Anyone else geting /fit for kebab slaying?

Anyone else geting /fit for kebab slaying?

Other urls found in this thread:

>not subtly using the language barrier to bully the fuck out of refugees at your gym

I already posted about my bullying tactics with autistic names, maybe someone has them screencaped? I cant retype it all am at University

Fuck yes

date locum, plebs


>muh cwusades

Getting ready for genetic warfare, a.k.a: Racial Warfare.

Religious wars are shit-tier and outdated, for plebs of all sorts really.

>implying being strong means much for crusading in modern times
>implying it's not about dat cardio and tactics/technique
Never gonna make it. Your kill count is gonna be shit compared to manlet jet pilots and tank operators anyway.


There a good people from every race

Just not Muslims

less than 30 days till basic

>theres good people in every race

>Killing people over sand mobkey religions

Top kek you faggots are too afraid to leave your basements let alone your country

>having a latin tripcode
>posting in a crusade thread
>not knowing latin

How much of a faggot can you be

No need to fight them based on skin color

Racism is dumb

Resisting Islam is a virtue

>Just not Muslims

My gf is pretty cool and gives great head

I don't know Latin, plz explain

Then she's not really Muslim

>muh muslims are all of duh bad guise
>not calling out jews
>cucking it out by there are good and bad in every race
>not just admitting there is a need to remove the bad ones from the others and punishing ones from ours

It's as if you are retarded or something?

More cucking out on an anonyous hentai shitposting forum

My cheeks blush at your relentless faggotry.

That doesnt make any sense

>Getting fit
>Loosing weight
>Gaining muscle
>About to join the forces
>Working on the last 10 lbs
>Going to put Middle-East on dream sheet
>mfw I'll be in the tower spooning a .50 cal eyeing hadjis.

>implying labels
Get a load of this cuck

>not calling out jews
Why would you call out jews tho?

Yeah Bros, I'm simulating real military training by having my friend whack my knees with a baseball bat over and over and then doing 10 pushups.

There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish

Islam isn't a race

>Then she's not really Muslim

That's the thing about religion. Who are you to tell her that she's doing it wrong?

There are 1.6 billion Muslims in the world. Some are just like everyone else. Some are ass-backward barbarians
Can't paint them all with the same brush, or else you'd have to claim that Christians all wanna blow up abortion clinics

/pol/ pls go

>There is literally nothing wrong with being Jewish


You can paint se pretty broad strokes

Christians shooting up abortion docs is far rarer than the daily Muslim attacks globally

Have you seen the over-representation of jews pushing the acts that bring about the destruction of European people and the other Races at large?

Where the fuck have beem?!

>nothing wrong with being jewish

Well ov fucking vey and here I was thinking Veeky Forums was free from jewish influence...

>Who are you to tell her that she's doing it wrong?

In Islam the book is required to be taken literally, in Christianity doing so is a heresy. So yes, you can paint all Muslims with the same brush.

Just out of curiosity, how many crusades did Christcucks win?


Islamic countries have the highest rates of cousin/sister ducking in the world

Holy shit you could not pick a worse argument for this thread

>what is plastic surgery
>what is cherrypicking

What is there to be triggered by, Mordecai?

Reminder that SOL is into cuck porn and likes BBC.


Several? Look it up


/pol/ pls

Are you the German user that took a huge messy shit in the gym toilets and blamed it on the brown men?

Top kek

>not Germanic

Try harder..

>p-/pol/ p-plz go

How beta and submissive can you be? If you want them gone say it like a man

>implying /pol/ isn't going to grow put into other boards on here and in forums in real life
>he has a raycis opinion
>must be /pol/

>tfw Nationalism continues to grow and globalism stagnates

Feels fucking good!

Says the cuck

Fuck off /pol/

>Meine ehre heiist treue
Toting Nazi propaganda in retarded German

Jesus fucking Christ, even if I was a Nazi I would think you are degenerate

Good thing she's not from one of those garbage countries, nor is her family :^)

By whom? There's no Pope of Islam. Different traditions read and interpret the Koran differently, and ultimately, individual Muslims perform their faith as they see fit. In shithole countries where the people can barely read and they have nothing to do except interpret the Koran literally, yeah, they're monsters. In Western countries, where they understand nuance and historical context, they understand that you don't have to read every word as the literal truth

Suggesting that 1.6 billion people all believe the exact same thing is fucking stupid. Hell, there are only 14 million Jews in the world. Some don't follow any of the rules; some refuse to use a telephone on the Sabbath

I literally defended Jews up here you retard

Globalism is the future. Sorry your stepdad's job working the injection molder at the finger puppet factory got outsourced

not the poster you're responding to, but I just wanted to let you know that you're a namefag. And probably at least 6 other kinds of faggot.

White collar jobs are getting replaced by H1B visas

As much as the working class getting outsourced is hilarious to you, it's starting to ramp up for white collar jobs as well

This is a trip ode

The book itself dictates that you take every word of the Prophet literally; the westernized ones are about as Muslim as someone who prays once a month and attends Easter mass is Catholic.

>not becoming a specialist in a new field so that pajeet can't outsource you.
Wew fucking lad.

And the Bible says that prophecy in the scriptures are up for interpretation (2 Peter 1:20). Would you claim that someone isn't a Christian if they don't believe that the end of the world won't involve literal dragons and 7 headed beasts?

does anyone here have the rare race war pepe?

Daily reminder no one in those times even lifted.

*are not up for interpretation

>say it like a man
>On chinese cartoon forum

For Europa


America cant even beat Afghanistan,lul . How you going to invade them? Turkey alone would rekt most of EU alone. Why you people so stupid?

Reporting in

What are you talking about? We got exactly what we wanted out of Afghanistan

Their oil!

>why you people so stupid?

Nice try



>got what we wanted

Are Americums really this dumb? You believe you won Vietnam as well lul

In the long run yeah, there's a McDonalds in Hanoi and they sew our sneakers for us.

I mean we lost with our guns but we won with our dollars and ideology.

no but really, kill yourself