Scooby Trump

Scooby's posting about Trump and telling anyone who likes him to unfollow him in the comments.

I never expected him to be like that...

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I was higher opinion of him.

I did expect him to be anti Trump. I did not, however, expect him to be so ignorant of the issues and fall in line against Trump for the obviously theatrical reasons.

>Taco bowl

Pick one

I am pretty sad desu, like I knew he would not like Trump but why does he have to be like that

Not only he's extremely blue pilled, but why he's started to bring up politics? He's a public fitness persons, not a politician, he shouldn't do that

He has the right to his opinion.


Let's be honest, if he had #trump2016 and death to shillary you'd be okay with it.

He does, but frankly I dont think anyone wants to hear it

He should keep them out of his fitness blog then

the only faggot that matters is milo

fuck scooby

and anyone professional understands to keep their political opinions private.

Not really. My issue with him is that hes telling his fans to leave if they don't agree with him.

You don't see people on the right doing this, they welcome people with different opinions.


>the only faggot that matters is milo

Milo's opinions on most matters are a joke and he's a token gay for the right, he's only semi-funny when making fun of trannies and feminists.
Most fags don't even like him.

that's modern leftists for you

There are opinions and there are factually inaccurate statements supported by logical fallacies. Scooby relies heavily on the latter.
He needs to stay out of politics, it's obviously not his strong suit.

>You don't see people on the right doing this, they welcome people with different opinions.

Both sides have more than their fair share of shit heads. No matter how desperately you want to paint one side as somehow worse.

>Most fags don't even like him.

That's a good thing

hillary shill pls go

Is it his exceptionally stinky penis?

Just to clarify, you're okay with him giving his opinion, you just don't want the shunning or whatever you want to call it.

It's not, when you're trying to shill yourself as a representative of the non-left fags.

Milo is a meme with daddy issues
>stop liking what I dont like
this mentality needs to die i blame the internet but i might be wrong

dumbasses like scooby dont seem to be able to connect that disliking illegal immigrants is not the same as disliking hispanics. It's racist to assume that all hispanics are illegal immigrants, and that all illegal immigrants are hispanics. It's the natural shallow mindedness and and lack of mental capacity to try and comprehend anything outside the emotional tantrum of regressive leftists.

>hillary shill
>i enjoy people making fun of trannies/feminists

underaged stupidfag pls

Disappointed in grooby.

No the left does it far more, if you don't see that then go read/watch more news.

As a public figure why would you want to alienate your fan base? I mean I knew he would not like Trump but its wrong of him to tell his fans to leave its quite sad honestly.

Looking at the comments a lot of people lost respect for a smart man, but as soon as politics get mentioned the liberals go nuts.

are suggesting trump and his supporters don't dislike hispanics?
i am against illegal immigration but c'mon now

I don't, but read the Scooby's posts. It's not about that

That guy handled Scooby's rejection eloquently.

What a broad brush you're painting with.

>He has the right to his opinion.

When your product is one thing and you deviate from that you have become another whore.

Scoobs opinions on veganism and other ideologies are justified, because they are still fitness related.
Adding in other opinions is like Kanye West interrupting the middle of your favorite movie to tell you why he would make the best president.

It's silly and unprofessional, also it automatically puts him at odds with his fans, people that love his fitness advice, but now due to yet another outburst have been alienated by him.

you basically told scooby to shut up, he clapped back and now you are mad.
posting "stick to fitness" on his page is not disagreeing, it is rude as fuck

I don't get why everyone thinks building the wall is somehow racist and anti-mexican. It's inherently anti-illegal alien.

It's a polite way of saying this

OP here. That post was not me it was just a screen cap showing what Scooby is doing.


You mean rude.

So much this
People can have a right to an opinion but no one has to respect it

If they were capable of rational thought, they wouldn't be liberals.

i don't dislike hispanics. Illegal immigrants are a real problem here in california. Each household, by average, contributes $2300 to taking care of illegal immigrants in their education, healthcare, food, etc. There's nothing wrong with enforcing a border. 90% of heroin comes from mexican/american border. Since 2012 and Obama's stance on immigration, illegal immigrant removal has dropped almost 50%.

