Gluten intolerance

Anyone here feel kind of weird after eating something with gluten? eg. Spaghetti

Ive been noticing this for a while, everytime i eat rice which contains no gluten i feel better than if i were eating noodles or pasta. Im asian too and asians arent prone to gluten intolerance.

Just wondering feeling is normal for everyone?

Go get diagnosed by a doctor.

You might have a mild intolerance but probably it's nothing. You would 100% know if you had something like crohns (the symptoms tend to give it away e.g. bloody diarhea).

You do know that 99% of gluten intolerance is a meme, right ? The proportion of people who have gluten intolerance is abysmal and they have real issues.
Rice is still the healthiest carb you can eat, hence why you feel better, but it's for a load of reasons unrelated to gluten.

No it isn't. But if you feel poorly after eating something, then don't eat that thing. It doesn't matter if it's imagined or real or whatever.

Asian here, on a gluten free diet to reduce fastfood intake

Whenever I eat regular bread now, it makes my stomach rumble but not as bad than before I started my diet

I guess ymmv

gluten is 100% toxic crap! avoid it like the plague! only careless stupid normies eat gluten.

Stay away unless u wanna be a fat sack of walking gluttony

Gluten intolerance isn't real you stupid cunt.

glute is lnflammatory and toxic. its literally like eating glue. clogs ur arteries, has no nutrition and has a glycemic index like sugar.

u'd be retarded to eat gluten if u wanna make it

Non-celiac gluten sensetivity literally doesn't exist

And you would know if you had celiac

Coeliac disease reporting in.
It's 10/10 fucked up.

My wife has a mostly gluten free diet as I do all the cooking and she's noticed that because she has such low levels in the system the slightest trace will make her unwell.
Is it just spaghetti? You can try an elimination diet to further self diagnose.

Gluten is protein you fucking nigger-text speaking retard.

Its not part of the amino acid profile. Fuck of

Holy shit you are literally retarded. Gluten is an elastic protein, nothing else.

Amino acids are the building blocks of all protein including gluten. Read a god damn book.

>Elastic protein

Would you eat raw elastic? no? then why would you eat gluten.


avoid it if it makes you feel better
a decent diet is naturally gluten free, you lose nothing of importance

>b-but it tastes good
not if you feel like shit 5 minutes after

>gluten is an amino acid
Lmao... Its not but beleive what you want. Youre pretty much saying people with gluten intolerance cant handle protein. Fuck off

>a decent diet doesn't have grains

Ketard detected

Why do hot peppers fuck my shit up?

Literally spicy diherea as hot coming out as it was going in.

Also beer shits every fucking time I drink.

Gluten is not an amino acid, it is a chain of them.

People with celiac disease can't handle that ONE kind of protein. That doesn't mean they can't digest any protein. There are many proteins that would kill anyone dead, doesn't chamge that most are harmless

Gluten, and even sugar. Causes inflammation even in normal people. Lol ketogetic diet.

I have a inflammatory disorder. Gluten, sugar, and inflammation. Causes a lot of extreme problems. I have no issue with anything else.

I avoid gluten and sugar with out fiber.

Possibly dysfunctional brunner's glands

Yeh I get gass sometimes and my shits are bigger if I eat glüten products but that's just what happends when you eat glüten problems.

Unless your ass becomes a blood fountain when you take a shit, you're fine. Shut up and eat your bread faggot

Such as?

>what are gluten free grains
self terminate at the earliest opportunity

hmm does that cause ass leak also?

wew lad

Such as fucking ricin for example. Read a fucking book before your spout your opinions. I actually have coeliac disease and these "gluten is actually a universal poison" faggots are still pissing me off


Wow, so what is protein exactly? In laymens term please, Wikipedia's definition is far too complex

A potent neurotoxin

Right... So that includes the protein we consume for building muscle?

A molecule consisting of amino acids.

>muh gluten meme
end yourself OP

In all likelihood your perceived gluten issues began around the time that the gluten intolerance "studies" came out a few years ago. Your mind is literally playing tricks against your body, effectively confirmation bias that every time you eat something with gluten you feel worse and not recalling the years of time you spent eating gluten and feeling absolutely fine, and the things you eat that have gluten in them that you are unaware of.

Oh shut up. Why don't you keep lifting weights to make up for being a loser in high school.

>gluten intolerance is a meme
Where did you learn that, friend-o?
Oh right: other memes.
Why don't you get a medical license before you start trying to deny the existence of food intolerances. It doesn't effect you in any way. If somebody feels better on a certain diet, who the fuck are you to shill bread products to them?
Do grain companies write you a check each month to act like such a know-it-all prick on the Internet?

No. Proteins are not all the same. The protein you eat are different molecules whi h are not toxic

I didn't deny the existence of food intolerances and did not even shill anything, I even wrote OP should continue to eat rice if it felt better
I learn facts from reading about things instead of falling for retarded hypocondriac fads, and my own uncle struggle with crohn's disease for more than 5 years
You can't even read and understand a Veeky Forums post and you come here giving lessons and insulting, and I'm the one acting like a know-it-all prick ?
Go fuck yourself

Switch to white rice or einkorn wheat. Both are far better for you than normal wheat or really any grain.

>diagnosis of auto-immune diseases
Could it be that instead of "gluten-intolerant", you ACTUALLY have an auto-immune disease?

i never thought i was gluten intolerant until i tried going on a strict low fodmap diet for like 2 months.

now when i attempt gluten i notice a distinct squirmy intestine feeling the next day that lats hours in the morning to mid afternoon without fail. even just a single cookie or sandwhich.

I get the shits if I eat wheat is it the gluten is it something else who knows! So I tend to not eat it

Did read something awhile back about its often not the gluten but the fact they spray all wheat with herbicides to get an even brown off usually right when wheat is sucking the maximum nutrients out of environment for harvest and it's the fact you're ingesting the toxins that's causing issues over the wheat itself

I was diagnosed with celiac back in 2008. It's annoying because I feel no pain or have trouble taking craps when I eat wheat, but the doctors insist I have it.

rice is easier to digest. you need to take in to account how much energy it take your body to break down the foods you eat. Personally I have the same reaction. I don't think your abnormal.

>everytime i eat rice which contains no gluten i feel better than if i were eating noodles or pasta

No, you are not. Also no "normal" farting without grains.

>People who fell for the gluten meme will never know the joys of home made bread
pretty sad 2bh

Thanks, Doctor.
I appreciate your educated medical advice! I'll call next time I have any questions for an ignorant smartass

For some reason I actually feel better when I have gluten in my die. This may be because my gluten usually comes from barley or whole wheat pasta.

>Rice is still the healthiest carb you can eat

Rice is kind of shit actually. White rice is just pure glucose, brown rice has significantly less minerals and fiber than other whole grains. I'd rather eat sweet potatoes than white rice or oats instead of brown rice.