with 30s if you start working with them

Good to know. I started with 15s a month ago (struggled with 3x10) and worked up to 25s. That was my first attempt with 30s.

I think the 25 hog was laughing at me to his gf until he saw me do 30 pull ups.