What does Veeky Forums recommend for healthy snacks in between meal/workouts? Thanks in advance.
I snack on beef jerky and dry roasted edamame
I like raw carrots. Taste great, and all the effort of eating them makes it feel like you're eating a lot
Lightly salted almonds + cheese + fresh tomatoes and peppers
my mom's weiners LOL
Would PB&J be considered healthy snack? And what about baked potatoes?
Yes and yes. Natural PB and Jam though.
Also the guide said no pizza but what if i made it all homemade except the cheese and pepperoni would it still be ok?
How fat are you?
>I like raw carrots. Taste great, and all the effort of eating them makes it feel like you're eating a lot
not to mention god tier orange mulch shits
Pizza is not a snack.
edamame tastes like a clam's asshole
i eat cashew nuts
>if I make my own cake, is it healthy cake?
I snack on these all day, they seem pretty healthy overall but am I fucking up by eating them?
I was talking meal wise not snacks but I can understand your confusion
nigga those figs aint ripe
Chubby not obese but I'm 238 currently and wanted to trade some fat for muscle. Right now I'm cleaning up my kitchen and taking out most packaged foods.
Ma niggas
No. No fucking pizza. Even if it's homemade. Your diet should consist of lean meats, greens, and brown rice/sweet potatoes if you need carbs
That's it.
238 is obese right up until 6'4
I snack on Egg mayo, tuna mayo, nuts, salami, etc. NO CARBS
Carrots with dip is god tier.
>chubby not obese
Eat celery, carrots, and peanut butter. Meanwhile chad's sitting at home eating chips