
How's your cut going fit?

Post your progress and whatever. Are you going to make it?

I don't think I'm cutting right. My breakfast is 400 calories worth of cereal (Some Kashi shit), my lunch is a roast beef sandwich (Whole wheat) with yogurt and a glass of milk, my snack is a banana or mandarin orange, maybe tortilla chips with guacamole, depends on my mood, and my dinner is another roast beef sandwich, with milk and an energy bar.

I think I'm consuming too many calories, but I'm too much of a poorfag to afford protein powder so I have to get my protein through foods like that.

I've started doing a challenge for myself, where I integrate my hobby, video games, with exercise. I've been playing Doom on UV with fast monsters/degeneration flagged, each death is 3 pushups and 5 squats, if I die again, that's 4 pushups, 10 squats, etc.

I might make it if I seriously reorganize my diet but fuck me I can't eat celery at all, it makes me retch.

I'm doing a half-assed cut and have been losing 1 lb per week for a few weeks. seems ok thus far.

Well considering I've lost over 10 pounds in less than 2 months (192 to 181) I would say it's going pretty well.
I'm optimistic that I'll make it!

No more soda, alcohol, junk food, and other garbage that I used to consume.
Feels good to eat healthy and drink water like no tomorrow.

Read the sticky and actually count the calories in what you eat for a bit. Cardio probably wouldn't hurt either.

doing babbys first cut
think im losing muscle mass from not eating enough
i sleep at weird times as i work at night and dont really feel like cooking in the middle of the night so need some quick and easy protein snack ideas

I'm on the same fucking boat man, it sucks. I don't even have willpower to make eggs for myself sometimes.

Whey sludge with frozen blueberries.

Fatty here. Feeling great. Been just over a month and I've lost almost 10 lbs.

I'm staying under 1500 calories per day but most days I only go up to 1300 or so. I'm usually hungry when I go to bed but most nights I fall asleep fast and for some reason I'm never hungry in the morning until an hour or two after I wake up.

70 more lbs to lose but I'm going to make it.

i know, im trying to find the easiest quickest way to cook egg whites

>tfw bulking
>tfw huge meals huge energy and gains
>tfw fatties say cutting when what they really mean is diet.

250g of chicken, 500g of vegetables with soy-sauce and sriracha


I got my meal plan from Scoobs. Now I just put the shit I don't have on my mommies list and follow that shit religiously.

Lost 30 pound gained 35.

6 months later eat only carrots and protien shakes for 3 months while still lifting and jogging. Lose 40-50 pounds. Fuck my body up. End up gaining it all back.

On the 13th of May, I will find you and I will frag you.

you ever try soup? can make a really low calorie soup that will be much more filling than a sandwich for fewer calories

200g chicken breast (195 kcals)
80g lentils (175 kcals)
20g pearled barley (70 kcals)
some spices
that's about 440 kcal and is super high protein and filling as heck.

Cut is going really well, in two months I dropped 15 lbs and will start a bulk Tuesday if all goes to plan, I just have to see if I will be going to anytime fitness or planet fitness. I really just want a place with free weights that I can lift at when it's 3 am and has locations all over because I travel a lot

7 weeks in and I'm 12lbs down.
My stomach is growling as I type.

I don't know about snacks but when I'm needlessly hungry I stream my 600 lb life

Read this

Finished a 50 lb cut over about a year, but I was feeling really weak and depleted when I tried to lift so I decided to bulk for a bit. Up 15 lbs in 8 weeks, now I'm having a hard time psyching myself up to cut again since my lifts have gone up massively and I don't want to lose them.

that looks godly user

Broke another 10 pound barrier, trying to hold off on a cheat meal until next weekend

>tfw 24h water fast (with coffee)
8h in, wish me luck

5 pounds last month, getting stronger, can't complain

30 lbs down but going too slow. Lifts are stalled. Growing depressed. Belly still present. 175 lbs at 6'1"

Been on my own interpretation of the warrior diet (macros added) for three weeks now, 5 lbs down and getting striations like a mf.

You've still got a belly at 175 6'1? Damn, I'm 189 6' and hoping it'd go away soon

Yeah but I have basically no muscle mass so that probably contributes

same senpai

I'm doing intermittent fasting, hitting calories, eating good filling foods and still constantly feel like I'm starving.

what am I doing wrong?

Bumping for the answer to this puzzling question

Just keep it up for a couple weeks, i was in the same boat, but now i could go a day or two without feeling the need to eat. But then i take a bite of something and go ravenous.

>1500 calories per day

Are you trying to kill yourself? Just go work out. Losing lots of weight rapidly will make your skin look flabby and nasty since your body hasn't had enough time to lose the extra mass properly.

I really like eating spoonfuls of Marmite/Vegemite straight off a spoon, in small licks. It's very salty and satisfies any cravings you have without the calories that eating a spoonful of jelly or peanut butter would have - at 9 calories per teaspoon, you can't overeat.

