That guy who wears oversized clothing at the gym

>that guy who wears oversized clothing at the gym
>that guy who wears severly undersized clothing at the gym
>that guy who wears terribly-stained clothing at the gym
>that guy who wears hats at the gym
>that guy who obnoxiously mismatches brands at the gym

I seriously hope you aren't this guy. Being at the gym isn't an excuse to dress like shit.

Other urls found in this thread:

>Judging others at the gym

Never gonna make it

>that guy who leaves his workout clothes in the lockers every day and never takes them home to wash

fuck that guy

>Defending wearing hats at the gym

Never gonna make it

What's defined as a "hat" then? Because of you're referring to caps, then you're a retard.

Beanies and fedoras. Never seen someone work out in a cowboy hat but I would very much like to

>that guy who obnoxiously mismatches brands at the gym

Wtf does this even mean?

When I go to the gym I wear exclusively 5 year old + exercise shorts from costco, and free t-shirts I scored from the olympia

Don't like it? I don't give a fuck how you feel about anything.

>wears oversized clothing because I'm losing weight
>wears a ballcap to keep my hair / sweat out of my eyes

what shit form.

>the 130lb guy in the Golds Gym stringer vest
>The guy who sits on the bench having a phone call
>The guy who grunts for every rep on the bench whilst his spotter upright rows each one

>that guy who wastes clean perfectly fine shirts on a workout instead of just using whatever shirt he grabs from yesterdays laundry pile

>those old women doing lunges everywhere in their saggy yoga pants

Maybe you should stop checking out the dudes an actually work out.

>that guy who wears clothes at the gym

i hope you're not this guy, Veeky Forums

>the zumba class girls

>That guy who yells when he finishes his set (not grunting, yelling)
>that guy who throws the bar/dumbells down like he's trying to kill a tarantula

people do that...?

>that guy who smells like shit
it's you, isn't it?

>that huge guy sitting on the bench eating an apple and chugging a gallon of strawberry milk

yes. oh my fucking god yes.
specifically, one guy at my local gym. he doesn't even lock his locker (you have to buy your own padlock), he just leaves it open, stinking up the place.
he sprays himself and his clothes with axe every day to hide the smell but it's no use.

Not really, because unlike you I'm not a fat fuck who sweats profusely on his desk job. Also it's the fucking gym. Who cares if you don't smell your best?

You want to smell everyone else's funk while you're working out?

Uh I care. I don't want to smell your funky ass while I'm breathing deep into my diaphragm

Wearing a hat at the gym is 99% of the time insecure roidboys covering their tren+mast balding.

Wearing big baggy clothes is (aside of fatties) hiding roid gyno and acne.

>who cares if you don't smell your best

You're kidding right? When I'm in the gym breathing heavily because I've got my heart rate up, the last thing I want is that air to be filled with some sweaty fucking brown guy's stink who obviously didn't shower or wash his kit lately. You are obviously one of these guys. Fuck you, you piece of shit

>those guys who wear a massive hoody until they get a pump and then strip down to their string vest

I just get the t-shirt I care the least about, and I sweat and spill my drink all over my clothes at the gym. It's a gym, fuck off.

i wear oversized clothes occasionally because it reminds me of when i was a fatass so fuck you

>Nike shirt
>adidas pants
>nike shoes

why do you care what other people do or wear as it has nothing to do with your ass

>that guy that dresses up like he's in a club

I hate that guy. What the fuck is the point of wearing a gold necklace in the gym? Fucking guidos.

Do you have autism?

I didn't even realize until now

>those people who for some reason carry a jug around the gym with their placement on an IQ bell curve on it (bottom 5%)

Rich Piana wears Gucci + Prada to the gym

i can understand all the others, but a hat? Come on get real fags

Rich piana is an insecure faggot

>that guy who wears Jeggings or sweatpants because:

>no legs

If you treat the gym as a fashion show you'll never make it. Ill keep lifting in my stained, ill fitting clothes and save my good stuff for when I take your Mom to dinner.

My hair gets poofy and weird looking when I sweat so I wear a hat so I don't have to feel self conscious...

> Wearing clothes at the gym
> Making it
Pick one

>spending your time at the gym looking at and judging other people's clothes as if it matters in anyway
>not focusing on gains

i don't think you're using this gym place correctly

Bullshit. It takes no time to have clothes that don't make you look shitty. I'm not saying you need to be one of those dudes who has expensive special gym attire and clearly put too much effort into his 30 min at the gym. But be presentable. Don't look like you don't give a shit. No matter where you are.

>the guy that complains about all of this

males are so fucking naggy and complainy

>That guy who wears clothes at the gym

>the guy who exists

Wearing nike shorts and adidas tee for example. Don't know what's wrong about it though.

you're not allowed to wear them at my gym
thank god, i hate faggots with snapbacks

I was at the gym today and three dudes came in, two of them wearing baseball caps pointed backwards.