He's even started topping his "build the wall" line with "and then I'll put a big, beautiful door in the wall so they can come here- legally".

His opponents always ignore his arguments and set up weak strawmen to attack instead.

Fags gonna fag.

He abandoned his children to be with his gay lover. He has no dignity left to lose.

>no one has to respect it

Then you can unlike his page you dumb fuck, he doesn't HAVE to cater to your needs, either.

Rude would be to behave like a typical leftist

When you see leftists as anti-american and anti-white all of their beliefs make perfect sense.

Liberals are mentally ill brah

Bringing up politics is a great way to lose fans when youre not politically centered on your channel. He should be more professional and stick to fitness

>doesn't understand if something is rude or not in a social situation


Does anyone know if Scooby lives in the Bay Area? I swear I saw him jogging the other day, bucket hat and all

Why build a wall though?

Europe's countries have no walls and they're doing well enough. Why can't we all connect and travel across the Americas just as the Europeans and tourists do?

Gee, I dunno.

Does he live in the homo Capitol of the US? I wouldn't bet against it.

Personally I think everybody should be open about their politics. Culturally, we've put politics up on a pedestal as a thing, like an opinion, or religion, that's better left undisclosed and undiscussed.
What we should be doing, however, is discussing our politics openly and honestly. Everybody should do it. Because it shouldn't be such a divisive personal issue, but instead something in which we find common ground, or something on which we should be willing to change our opinion. By making politics taboo in polite conversation, it makes it seem as though everybody's political views are personal and sacred and shouldn't be challenged, but they should be challenged, frankly and politely, with reasoning. If you come to an impasse for lack of facts, we should be willing to admit that. In that light, Scooby is more than welcome to have and to share his political opinion, as far as I'm concerned. The caveat, however, is that he's failing to follow through. He we not explain why, in his opinion, Trump cannot be simultaneously a lover of other cultures and peoples, and against illegal immigration. That is where Scooby falls short in this instance, and where many people fall short in their political arguments.

I presume when Europeans move to a new country, they're identity is taken and they are registered as a citizen of their new country? They then pay taxes and follow the laws as governed by said country?


>Why can't we all connect and travel across the Americas

Good idea- I wouldn't mind these guys moving in next door.

Trump supporters face when the wall never materializes?

>kicking out criminals that are breaking the law is a bad thing
>building a wall to prevent illegals from breaking U.S. law is wrong
why do liberals think this

European countries share a general sense of morality and a way of life. Yeah the fine details are different, but it's western life. And everyone is willing to adopt language and culture to make it work. Neither the Muslims nor the Mexicans are willing to do this.

>Europe's countries have no walls
>no walls

You're mistaken.
There are borders between most EU countries, it's just that you could cross them really easily with just an ID.
Things are changing now with more countries closing their inners borders and enforcing stricter identification methods.

>doing well enough
Gypsies and eastern european immigrants to northern states were a problem, before refuges came along.

Order 66 on Scooby, turn on the natty overlord

>doing well enough

Pick one. Seriously.


Oh is homophobia still cool where you live?

How quaint

Very presumptive of you to assume he's homophobic.

I am by no means a libcuck but right wing folk hardly welcome others' opinion. They actively isolate themselves from communities with differing views and values.

Just because right wing leaning people don't parade their inclusive circlejerk of beliefs all over social media it doesn't mean that they aren't blue-pilled in their own respect.

Anyone who affiliates themselves with any of the shekel scroungers that calls themselves a political figure or social activist is a cuck.

They are all merchants.

Shut the fuck up. I'm sure at some point in Mexico someone made a bowl out of tortilla long before someone had the idea for "tex-mex".

Do you really think that no one in the entire history of the country was ever like "Whoa man, lets make an edible bowl out of this!" until the white man came along?

It might not be part of the traditional cuisine in the strictest sense, but people saying that a taco bowl isn't Hispanic in origin are fucking morons.