I often eat it when I wake up in the middle of the night and need to wake myself up / concentrate (on writing a paper or whatnot). I'm pretty sure that it's a placebo, but I get "salt highs" from it, akin to a sugar high (that increase in energy and alertness), without any of the sugar.

I want to make this but Im concerned about the estrogen content in the soy sauce. Looks fucking great. Mind posting recipe?

Making solid progress on my lifts but I've hit a plateau in my weight loss, not sure why tho. I still got plenty to burn off but no matter how clean I eat for a week or how shit I ate that week I stay at a constant 175. Hopefully just means I'm slowly adding muscle and slowly losing fat.

Frustrating, don't seem to be making progress. Been stuck at 160, so I'm upping cardio to 6 days/week and if it keeps up I'll cut down from my current cals to 500 less

Gone from 320 to 250 in 3 months by doing two long cycles of DNP. Got my diet in check after my gf left me and I'm pushing for another 50 or so pounds before I bulk back up.

chicken was half price jamie oliver preseasoned stuff, from the "almost out of date" section of your local woolies. Normally i just cook chicken breast with seasoning, or cook it and add it to the veggies

Vegetables is a 500g packet of home brand mixed stirfry vegetables, a capfull of olive oil, soysauce and siracha sauce to taste

more than 6.5 servings of vegetables, 260 calories for the vegetables, 412 calories of chicken, 672 calories for a massive plate of nutritious food. possibly more from the olive oil and jamie oliver seasoning, but regardless, still a filling and vitamin filled meal for a relatively low calorie cost

Last night I consumed a Joey special (2 pizzas). Today my cut begins. It's 10 AM and I'm already hungry.

Was going great today, from 7am-4pm ate nothing but half an avocado, two eggs and some salsa and was feeling great. Had to wait for a ferry, had two slices of pizza, a three scoop cone. Met mom for mothers day dinner, had baked goat cheese on oiled baguette, a big fillet of salmon in butter, a smoked black cod fillet (mum couldn't finish it), a bold of onion bisque, and a slice of chocolate Gamache, as well as 4 glasses of wine

>tfw 6 pounds away from my goal
>tfw set deadline for June 1

thanks famalam. I will eat this shit with some rice and siracha sauce

I eat chipotle marinated chicken breasts with rice or sometimes use the chicken to make some burritos like the fast food place (rice, beans, lettuce, low fat sour cream, red hot salsa etc).

In case anyone wants to make the chipotle flavored chicken, it's very simple. Buy chipotle peppers soaked in adobo sauce - you can find them in almost any supermarket or local mexican stores. Mix a can with like 2-3 tablespoons of olive oil and a few cloves of diced garlic. You can add the salt to the marinade but I prefer to season the chicken with salt while it's cooking.

Anyways, mix that shit up then dump your chicken breasts into that mixture and let them marinate for a few hours in the fridge. Afterwards, just pan fry them on high for a minute, flip them over, lower the temp and let the breasts cook by steam so that they come out nice and tender. Overall, you're adding like 100 calories to each serving of chicken because of the olive oil and chipotle peppers but it tastes amazing.

How the fuck did you need recipe for that shit?

progressing ... but I aint cutting


stats? both before n after

This sounds good, bro. I'll definitely try it.

went from 197lbs (highest) to 171lbs in about 2 weeks .. now climbing slowly to around 200 .. still trying to maintain low bf% .. hoping to lose some along the way .. main goal is 8% @ 200lbs. I'm at 179lbs right now, climbed 9 pounds in the past two weeks, been taking it slow so I don't gain fat.
fuaaark ya sick cunt

230-170 almost two years total

good job man. 2 years of hard work paid off and will continue to for the rest of your life.

You look great.

Week 8 of keto. Eating clean but not counting calories. I'm losing about 1 to 1.5 kg a week. If that stalls I'll readjust what i eat (2 eggs for breakfast instead of 3 etc etc).

I don't have cravings, although I feel shaky sometimes because I'm eating too late. Before keto I could skip a meal without any thought. Nowadays I NEED to eat at specific times otherwise I'll get grumpy pretty fast.

Hitting the gym 6x a week doing MAX OT training schedule. It's still kicking my ass everyday, but holy shit.I love that feeling after an intense workout. Seeing steady progress makes it easy to stay focussed.

Lost 9 Kg so far. Still have 18Kg to go. I'm 33% complete. I-I-I'm gonna make it...

nice gains

You have a similar body as me and have truly made me feel like my hard work will indeed pay off in the end.
You look awesome.

Great work, user

you look beautiful

183 > 174 @ 6'1 in 4 weeks. Still have 6-8 lbs to go.

Face gains to the point where I would honestly doubt it's the same person if it weren't for the scars.
God damn son.

i have 1 month, max 2 more to go. I'm 66kg trying to get to 62 but keep all my muscle. First 2 abs are visible, chest come in, love handles going away. Nearly there bros.

