Pretty much every fat person I've ever encountered has been a liberal...

Pretty much every fat person I've ever encountered has been a liberal. Why is the stigma of obesity so often associated with conservatives? I've seen the stereotype of a fat jesus voter come to life a few times when I'm at a walmart, but by and large, the overwhelming amount of fatties I've met have been liberals.

What's your experience with fatty fats and their political affiliation?

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Jews just jewing you bro.

I'm assuming you live in some large city/wealthy suburb? Spend 10 minutes in the South and you'll see why.

Have you ever been to the south?
Tons of obese.
Tons of cuckservatives.

Have you ever been to ny or ca?
Lots of skinny people
Almost everyone is a libtard.

It doesnt matter, both parties are retarded anyways.

Because your anecdotal evidence is meaningless.


There are fat spics everywhere in southern cal.

>my personal experience is reflective of the rest of the world

I don't really believe you, anyways. What I have noticed is /pol/ making more of these kind of threads in a pathetic attempt to distance their political beliefs from any negative stereotype.

It's pretty much the opposite in Texas

Hate to pop your bubble. Im fat as hell and ultra conservative.

I hate my fat ness i view it as my biggest personal failure.

Im working on it. But still hate myself and will till i die

It's because people are taking mspaint comics to heart about their political views

Stop letting those right wing facists fat shame you.

You're fine just how you are, feel the bern.

I definitely don't think being fat is connected to any political leanings. Hell, Ted Cruz was talking about bringing French fries back on school lunch menus.

Shows high levels of obesity are associated with high levels of support for the Republican Party.

The irony is most people, particularly under 30, don't even chose their political views based on principles and life experience but rather what stereotype they want to fit in.

I live in SD. The city is somewhat fit but the county as a whole is fat as fuck

>I live in SD

I think the dichotomy you're seeing is
>rich = more fit
>poor = more fat

Also keep in mind half the country doesn't even bother voting.

I don't understand how anyone can be fat and right wing.

To me the fat mindset is lefty. I'm entitled to eat this, live for the moment, gotta be comfortable above all.

Right wing to me is mean and serious. When I feel right wing I tend not to want to eat just for comfort.

think there's plenty of fat people on both sides.

However, the whole fat acceptance/HAES/SJW thing is absolutely a 100% liberal construct. Conservative fatties understand that they have nobody but themselves to blame for their situation.

Anyone that claims the south is full of obese people is lying

Almost every white person in high school and college is fit in Mississippi. Can't say the same for niggers though

in the minds of right wingers : right wing = good, left = bad

in the minds of lefties : right = bad, left = good.

Nothing else. What you are basically saying is that fat = bad, and I can agree mostly

I don't know. Depends on how you define good and bad.

I used to be a fat, soft lefty loser with health problems. I noticed that most of the people I encountered on the left were fucked up in some way or another, usually mentally. Eventually I decided I didn't like being one of that crowd and decided to get healthy.

I don't really take political opinions seriously, my own or anyone else's. However I usually interpret people sharing their political opinion as letting me know that they is having difficulty in some area of their life. I generally avoid them as a consequence.

>right wing = determination, strength in self
>left wing = support from government, strength in numbers

fat people are typically left wing because they cant take responsibility for themselves. so either they're fat and become left or are left and become fat.

>tfw doesn't work at Buick

Statistically conservatives are fatter. Your anecdotes don't mean anything.

Also, places like Kentucky probably great fuck up the stats.

I got more conservative when I got Veeky Forums, don't know what to make of that. I have noticed a lot of skeleton liberals in the city. Not necessarily Veeky Forums though.

>I am too le intelligent to pick a side!

Good on you

I lift to steal the gfs of liberal cuckolds

I've cucked six liberals so far, my goal is to cuck 100 in my life time

Get awoke so you can fuck their gfs too bro

Remember, it's patriarchal and triggering for them to complain!

I'm mainly impressed that you found 6 liberal cuckolds that even have gfs.