I hate these people.

>that guy who lifts with his wife's son while wearing basketball shorts and yawning.
>that guy who makes 'that guy' threads.

>that guy who covers himself in cologne/axe/some other such shit before going to the gym

>that girl who sprays herself with perfume before going to the gym

>that guy who carries around his gallon jug of water at the gym

>that guy who wears his belt to do curls and bench

>that guy who has his phone out after every set snappchatting himself at the gym

No, really, why do people dislike others wearing hats at the gym?

guy who overanalyzes every man he checks out at the gym.

What about the third?

He was just some fat ginger dude. Not mega fat, just fat.

>that guy with cum stains on his shorts

That guy is me

It is an excuse. I'm a perfectly sociable guy everywhere else and half assed fashionable, but I'm not in the gym to bullshit with people and try to look good. I'm there to work out.

nobody in my country wears hats, only 50 year olds and kids/douchebags who wear snapbacks
so if my gym allowed hats, there would be 100 fags running around with snapbacks

Snap backs are dumb as fuck. But I like my baseball cap to catch the sweat. Bill kinda works like blinkers too.

>that guy who wears sandals to the gym

I've seen it. Red slides.

>the 120lb frat doosh that lifts in Sperry's, hat, and a stringer

im in the same boat bro, i literally wear whatever the fuck. it used to stress me out but i learned quickly that who the fuck cares what people think

Do their hats hinder your lifts at all though?

fuck off Veeky Forums

>that guy who wears clothing at the gym
>he hasn't heard about "no homo" yet

>in a cowboy hat
Today is your lucky day

>that group of indians who wear polo shirts to the gym and stink of curry and cheap gainer powder

Not bullshit. I go to the gym for one person. Me. I dont give the least bit of shit about the clothes I wear there as long as I can hit atg in what im wearing on my legs and what im wearing on my torso allows for proper shoulder movement. I don't give a fuck if I smell I dont give a fuck if I have some ketchup on my shirt or its ripped up a little. Im at the gym to work out. Not to interview, not to date or interact with women folk, I go to fucking lift some heavy goddamn weight and that's it.

I feel bad for you if you need to seek approval from your peers to the point where you might feel uncomfortable wearing a piece of clothing.

Oh jesus

>like you give a shit
But user, we actually don't give a shit when we're at the gym.


Worse than cross shit and frog shit by mike

If you smell like shit go to fucking hell Pajeet

this is killing me senpai

I wear a baseball cap because I actually have hair.

I once wore my powerlifts on push day on accident and I caught some nerd staring at them in anger.

Save this anger for the race war guys you're just wasting it here.

>that one shredded native American dude who wears fucking moccasins in the gym
>friends and I start referring to him as "Squatting Bull"

what a fucking legend

>wearing clothes at the gym
Home gym masterrace

>that guy who drinks water between reps
>that guy who hogs the barbells doing flies
>that guy who has a shit memory and takes notes while working out
>that guy at the gym who isn't you

Lol fag

>that guy who wears oversized clothing at the gym

I can't help it brah, I've dropped from 375 to 260 and I ain't buying more clothes until this cut is finished.

>pooloo shirts

>I don't give a fuck if I smell
I agree with you but you can't just ignore a smell when you're exerting yourself. Please be considerate.

Disgusting gym culture attire is the only clothing that annoys me

Either by annoying DYELs or juicers

I've never seen someone who's all TA and no rectus abs or obliques.

How many stimulants is this guy on. He drank all the redbull

also I'm stains guy. yeah.

I used to wear moccasins to the bar. Once I get swole, you've given me a great idea.


>that mouse who pooped on the shelf right where you put your head for squats

One day I have to shop vac that whole area

>that guy who wears oversized clothing at the gym
I was heavier when I bought a lot of my clothes ok?


Fucking this. Can't be buying new clothes every 50lbs

Wearing hats that keep your temp high and keep sweat out of your eyes.
Maybe try actual effort at the gym sometime you twink faggot.

Quads of truth

me too
Black Nike shirt
Black Adidas pants
Black Nike Roshes

>that one fat fuck who thinks he has the body to wear one of these types of shirts
>all he ends up doing is secreting fast food oil onto all of the equiptment

>giving a shit what people wear

Fucking degenerate
I hope you're trolling

>kill yourself
>buy deodorant
Pick one

Because it's obvious you're roiding (aka a cheater) if your under 30.

>I don't even have common courtesy and think it's perfectly acceptable to make everyone else smell my funk.

Are bandanas acceptable gym attire? Because I wear one at the gym every time I'm there. I have a collection of them. All different colors.

Only if they blue Cuz

I'm white. Please never address me with this jewery again.