Old one at 300
Body dysmorphia or na? I look like shit and get depressed at all my work is useless
6'2 187 21
Thick solid tight btw
Eh, you don't look like shit. Depending on your goals you might have to start eating sooner or later.
I mean I weigh 190.. I need to get down to 175 for the summer
thank you
Also arna looking juicy, can't tell from the pose but chest looks a little lacking ,
down to 175 for the summer?!
Dude, you need to fucking eat something.
Looking good tho man, keep up the good work
You realise it's the shitty posing and the way he took the photo that makes him look """skinny""", right?
What's wrong with my posing breh. It's tough to take your own pics. Not sure what the sarcastic skinny was for
bulk is going well
mode pls
mirin shoulder width
5 is average
I started lifting a month ago,
put on 2kg.
can you guess my bf?
19yr, 180cm, 68kg
wtf you're giving people much larger than you shit ratings, and you've been lifting a month?
go away skelly
no i stay bro,
can you guess my bf bro?
>Not sure what the sarcastic skinny was for
The other guy implied you're a skeleton and you need to bulk.
I just said it's a bad photo, that probably misrepresents what your body looks like.
You're looking good user, mirin traps.
Don't cut for more than 10lbs if you go for it.
7 looks bad except 7 is like 40% better than the average (5).. so.. its good i think?
by his own rating system his own body is like a 3, seems pretty accureate
post relaxed, full body pic for a bf estimation.
some people hold most of their fat on their hips and ass and have skelly upper bodies.
>rating people that look better than you
>one month lifting
This board went to shit
i dont need to be a gym expert and have a phd in bodylogy to rate people bodys you fucking faggot, this is just my personal opinion
If only i had been born tall as fuck, because i have an insatiable appetite that seems more suited to a bigger body. Yesterday I ate a large chicken and pepperoni pizza and a double chicken Chipotle burrito.
Did you really beat a black kid in a race? Kek
191cm 96kg sickening no progress
6'1" 162lbs.
Lifting 3 months.
i would recommend putting overhead press (barbell) into your routine to give mass to your top half. not too bad though.
Ok I'll try that out!
Abs are improving.
>10lb band assistance for standing ab wheel rollouts
Rear delts still outpacing front delts
>5lbs of assistance away from 2repping the one arm chin up
>Planche is 10lbs of resistance out from full holds
>Planche push ups are at 20lbs
Just started getting serious with levers
>Strength not determined yet
6'3 21 y/o mixraced
210 lb last i checked
Hips too wide for aesthetic frame and torso too thin for bearmode. Getting big n thick is the ultimate goal though.
Lifts at:
Was a fat kid so cutting never works because i always end up with loose lower belly skin so fuck it 15 to 19 pcnt bf it is nigga
5'11" 70kg (160lb?)
Been strugling to add mass and improve my bench. Any advice?
Yea lmao back when I did cardio I was fast
5'11" 185. Nothing special yet, but I have put on about 30lbs since September.
Have u tried joining a gym
I'd probably eat a bit more than normal and either increase my bench frequency or volume.
wat r u membering
I wanted to start my cut like a month ago but I just keep on bulking man, it's making me all soft and poofy. Pls help me I can't stop.
Rude. I've been at this for less than a year and I'm very proud of the progress I've made so far. I'd bet money I'm stronger than you were 7 months in.
All sorts of things. Its more of a reminder to keep myself grounded and focused on the goals I've made for myself.
Summer is coming
Aaaand phone fucked up the orientation
Shortest biceps in the world award goes to you
You look good here
Don't go all the way down to 175 for the summer- you'll be twig mode.
I'm the same height and weight as you and I'd consider myself slim.
If anything hold steady over the summer then start slow bulking come fall.
Reporting in from balcony HQ this morning. Beautiful day today, let's get this shit done!!
I like your kitchen desu
Too bad you'll always be Hispanic.
Is there a reason for the Men's Fitness routine??
Nice side-pose though, it's been my new favorite lately. Really shows of the delts, and once you're leaner the serratus and abs (tip: unless you need functional core strength for compound lifts, stop doing retarded shit like rolling around with an ab wheel).
He's probably an amateur gymnast or something.
Thx senpai. It's literally the one thing that sold me on this place. Idgaf about bedrooms, bathrooms, etc. Just give me a good kitchen because that's where I spend 50% of my waking time at home. Other half on the balcony, obviously.