Most of them date "liberated feminist sluts" so they just pay for their gfs kids and make up while they go out and get their pussies wet over sting right wing men

Also conservative men are more likely to be stronger

Why is Veeky Forums so obsessed with politics?
I come here to shitpost about video games and anime, the last thing I need to hear is some sentient bag of cheeto dust and hostess fruit pies rambling about the liberals and how donald trump is our lord and savior.

>fat and sassy

Haven't seen that pic in a while. I wonder what he's up to these days...

Agreed, the politicalization of the internet is frightening to say the least.
>buying into the left-right dichotomy
You got meme'd by the jews

>video games and anime

Yeah you sound like a real winner there champ

Go back to /v/ and circle jerk about "muh PC cuckold race" or how game journalism is a serious issue or whatever you turbovirgins talk about

I work at a VA facility. The amount of, to put it gently, very large men I've seen with the "make America great again" hat is staggering.

Politics is everywhere. You envision people who talk about things that actually matter as the Cheeto dusters, but in reality, it is you who is the lazy asshole. Wouldn't wanna hurt your fragile mind with all of those twenty dollar words would yah? Faggot.

>dude internet politics are scary!
>posts casual antisemetic tripe

Yeah I wonder how it got this way


Exactly what I was trying to say. My nigger.



Who /video games and anime/ here?

Cheetos eating Trump losers BTFO!!!

I used to be a Trump voter but then I discovered video games* and then my life really changed!

*and anime!

There is some serious fucking trolling going on today by this faggot. I'm not going to validate you with a (you). Its almost admirable.

>political discussions on a Siberian cum drinking board are actually worthwhile, productive, and enlightening
nice memes

It's almost funny how angry they get

I owe all my life's success to cleaning my self up, dumping Trump, putting away my Cheetos and learning how to embrace posting about video games(and anime!) on the Internet instead.

>understand that they have nobody but themselves to blame for their situation.

And the gubmint

No, of course it's straight white males! The government would never mislead you!

Yet you seek validation on an anonymous imageboard about anime. you've even given yourself a name to attract attention to yourself.
Sad isn't it.

you are dumb

Youre both fucking idiots

The REAL issue here is video games (see foot note one) and how there isn't enough people shot posting about it on the Internet!


1.) Video games and anime that is

you don't lift.

Don't you see this is exactly what he wants? Come on bro.

So is this guy the new cute tomato

I'm here for the bants (about VG&A)

You don't lift

It didn't have to be like this

We could have just talked about video games.............. and anime and life would have been better

Where did it all go so wrong?


Who do you think this is?

Nah, mods had auto banned my cute tomato name so this is my mega evolution of you will (a reference to the Pokemon series of video games - and the anime!)

Tite. You really are next level when it comes to making people angry.

This board has such a high influx of newfag redditors who don't even know how the game goes yet

They gon learn believe me.

It's 90% of why I do what I do

Keep fighting the good fight m8.
Or bad, you really are an annoying motherfucker.

Nelive me brother I'm not going to stop until EVERYBLAST ONE OF THEM learns the importance of video games (and anime)

Well this is really more of a /pol/ thread but yeah I have noticed that most fats I've known have been left of center to one degree or another. I've known like 2 right wing fatties, one was your typical enormous neckbeard with a katana and his own manifesto, the other was this old guy I worked for.

If liberalism can really be tied to health I'd say it's the promotion of shit like "Health at Every Size" and the demands to end "shaming" in all it's forms.

pick one and only one, baka.

I found the opposite.
Most fat people are conservative.

>With an adult obesity rate of 35.9 percent, Arkansas was found to be America's fattest state. West Virginia and Mississippi rounded out the top three

They all come out red usually.

and for thinnest...

>States noteworthy for having low obesity rates are California, Colorado, Connecticut and Massachusetts

are all blue.


On the other hand most people who actually lift lean right and most leftie men are skeletors

The South has a lot more liberals than you think.
The majority of the black population is in the south.
They are also the leading ethnicity for obesity and vote mainly Democrat.

