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You will never have a qt hand you a low-carb beer at the front gate after a hard days work...


Keep making threads and sooking to yourself about it that will help

>low-carb beer
You're better of drinking water than those american beers.

Dont you worry. I will.

You will never drink beer if you want to make it.


Fuck off you queer.

>low carb beer
>calling someone queer

>A fat keyboard poofter who pretends to lift without contributing any factual information about low carb beer to this thread...

My total is 620kg desu senpai, and low carb beer still tastes like shit, you must be american who is used to watered down shitty pleb beers like bud, miller and coors.

This is now a high test thread

I didn't realise I wanted this until now.

Thanks user.

Farm girls appreciate hard work, they're perfect for a fitizen

>tfw farm gf mires my body

Let's stick to country girls and not the heifers they raise.

>The completely normal 25 year old girl at work?
>The shy, cute asian girl in the library?
>The glasses wearing girl next door?
>The loud, fun loving latina chick?
>The bisexual tumblr girl with dyed hair who talks about privilege all the time?
>The fat hambeast who posts her pics on /soc/ for validation?
>The femanon who you have on skype and you really like but pretend not to so you don't seem desperate?
>The ginger haired musician?
>The slutty girl you knew in high school but was always kinda nice to you and seemed to have a sweeter side?
>The asian girl who's westernized but is also somewhat traditional?
>The jewish girl who is kinda quirky and clumsy?
>The pretty girl with the soft voice you have on steam and sometimes talk to?
>The redhead who was in your guild a few years back?
>The neighbour who sometimes smiles at you?
>The autistic chubby girl, who can barely speak and makes strange noises?
>The girl you once saw in town who had down's syndrome?
>The smart black girl with glasses?
>The dumb black girl who is pretty funny?
>The hot, plump blonde girl with glasses with that infectious smile?
>The really skinny, quiet girl who used to cut and has an eating disorder?
>The arab chick you spoke to on omegle one time for hours and she seemed to be really into you?
>That polish girl who goes to your university and seems really shy and only has a small group of friends?
>That girl with really strict muslim parents who always wears a veil and you are sure she is a virgin?
>The girl from south africa with that great accent and attitude?
>The somewhat reserved, somewhat extroverted white girl who wears beanies and likes rap?
>The family friend you've nearly your whole life who you like but you don't see her in that way?
>The muslim girl who is married and is shy and you've never heard her speak?
>The homeless girl who drinks alcohol under the bridge and asks for some change?
>Your fat friend's older sister you used to crush on?

All of them want Chad.

>pretends to work in dirt
>completely spotless in a white shirt

At least she's wearing the right clothing for optimal movement.


>low carb beer
faggot there's plenty of other foods which you can find carb or fat light alternatives of, you leave beer the fuck alone

>mfw I'm about to erect a cabin and split some wood right onto my phone after seeing her

>tfw no qt /fit bf to live with on lots of land with dogs and horses

Now if these were the girls you'd find on FarmersOnly I'd set..

Great taste in girl. 14/88.

Bunch of fucking pussies.

I am Chad.

That's not a qt farm gf that's just a random slut pretending to be one.

I live in the Texas country side. Most farm girls are just typically fat. Drink budweiser. Wear a lot of camo and get boned by the redneck speed addicts. Not appealing/10.

This holy shit. I grew up in pennsyltucky and I can honestly say I know 1/too many chicks that I would consider hot that are actually "country"

Yinz'll just have to keep looking

Farm girls generally look like farm animals.

eastern oregon reporting in, and same. looks like it's a nationwide phenomenon.

Thanks for making me vomit you disgusting looking faggot.

>cutoffs and a clean shirt while "working on a farm"

fucking lel

>calves as big as quads

I'm not sure how I should feel about that





Plus all the hice in the background. That's just a damn allotment.

You do know what the 88 on her shirt means right?
>tfw it makes her even hotter

Look more like a Brad

my god you're so jelly

Am I Chad if girls want to fuck me a few times but never be in a relationship? It's also exclusively if they're already with someone.

I don't know what that makes me.

give us your story, chad one

Look more like a Tad.

You look kind of mad.

