Veeky Forums humor

I want to fuck that barbell edition

>inb4 asking about my one rep maxes
>inb4 op cant inb4

Other urls found in this thread:



If I wanted humor I would ask what your one rep max is OP.


>not /hm/ instead of /b/
>not Veeky Forums instead of reddit

Holy shit


I cried

oh my fucking god desu

>/k/ helping from afar

enjoyed that

>A portrait of the modern American male, Joey represents the rampant consumerism and need for instant gratification of the degenerate and decedent west as it decays under the weight of it's past accomplishments and glory, much like Joey himself is decaying under the weight of his past choices of food and lifestyle.

>Joey is particularly Representative of America, with self love and confidence hiding his shattered mental state and his food addiction substituting for his lack of real affection, love and personal connection in a post 9/11 world where with the rise of social media people are less and less connected in reality.

>And although he clearly needs intervention and help with his personal problems and demons, he will never get it, because when somebody stands up and tries to help him, he's shouted down by the far left, who fear personal introspection and instead preach self love and that beauty standards are evil so they can live their lives without facing their own issues, hiding behind a cult like group think. And shouted down by trolls and bullies who seek to criticize everybody who has any opinion on anything, but never give real advice, seeing themselves as superior for not having real opinions and "fence sitting" when really they too fear introspection just as much as the far left cults, but instead cover themselves in a blanket of detached cynicism unaware that this makes their opinion on all matters they claim not to care about completely meaningless.

>Due to both of these groups, Joey will never get the help he sorely needs, just as these groups seek to stamp out any discussion on serious matters in all of society. Joey, a morbidly obese man who's body is dying from abuse, eating a jar of nutella ineffectually without his hands whilst wearing a Disney hat is the perfect Analogy for America, and the west in general.

If I wanted a tired, worn-out joke I'd call your mother.



wtf m8

It's my favorite greentext here lmao

>tfw you think the thumbnail is a 70+ BBW Gilf spreading her legs
> the Internet has truly ruined me

cliff notes? Im not gonna be bothered reading all that shit for it to be a huge cringe or something not worth it

omg user same

friend is haunted but doesnt give a fuck and rescues the villagers

>just clean and jerk again

Kekd hard

there's still some unnamed crabs, you could add /r9k/ in there



A good Kommando would post over watch for his Veeky Forums bro.



>it's obvious I squat.


>not ascending to heaven when you hit a new pr
fucking dyels, never gonna make it


>tfw no Veeky Forums gymbro to penetrade your angus

oh wow

Scoopy ghouls

I'd shag her.




Stop that

mixed-gender sauna? Never heard of that being a thing...


It's a thing here in europe. (Until we get culturally enriched by the jihad) :^)

I live in one of the most liberal countries in europe myself, and I haven't seen it...

What country would that be?

norway & sweden

what the fuck
I want to be in a hot room with naked girls

who wouldnt m8

These are my guilty pleasure

Give it a while user. Shitskins are mixing in. Wont be long before we go the poo in loo way. Separate everything for men and women.

>It's obvious I squat
>pentrade your angus


R9k seems to have left

shit that was worth the read

jesus christ this thread
who knew Veeky Forums was best board

Can't believe I just read all of that. Fucking lol.


>go to catalog
>control-F "chad"
>4 matches
wishful thinking senpai

That's bullshit but I believe it


>bearmode reporting in

>not wanting angus penentration
Fucking DYELs...

In Germany mixed-gender Sauna are the rule, often times on thursdays we have Ladys only Sauna, but other than that it's all mixed

>tfw he penetrates your angus


just found this


You live in both countries? That's like saying I live in Holland and Belgium.

Åk härifrån, Stian

>clean and jerk

>koha been mirrin
>i'll reward him
>by his angus he'll be penetrating

n'importe quoi

Veeky Forums is /r9k/ senpai

I live in Texas, my gym has a mixed gender sauna

Mild kek

In the same boat as these two. What's more distressing is why did I suspect this and STILL EXPAND THE IMAGE?! W-what a-am I?

Not fit but still funny.


what does summer mean?
also nice deci-doubles :^)


This happened to me but it was infront of my whole platoon.

>using a shirt as a cum rag



r9k after roids


Kek. Anyone have the original for comparison?

Cool meem newfriend

Thats very fake.

really moron?

The first two panels of each row ARE the original, the edit is the third panel that counters the comic's original argument.

this is why fit humor threads are the best humor threads

Gotcha. Thanks fampai


lol'd at the attire he went to the mansion in


Fucking lost

I was lurking on this thread when it was live, wasn't as funny back then as humorous as that sounds

Veeky Forums has done this to us. We are degenerates.

>"is Eliot Hulse"