I hardly see fat white people in TN, lots of overweights, but rarely full blown obesity.

There is no fit and sane person that browses /pol/. Weak mothers and especially weak fathers are the cause of /pol/ having a lot of posters.

I agree

The same can be said about males who voted for democrats

When you decide to become a better man and quit posting on /pol/, could you also stop posting in /fit, just read the advice and stop being fat.

Don't try to act for a second that your dad is a nobody. Your mother is probably just as weak. Did she cuck your dad and is this where the hate for the left comes from or did a black men physically dominated your father and raped your weak mother?

Embrace your inner conservative

>instantly brings it to cuckolding

Nice projection lmao, let it all out user, we're here for you buddy

Don't take the focus away from your parents. The way you respond and the way you behave online brings us to a pretty obvious answer that your dad is not a complete man. How can a son like you be a product of a great father let alone a great male. You are weak just like the dad that never disciplined you. My guess is you project hate on minorities because some brownskin achieved more in a generation then your entire family lineage and they happen to live near you.

Kek I am brown. It's my mom who's the brown(ish) one.

Shocked that a minority doesn't dance on your puppet strings cuck?

>b-but only racist whites would dare disagree!

Figures that the gayest trip is a shitskin.

Members of any race can be good people

Would you rather be friends with the man in this video or the "people" in pic related?

I know where I stand.

Content of character, not color of skin. And liberals have shit character.

Aw shit it's the "I hate Sports" guy

I bet he's dead now

What type of shitskin are you?

I am guessing garden variety nigger. Which, if true, is ironic because it means is right. Your dad is pathetic. Only in this case it is because he was forced to create offspring with the most human looking sheboon he could tempt into bed with a bucket of fried chicken.

>Current Year
>Actually being a democrat or a republican

Does it matter what I am?

Whatever I say you'll spout the racist meme of the week.

I am a right winger. That's all that matters here. Don't worry about what I am racially, why do you care?

California is noted for low obesity? I wouldn't have guessed that and go down to college campus sometimes that's where the real heifers are.

so much this

>After controlling for poverty rate, percent African American and Latino populations, educational attainment, and spatial autocorrelation in the error term, we found that higher county-level obesity prevalence rates were associated with higher levels of support for the 2012 Republican Party presidential candidate.

>>After controlling for poverty rate, percent African American and Latino populations, educational attainment, and spatial autocorrelation in the error term

>after we had to fudge the data in our favor


Almost every liberal I've met has been a twig. Veganism is rampant among them. Conservatives tend towards beer guts in my experience.

There's fat fucks of all political affiliations. On the right fatties want to eat as much as they can because it is their god given right and this is America. On the left fatties want to eat as much as they want and they want us to pay for it and all the medical problems that arise from it.

I will say this though, I have been to a lot of political rallies, worked on campaigns, and lived in DC. Conservative women, by a wide margin, are more attractive, in better shape, and just more pleasant than most liberal women I have encountered. Also, most liberal women that are beautiful aren't white. Lot's of shitskin beauties like Tulsi and Huma.

/fit should start an anti-fat party. Let's MAFA.

>he actually believes this

Hey faggot, there's lazy piece of shits everywhere. A political party doesn't mean shit when it really comes down to these kind of things.


>A political party doesn't mean shit when it really comes down to these kind of things.
This thread isn't about politics, it's about mindset.

>picking a side
>toeing the party line instead of thinking for yourself


Soooo much this

>They measured the flexed biceps


The Only reason FL numbers are so low is the abundance of old people that die fat before the guys doing the survey show up.


The US is 35.7% obese. 60% overweight. I doubt you asked 60% of the people you meet what their politicial affiliation are, or have never met a fat non liberal.

>right wing is mean and serious
Forefathers would cringe if they saw the state of their Union. Politics is one giant ad hominem.

have you ever seen a trump rally or a nascar event? I'm not sure you're getting an accurate sampling