You look like you miss your dad.

You'd look much better in plaid.

>Nazi scum likes latino girls

You look like your fitness is just a fad.

That shirt's rad.

Your neighborhood looks bad.

skinnyfat thighs
pristine clean white t-shirt
>farm girl
clean hands and fingernails
revealing clothing, while real farmers wear clothing for sun protection
no sunspots on skin
skinnyfat thighs
no dirt anywhere on body
>farm girl
>not another attentionwhore posing for a picture with clean hands, clean tools, and gross mashed-potatoes running down to her knees
>farm girl

into the trash

you're a faggot, m8


this post makes me sad

I live in Arizona. This is an extremely accurate portrayal of the two dozen people who don't live in Phoenix, Tucson, or Flagstaff

for witnessing this post i'm glad

Not him but we have a really good selection of craft beers in America now. It's not the 70s anymore. The only people that drink budd are rednecks and people playing beer pong.

That's just a whore standing in a garden.

Most "farm girls" are chubby to overweight. Few are actually in good shape. And they typically dress in worn jeans, worn out cutoff tee shirt, and worn shit kickers.

you bout to call a cab?

>tfw no strong peasant gf

>white people goals

Very dutch


Honestly this is my oldest fetish.

>No safety goggles
>No hard hat
>No gas mask
>No safety shoes
>Bare skin
>Loose hair
0/10, wouldn't employ

U even lift lad?


You're the reason North American industry is dying.

Wew lad

>work production at a winery one summer
>8/10 country/southern qt3.14 with 10/10 physique works vineyard with me
>has perfect fat distribution and hip genetics
>she was 19 at the time
>Her personality screamed, "procreate with me" unintentionally and tastefully
>start talking to her about exercising
>she goes to the gym 4 times a week
>"Yeah, I really don't like anything except free weights. I just feel like I'm doing so much more when I use them instead of machines."
>Was crushing on a girl for the first time in forever
>She's uber religious
>Has shit taste in music/how to spend her free time
>About as interesting as a sack of rocks aside from lifting
>Still a super sweet girl

Hold me brehs

Women are not books, they're not supposed to be interesting.

I came

Safety regulations makes NA industry so expensive you can't compete with an indian skeltal?

>safety regulations
Who needs that? One worker dies, get ten others. Free market will fix it.

8/10 not bad

The amount, severity, and aggressiveness I would inseminate this woman gives me pause.

Yes, lets all become engineers, directors and consultants then we just employ sandniggers, mexicans and niggers until all of them die.

You should check this:

The god of capitalism has spoken and so it shall be.

>All of them want Chad.
and his pizza.

pls be in Volgograd

Chad has evolved into... no commitment Chad.

>won't have to commit to one girl
>won't have to deal with romantic drama
>won't feel bad if you cheat on someone

>you still won't have a long lasting gf, if any at all

You need to smile in your pics, lad.

Do I qualify as Asian chad if I can bench 225 easily and have a motorcycle?

>that's just a whore in a garden

Just kek'd so hard I peed a little.

worst shoop ever

Please post more aryan girls in wheat fields

What's up with the face? You look like you need to change your pad


This. No farmer is going to wear jean shorts or a bright white styled tshirt. Shorts arent gonna protect you from shit and that shirt is gonna get all sorts of dirty if shes doing any real work. I live in a country area and most country girls are chubby and can probably outdrink most guys on here.

the replies to this post are reddit

your face is reddit

its just the shadows and the angle


>drinking the estrogen jew

Oh crap, the ministry of fun is here.

there's this cute girl in my gym (looks like pic related just younger) that sometimes looks at me during rests even if the gym is full of other people. a few days ago i was driving home with the train sitting on a 4 person seat 3 of them free. i see her walking past me and then after a few seconds she came back and sits on the seat across from me. I look her in the face and smile, she smiles back but my autism made me look away really quick.

seeing her like 3-4x a week in the gym but it's rare to see her outside of it, what can i do? how to approach her? got work experience in the gym soon and hoping to start a conversation with her when she orders something or checks in.

What the fuck is wrong with people that they get off to this shit


how about you suck my nad