Fat fucks

Which part of cutting/losing weight is hard?

Is it the less amount of time you have to spend cooking?

Is it the less amount of time you have to spend eating?

Is it the less amount of money you have to spend on food?

Which one is it you fat pathetic fucks?

Pic is me, pussy. Because im not afraid to show myself to you losers

Would rim/10

fat fuck/10

Not at all dumbfuck.

Goddangit Bobby

t. OP

Go fuck yourself, degenerate.

Overrated post.

There's no hard part, only lack of discipline

That ass was made for black dick

When you're so fat that you feel people making fun of you, or at least feel that way, before leaving the house, there isn't that much in your life that brings you joy.

You don't shop at normal cloths stores, you're always self conscious that people are looking at you. Basically there is little joy in your life apart from eating. When you eat enjoyable foods, your body releases chemicals that make you feel better. Because of this, you form a deep emotional connection to food. The fatter you get, the shitter you feel and the more you want to eat.

put the fork down son

Upvoted, you magnificent bastard

Thanks xD

EDIT: Thanks for the Reddit Gold!

You fat fucks have it easy, I have to do the opposite :(

Sensitive little pudgy man.

What possesses people to make these retarded, reddit-tier posts?

no it's not. we have to resist the urge to consume more

>Which part of cutting/losing weight is hard?
The part where you loose a bit of weight and inexplicably gain 6.6 pounds over easter

>Which part of cutting/losing weight is hard?
Becoming independent of a huge part of your life and a coping mechanism.
>Is it the less amount of time you have to spend cooking?
>Is it the less amount of time you have to spend eating?
>Is it the less amount of money you have to spend on food?
None of those obviously, you stupid fuck.
>Which one is it you fat pathetic fucks?
>Pic is me, pussy. Because im not afraid to show myself to you losers
Maybe you can answer that, you are fat as fuck and you ass looks like a bag of maggots

Im not fat you idiots

Not only are you fat, but there's no muscle on your flabby body.

230lb bench 5rm 35lbx8rm weighted chins 130x5rm ohp 45lbx8 weighted dips. Can you even do 80% of my numbers you fat pussy?

You are a wasteland, why are you here. go fuckinng run or something.


user pls, you are practically dad-bod.

Is that 'before' pic? Where's the 'after' pic, to see how much fat you've shed?

Those numbers would be good if you weren't 20%+ bf. Cut asap.

>not fat
Another tumblr hamplanet in denial

I can do better numbers than you, actually. Plus, I actually cut for for summer and look good instead of like a skinnyfat pig. Maybe you should try too.

Damn damn Dad-bodman

The part where you have no energy to lift heavy with enough volume, because you are permanently on a deficit.

The part where your strength (and size) gains stall hard

The part where you are permanently hungry, because you train hard

The part where you are permanently sleepy and tired

Ok you critics. Im 6ft guess my weight since you are all such experts

Is this some kind of hate projection? I mean, it's obvious that you are fat. Inexcusably so. Still, you rail on peope who are trying to lose weight lol

I didn't say I was an expert. I'm If you cut you'd probably look pretty good (you just have a lot of cutting to do).

You're probably around 200-215 lbs.


this nigga.
I guess those chocolate eggs "inexplicably" just fell into your mouth right? Practice some self control god damn it

Timestamped pic, fuckboy. Oh wait, you won't because you're a DYEL skelly BITCH.

Im 192lb and also taking creatine (which adds 2-4lb of water weight). Got anything else to say?

Cut to 170-175 and you'll look good.

Ding Ding

just one last thing

For me it's that moment before you get into bed at nite when sudden hungry attacks. And you know it's not good going to sleep with a less-than a half empty stomach.

Obviously fat gay bottom. DYEL?

>people are still bumping this b8 thread

Look at that swollen beer belly! No muscles visible. Clearly DYEL.