Is purging really that bad for a girl trying to get Veeky Forums or is it all just propaganda memes like with the...

Is purging really that bad for a girl trying to get Veeky Forums or is it all just propaganda memes like with the anti-marijuana TV commercials?

Purging is fucking awful. Do you really want to be throwing up every few meals for the rest of your life? Get your shit together, man.

Purging is bad. Stop and figure your life out.

>no nutrients
>body starts taking muscle, lose cool physique
>disgusting teeth and breath

What is the point of purging? Just eat right the first time and don't waste the money.

Eat less and exercise more. There is no easy or lazy way.

How about you don't eat so much that you get fat in the first place piggy?

>Your teeth will get yellow, weak and possibly fall out
>chipmunk cheeks
>reek of vomit

But its your choice, be gross if you want to

>have so little self control you can't avoid eating like a whale and have to throw up instead
kill yourself



I know, I deserve to be called that, that's why I need to throw up.

Just starve like the rest of the self hating anachans

Take up smoking, chicks who smoke are hot af.

It's will legit fuck up your oesophagus. The epithelium isn't adapted to handling the stomach acids. Not only it will cause very damaging ulcers (you'll be vomiting blood, and it can progressively get worse and worse to the point where you'll have chronic pain and won't be able to stop vomiting blood), the cells will metaplasy away from their natural configuration.

And this isn't even starting with the damage the acids will cause to your mouth and teeth.


>gross smokers breath
>yellow teeth

okay familia

i would advise against starving, just eat less caloric foods, and keep a healthy snack at hand at all times (pack of saltines, a pice of fruit, etc)
if you are not hungry you wont eat as much

>Let's ask Veeky Forums for advice on purging!

Just fuckin do it and post up a bic of that bussy too I wanna see it

>chronic acid exposure destroys your teeth
>fuck up your esophagus so much that you develop a Barret's esophagus and eventually cancer
>get Mallory-Weiss tears or a Boerhaave syndrome
>get anemic and sickly
>weight constantly yo-yos up and down because you aren't controlling it with a sustainable practice

Nah, vomiting is great for you. Retard.

Being fat has nothing to do with it, what the fuck is so hard about eating healthy low calorie food and exercising?

op is underaged and b&. just get a calorie counter app and you wont overeat.

It breeds self defeating behavior and your esophagus was not meant to handle the acidity of your stomach.

Look, bottom line is that violently forcing shit out of your stomach through the wrong hole is a dumb way to lose weight. Just replace the sweets in you diet with fruit (pineapple is really good) glean yourself off shit like soda and monster until the only thing you drink is water and start with basic running/jogging/walking depending on how fat you are right now (hitting it to hard while your still to heavy can fuck up your knees). Just remember there are people out there that never try to better themselves, but at least you want to try something. Stay frosty and don't puke (or smoke).

Also swimming might be good for a newbie like you. Good cardio and full body workout, plus it's easy on the joints if your worried about that. Since summer's starting soon you should be able to find some cheap pool memberships

It's better than you being fat tbqh. Just do it who cares, you need to stay pretty for us no matter what it takes. No one likes fat girls

Calling you a whale is an insult to whales. They're at least somewhat intelligent.

At least OP had the sense to ask if it was a bad idea or not. Hopefully they know better now.

>You'll probably lose more muscle mass than needed and greater risk of bad loose skin
>Teeth are important
>Your body will likely be affected by your malnutrition.
>You end up weak as fuck

I never had the gag reflex to purge, but I did a period of undereating, 800-12k with an hour or two of cardio, for a little under two year.
It really is better to take things more slowly