Mode pls
I doubt anyone from Men's fitness could do those in full.
I switched from standard barbell to hybrid bodyweight about 4 months ago because the movements seemed more fun.
I've always wanted to do a one arm chin up, so I trained for it.
I got it pretty quickly and decided to train other stuff as well because my physique looked very unbalanced (still does)
That, and it keeps me fit for gymnastics.
I still do some barbell, but it's only half of my routine.
I love the side pose as well.
Not-even-close mode
dyel mode
I've done floor gymnastics for years, but I'm out of college now, so I do it on my own.
3rd string high school quarterback
work your arms dude you look like you're in a barrel with your arms coming out the top
pls be troll
Is there something funny about this? I think I'm pretty muscular
Did you defeat the nigor OP?
about 190ish here, 200 now, bit fatter/stronger
Why do you have like 17" biceps but no muscles anywhere else?
You're the cute guy that was spamming his ass pics a few months back, you seem to look worse than you did back then desu
I only do curls because biceps are the only muscles I really care about
>17 inch biceps
I'd say maybe 14
R8 m8s
Inb4 manlet
Nice troll
Proportions are changing. Angles and lighting too.
I do agree. I'm recovering from a chest injury, so I look very disproportionate. Back is much larger. I'm probably 10 lbs heavier than the last time I posted.
>dat strong core
choke me with your thighs daddy/10
Yeah, chest seems to be your weakest right now which is to be expected if you're injured.
Traps and forearms looking good, can't tell about your legs, but you're solid otter right now.
I'm still doing a slight cut for more leanness.
Front delts and chest will pick up after more recovery.
Legs are okay, but I've just gone into maintenance for them putting my focus on bodyweight stuff
Your running for was shit homie
6'2" 208 lbs. Started at 300 fatty lost down to 160 skelly and now hovering around 190-210
Progress up to today
Mode me familia
The other cbt got invaded by a crow
dont be ashamed of your belly button breh, it cant be worse than Im sure
Post legs.
how is your son bruh
looking good. stats and back?
190 lbs.
sonS. They good familia. Can't wait for them to start taking an interest in sports and fitness. Pic related is my youngest.
DL - 465
SQ - 375
BN - 265
I suck at ohp, I gave up after being able to rep lmao1pl8
Idk how to take back shots I think i'm literally retarded.
Bellybutton twins
My goal this summer is 3/4/5, take a video and edit it into a nice webm because people always think I e-stat
>taking an interest in sports and fitness
>inb4 your sons grow up and turn out to be gay fegs
I can say I have abs right even though I have to flex until I get dizzy right? Right? =|
some of my back progress, lifetime drugfree
Dont worry familia I'm already slowly accepting that possibility. My oldest has 0 interest in that kind of shit and loves to draw, and he prefers to hang out with the girls at school.
At his age I was playing provincial hockey and soccer.
Doesnt matter he'll always be my kid. My youngest will be a jock tho
6'1 and 165
Up from 140 about 8 month ago
Progress is going steady i guess
>0 interest in that kind of shit and loves to draw, and he prefers to hang out with the girls
sounds like my cousin. lo and behold, he's gay af.
i would never allow my kid to be a sausage rider. get him into girls somehow.
>taking an interest in sports and fitness
>not becoming an alpha, liked by every kid
>if my son isn't a jock he's a fag
Please, my first bf was our HS's basketball team captain, it literally means shit whether you prefer drawing or music or dancing over sports.
>my first bf
forgot this was fit we're talking bout.
Idk man I feel like one of those dads that has a hot daughter that is dating a 40 year old creeper...
I'm afraid that if I push the issue it might make it worse. Idk man he's still young but you can definitely tell he isn't going to be a jock. I spent a bunch of cash on hockey gear and putting him into sports and I basically need to drag him there every time.
And some dudes get mad pussy without playing sports. He can be that dreamy musician artist guy fucking all the hipster chicks
Im not saying that wtf
The anons are implying that. I have a bunch of friends that dont play sports that have hot women and are alpha as fuck
How do I look after half a year
Depends what you looked like a year ago
picture is after workout, but not flexing.
1month in cut, 1 more to go
>hope i'll makeit.jpg
I was 110 lbs