Today was good, thanks to IF I am currently downing 1kg of cookies and cream ice cream for my one meal of the day.

my cut has been completely derailed. nothing kills gains like dating, should go back to cocoon mode to finish up. upper abs coming through now though. also having type 1 diabetes fucks up a cut whenever i take too much insulin and have to eat fast acting carbs to avoid passing out.

>tfw looking up the calories that Stout has the night after getting wrecked at the local microbrewery

Sitting at 6ft 177 lbs ~15%BF down from 190 since April 1st and need to cut down to 170-172 by may 27th for a anime convention. I'm going to the keg steakhouse to night for mothers day with my grandma so I'm going to start my psmf tomorrow.

Currently eating ~2200 kcal a day while taking yohimbine in the morning for 2 miles of fasted cardio and ephedrine afterwards and while lifting 5 days a week. I also do refractory work so I'm quite active at work. I think I might make it and if I do I'm going to take my time with my bulk and not gain 30 lbs in 4 months like last time.

intermittent fasting and carb-cycling. losing fat like crazy.

Phytoestrogen is a meme

Veeky Forums poster child. You've inspired me.

Eating an ice cream sandwhich right now.
Not losing weight at all. Mind = Boggled.

what are some good veggies I can just eat raw?
zero time for cooking

celery (+ peanut butter)
cucumber salad (light olive oil oil and lemon juice)
spinach salad
bell peppers (yum)

Day one pray for me boys.

This estrogen thing is a fucking meme.

Let it die for fuck sake.

On a cut and running so much my skin is turning black. I want to tone it down but keep up the cardio. I found a jumping rope in my messy garage today. Is this a sign? What can I do with a jumping rope besides hanging myself?

Not really cutting but I dont want to open a new thread.

1035 pm here. Havent really eat nothing all day. Is it better to count this day as a fasting one or eating McD which is the only food I can find now?

Eat nothing or eat ff?

Carrots, spinach (get them pre washed and run em undr the tap again), celery, tomatoes.

Working well atm, just that I feel bad because I didn't start counting calories earlier. Oh well

100.5 kg (January) to 95kg (April) without counting
95kg to 90kg today with counting

Still fat though.

Don't eat McD. Willpower gains.

Even worse im not even hungry. Im just concerned I had no appetite today at all.(day between lifts, of course Ill eat tomorrow)

>spend 1.5 hours swimming today, burning an estimate ~750-900kcals
>eating 1500kcals today

I'm at 10%, i just want to get my lower abs to show and the last bit of fat to fuck off

uhhh... jump rope?

there's not really an awful lot you can do aside from that

So just jump rope for x minutes?

Cutting at 1200 calories a day, currently 179lb (10lb lighter).
Yesterday I told my sister I'd pay her £50 if I'm not 147lb or lower by October. Did I financially screw myself over?

Cutting with IF since end of March.

>only lost 0.7 pounds

Waist has shrunk by 1.8 inches though.

Should I eat the same amount of calories every day regardless of my physical activity, let's say 1600 every day. Or eat 1400 on rests day and 1800 when I did a decent amount of cardio ?

I already lost 50 pounds, probably 15 ~ 20 more to go, but I'm always hungry and it feels so slow.

You got plenty of time, keep it up user.

For whatever reason I've gotten real used to my cut and I'm not sure how effective it is anymore
Lost around 20 pounds eating mostly fruits veggies and chicken, some salads and stuff you know

I didn't eat much one day and woke up the next day hungry as fuck so decided I'd eat 3 eggs and a protein shake for breakfast at around 8:30. Wasn't hungry for almost 12 hours. Should I be worried about this? I haven't been able to lose any weight in almost a month. I'm joining a gym when my finals are over btw which is Friday


idk you could tie a weight to one end and swing it around but I'd probably just look up different jumprope techniques and stick with those. But seriously cardio is the easiest thing ever. I don't know why people need so much specialized equipment. You can literally writhe around on the floor like you're having a grand mal and burn Calories.


Damn, I'm impressed. Height? Also, what's your experience with loose skin? (220ish - 160 in little under a year myself)

routine? Also great work and some good face gains!

get your leptin tested

Just crossed the 200 lb barrier!

30 lbs to go.

>I'm doing intermittent fasting,

>hitting calories,
Good, but what are your macros?

>eating good filling foods
Are you sure? You eliminated all liquid calories, have high protein? Are your protein sources cuts of meat or shakes?

>and still constantly feel like I'm starving.
A carb refeed might be able to reset your leptin levels for a week or two, depending on how fat you are.

>protein powder is too expensive
>eating roast beef 2 times a day

the fuck

Started last July at 215 lbs, down to 170 now. Still 10 to go for 10%.

>70 more lbs to lose but I'm going to make it.
i workout 5-6 times a week and i eat 1800 - 2000 kcal ea day. :p i usually eat 3 meals and since i got the economy for it i order protein chips for snacks from some shady onlineshop. :) Lost ~33 pounds in 2 months #we are all going to make it

>get more cut

>put on large tshirt

>look DYEL

I cant wear anything above medium now

iktf brah

I use all my large t-shirts for sleepwear now