Check my diet Veeky Forums

Check my diet Veeky Forums

Accepting all comments, suggestions, criticisms etc.

5'7 manlet here
Used to workout, been about 6 months.

PB28 Peanut Butter on Multi Grain Bread Toasted
ON Pro Mass Gainer Protein Shake with Skim Milk

Banana with Black Coffee

Chicken / Salmon / Steak
Brown Rice / Vegetables

>Snack: Banana with Greek Yogurt


>Dinner: ON Pro Mass Gainer Protein Shake with Skim Milk

Picture is basically what I'm aiming for.

You wanna be a curl bro with no chest or traps?

You realize we can't rate your diet because we still don't know it. "I eat rice" isn't a diet. Is it 1g? 1000g? What type of rice, etc... u dumb op

>Pro Mass Gainer
Trading in your natty card?

Fair enough, you're right.

Still though, suggestions on amounts would be good.

I work 12 hours a day, so I dont much time to prepare many actual meals.

eat more for dinner

Double your lunch meat and vegetable portion , eat the same for dinner and throw out the gainer

Since I have a hard time preparing actual meals

What about if I added more for just lunch then added something like a protein bar to go along with my shake at night?

Make dinner at the same time as lunch or prepare multiple meals in advance

I made it easier to go over, and added a few things.

You need to eat more actual food like at dinner or breakfast. I guarantee you'll be hungry. Oatmeal is an easy place to get carbs too. The instant shit is cheap.

And if you've got like 2 hours to spend, you can make enough food for the week.

Gotcha, I could definitely do instant oatmeal.


>how do you want your diet famalama dingdong?
>just carb my shit up
You need to vary your fruits and veg greatly

you will be doomed to be a skinny little twig of a manlet with the little portions you are probably eating. It looks like you are eating healthy but if it isnt a surplus of calories then you ill always be small. Aim for 2-300 + a day.

Eat a proper meal after your workout.
>Dinner: ON Pro Mass Gainer Protein Shake with Skim Milk
This is not a fucking dinner. Its not fucking acceptable to call this shit a dinner. Its not a fucking dinner you fucking retard. ITS NOT A FUCKING DINNER

you eat like 4 times a day you twink

and you get like 100 grams of protein a day is this real life like this shit has me heated

So hostile for no reason.

Good input though.

Well I'm 5'7 and I weigh 135lbs so pretty accurate.

about 200 with this

are you trying to bulk?

Only a little.

Maybe to 145 lbs or so.

im gonna give you a good weight gainer shake
quarter cup of steel cut oats
tablespoon of almond butter
cup and a half of whey
handful of blueberries
a whole banana
try and up your meal count and eat more chicken and tuna with your meals

and like a full glass of milk in the shake i forgot that.

forgot to say add a whole glass of milk into the shake

Bro, I don't think this guy likes your dinner. You chill with that?

I would recommend you to get more fat, you don't actually need THAT much of protein for your current weight. Throw some eggs in your dinner, boiling eggs is easy and quick, 1 large egg has like 75-80kcal, also your snacks are lacking calories, 1 tbsp of peanut butter is around 100kcal IIRC, you can add olive oil to your shake, this will give you fat and extra calories. Good luck user

what site is this?

Those foods are all good yes. We need to know how much you're eating. How many g's of protein per day, how many g's of carbs & fats????