I got a delivery today

I got a delivery today...


Mine will actually fit though... because i'm an adult and actually measured the space beforehand. Has he posted new pics after he had to move it because it's too close to the walls for the barbell to fit?

I think a 1500lb rated bar is enough don't you?

Well Veeky Forums, did i buy well?

>Drilling the ceiling

I may have drilled the ceiling, but i also drilled your mum

that's a nice carpet desu

Myron D Gaines bro. How much did that set you back.. Probably a pretty penny since you bought all new from the looks of it.

no, that dresser is too small to be useful

ruined the postmans day

Those are some sweet dumbells

It's not a dresser, it's a side table with drawers.

Me and my dad drove to the depot about 30km away, a few towns over, and put it in his trailer

just over 2k, all new, but it's Aussie dollars. there wasn't the option of buying used out here in the sticks

Very useful for storing nicknacks in

>watch youtube vids of home gyms
>all of them are 5k and up
>they talk about how they had to skimp on things to save money and get it down that low
>all this junk for 2k
>2k australian
>about 1600 ameros for a brand new home gym

Congrats on buying the faggiest plates I've ever seen in my life

fucking beat me to it.

>Congrats on buying the faggiest plates I've ever seen in my life

I don't understand that at all
they are very normal looking plates to me, cast iron plates with a rubber coating, 5kg and up have handles, one pair of 20kg bumper plates. what's wrong with the weights?

rubber coated plates almost always look like this

dude look at how fucking round and shiny they are, it's hard to get much gayer than that. that's about as metro of a purchase you could make

real men lift matte square plates

>squat the rainbow

>not getting competition grade bumper plates

come on m8 are you even serious about lifting?

>South Africa