>Europe's countries have no walls and they're doing well enough.
Why are you speaking as if you have any knowledge on the subject? This statement alone shows that you have no right to speak, ever, about anything because you can't even be bothered to do a minuscule amount of research.

>Why can't we all connect and travel across the Americas just as the Europeans and tourists do?
Because most Europeans leave the country once they visit. Mexicans, however, come into America illegally and stay forever. There's a statistic floating out there that if we were to deport all illegals, the GDP would only take a hit of 2%. 2% is how much the millions of illegal aliens benefit our society.

Yeah, he also has the right to alienate his fans, which he seems to be doing.

What a complete faggot.
let me guess theres no fucking mexicans in hawaii

You just described a dish that has been made in that or other way in every corner of the world mang

like all politicians, Trump is finally showing his true lying colors.
Anyways, didn't a recent study demonstrated that the wall would kill like 100 different already endangered species, and god know how many other not on the list?
Trump need to stop being a fucking populist and start to think like a president of a nation instead of the ceo of an isolated company

Scooby just seems to suffer from cognitive dissonance. He acts like a moral figure to the nameless faceless young males. But this is the same guy who walked out on his family to marry his gay lover. The "wholesome" image he's concocted is a fraud.

Not to mention being a roider and obvious narcissist.

>Trump is finally showing his true lying colors
He never claimed to dislike hispanics or taco bowls.

>endangered species
WHO THE FUCK CARES? The whole FUCKING point of evolution is that the weak species die out.


I'm going to assume that what you're trying to say is that the idea of making an edible bowl has been done all over the world?

That's exactly the point I'm trying to make you fucking mong. People have been making edible bowls forever, so sure as shit, someone probably did it in Mexico a long time ago, so calling the taco bowl "inauthentic" is just plain retarded.

>homosexual living life based on moral inconsistencies

Wow dude, you're like, a modern Socrates. Really calling it how it is

What study? This sounds like someone parroting John Oliver's misinformation show.

I know this, it'll endanger the dangerous animals known as illegal spics.

evolution doesn't means the dead of the weak, you mongoloid. Evolution is the process of adaptation to an environment trought time, and those that aren't adaped can't pass their genetic information. A fucking man-made wall has no place in natural evolution

> Consistently blows feminists out with statistical facts

> Can't argue back because he has proof to back it up

St-stop making fun of women you wh-white male!

You're claiming that man is separate from nature? Isnt our existence a testament to evolution and by extension: our actions? Even if it is a fucking wall.

>what is reading comprehension

>walked out on his family
Tell me more Was he married or something

scooby is a jooby

Based Scoobs. He's exactly right and deep down you faggots know it.

What if every male decided to act in a strictly homosexual manner? Would this not be detrimental to the longevity of our species?

I don't know much about American politics, but I always see people rave about how racist Trump apparently is, and that he hates Mexicans. However I've never actually any of these instances or examples, and no one ever says why, just that he is.
"ARE YOU KIDDING ME?" Is a prime example.

What did he say/do?

Nothing they have no examples.

>decide to act in a strictly homosexual manner

Do you feel the need for a joocy veiny cock pounding your tight little ass?
If not, why would you """"""""decide""""""" to start liking dick all of a sudden?
here it is, faggot. And no, that link isn't just an opinion piece, it also contains the study.
Now tell me, how will your daddy make up to the world for making over 100 species dissapear because he's too much of a pussy to deal face to face with a real strategy with some illegal immigrants.

He hasn't said anything racist. He's said Muslims have a problem with a disproportionate amount of terror coming from their people (focused on the ME) and that Mexican illegals are a burden on the US. They refuse to assimilate, they drive down wages, and a disproportionate amount of illegals commit crime. Not to mention the drugs flowing from Mexico. Not once has he said there is a genetic component or that anyone is inherently fucked up.

What if I make up an extreme hypothetical situation and and ask you about the consequences?

he wants to build a wall

he wants to "prevent muslims from entering the united states until we know what is going on"

he says drugs and criminals come from the mexican-american border

he is strongly against illegal immigration

Take your degenerate fantasies elsewhere Scooby. Thanks.


>"survival of the fittest"